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Everything posted by elhonez

  1. Destiny and Forge are definitely dead, according to this. If you count Banshee, then who would be the fourth? Could this be a nod to the "Death of Wolverine" storyline that's occurring, presuming the lineup is close to correct?
  2. It could be all three ladies from this pic in one pack (heads) - Storm, Jubilee, Psylocke. Guys could be Wolverine & Gambit in one pack, then Forge, then Banshee. Banshee & Forge = new characters. Wolv = non-59, 19 crossover. Women = new looks. Then Destiny/Blob/Pyro/Avalanche. 4 women, 7 guys. ...they could get extra sneaky and make Banshee classic green & yellow, so you'd need the other pack to make his Blue & Yellow look.
  3. Being a California kid, I can't speak to his popularity in the UK, but for the record I would totally buy a classic CB mini. If anyone's asking.
  4. Quicksilver is tangentially related? Inhumans? Black Bolt would meet the requirement of only one hero re-do... or it could be in reference to Quicksilver's membership in the old brotherhood.
  5. elhonez

    TRU 19

    I had customized the old Quicksilver to have dark shorts, so I'm definitely happy to see the style of this release. Ronan is a can't-miss, and I'm excited to see the rest of Mysterio. Good stuff!
  6. I'm happy to know others recognize some of these guys... I'm a huge sucker for all things 70s/early 80s Marvel - it's the era I came up reading comics. The bronze age was full of so many colorful, creative costumes and wacky one-off characters. I wanted to focus on tackling a bunch of characters that had real distinctive personality, but that had virtually zero chance of being included in any future releases. I will probably get around to some more uniquely Iron Fist villains at some point, though my target list there is shorter & I'll probably take a break before I get started. Not as weird as my irresistible compulsion to make him...
  7. Thanks KF! Yeah I guess it was a pretty long process... At first I was working on a few as parts came in and time permitted. But as I got closer I stepped it up in the last month. Did these over the course of a year, while not working on them exclusively. (except maybe Nightshade, which I may have finished 3 years ago)
  8. Shameless self-plug... I've just completed a bunch of Luke Cage villain customs, with varying degrees of difficulty (with some being quite easy mods). Take a look.
  9. Because no one demanded it... I have obsessively cranked out 18 "mostly" EZ Power Man villain customs. Inspired by the upcoming Defenders series, an episode of Earth's Mightiest Heroes and the "Flashmob," here are a bunch of cool C-listers who have menaced Luke Cage at one time or another. Since I amassed these over some period of time, I will not always recall exactly what parts I used, so bear with me. I have also somewhat stretched the definition of "EZ" to include some decals, minor X-Acto work, and Sharpie paint pens. WAVE 1: Partners in Crime Spear and the Mangler Brothers who both had axes to grind with Cage. Spear is a Doombot with chest, wrist and ankle decals, orange hands/feet, the diver from Creature of the Black Lagoon's spear gun painted yellow with a Sharpie paint pen, Deadman's collar painted orange with a Sharpie paint pen, and a white head with a decal. The Mangler is black legs + Doombot feet, maybe Blade's (?) torso and arms, fingerless gloves perhaps from the Expendables, black wristbands, BSG Simon (?) head, a belt from X-Men First Class, and an FA Beast mask. Discus and Stiletto Two more brothers, the sons of the warden who was disgraced when Cage escaped Seagate. Easily enough motivation to become super villains back in the day... Spear is a FA Ryu hair with headband painted yellow (again with the Sharpie paint pen), Skrull collar & Chun-Li loincloth painted blue, I think a Longshot head, Spectre chest, Walking Dead Maggie t-shirt arms with red bands pushed up, some Asgardian wrist guards, white legs, red boots. I added an Invisible Woman shield for a discus. Stiletto is a blonde flat top on someone's intense looking face, 2x Longshot bandoliers, trimmed with an X-Acto and painted yellow, Red Tornado arms, Cylon wristbands, a red torso & legs, a yellow pouched belt (I may have painted this), and yellow boots. Piranha Jones and Cockroach Hamilton Gangleader and enforcer, Jones has Jaws-like choppers, and Hamilton has a 6-barrelled shotgun named "Josh." It's a pretty tame name for overkill. Piranha is I think Zeddmore hair on a Blade v1 head, a blue suit over a red chest I highlighted with a yellow pain pen, using tiny masking tape to create the edges on the sleeves. Cockroach features a Logan hat/hair, a Doc Brown duster, and I think another Blade's head. I sawed up three Sin-Eater shotguns with an X-Acto & re-assembled them with crazy glue. Big Brother and Cheshire Cat Big Brother is sort of surveillance-themed, and is a big "brother," get it? Sigh. While BB is now long forgotten, his lackey Cheshire Cat went on to join the Flash Mob in recent years. Big Brother uses She-Hulk arms and legs, a Green Goblin torso and gloves, an X-Acto trimmed Borg headpiece painted pastel green with Sharpie paint pens, and a head that is probably too unreasonably happy for the character (Miles Dyson?). I also created a decal for his chest. Belt cap is from Jane Foster. Cheshire Cat was a pain... I used a black suit (Almeida?), and this very tiny hobby masking tape I discovered. Took some time but I used the tape to wrap around the figure to create lines I could then color in with a yellow paint pen. I'd have done orange if I had it to do over again. Head is 70s Blade, hat is Rolento w/ ears painted black. Shades and Comanche These guys are basically low-rent Cyclops and Hawkeye. I've always liked their look. They were prisoners in Seagate along with Cage, and would later be outfitted with high tech weaponry in the employ of various criminals. Shades uses Ult X Cyclops' head, with hair Sharpie paint penned black. I believe the head is from the Terry Crews, collar is Ilia Probe paint penned white, same for the Air-Walker shoulder pad harness. I think arms Crews, some gold wristbands, Spectre chest, 2x Daredevil holsters, 2x guns (maybe Skrull or Kree), old school Iron Man belt, Angel legs. Comanche was fun - key elements: X-Force Wolverine boot cuffs, loin cloth from the Native American pirates character, Tekken Raven arms w/ perhaps Jim Lee Cyclops bands, yellow gloves, knife & holster, Dark Hawkeye bow & quiver, Akuma necklace, Zombie Cage hair painted with red stripes, and decals for chest & face. WAVE 2: Masterminds & Solo Acts Power Master Sortof the anti-Cage. John Bushmaster gained power greater than that of Luke Cage. Blade I hair, Zeddmore head with white temples painted on (Sharpie paint pen), chest cap painted white, then gold elements painted. White legs & dark skinned arms with gold paint pen bracelets, feet & shins. Mr. Fish No one Everyone laughs at Mr. Fish!! Yeah, um, here's a dude who looks like a fish. Abomination cap, elements from Creature from the Black Lagoon, chest from the first Silver Centurion IM, arms from DD? shoulder holster from maybe Uncharted? Belt from Yellowjacket, plus a sweet custom head decal, and top-of-shoulder decals you can barely see. Gideon Mace A dude with a mace for a right hand. Ex-soldier with a grudge against the whole nation. For Gideon, I used a gray flat top, an angry face (Shocker?), Silence of the Lambs Clarice jacket, either a Hawkeye or Thundercats mace, handle cut with scissors to fit in the hand-hole, a brown belt, tan legs, X-Force Wolverine boot cuffs & black feet. Senor Muerte He, uh, had a roulette wheel on his chest. Sorta Two-Face like in that if the right number lit up, it meant one or the other of his hands would be charged with a death-touch of electricity. Mega easy custom, super lame character. Hair is from Sunspot or the Eastwood box sets. Face is Terence Howard's Rhodey. Arms are Red Tornado, yellow gloves, buff red chest, red lower body, Ult X Jean Grey chest thing, fire-hand effect. Chemistro Finally, someone we can recognize. Hulk hair, custom decal head & chest (on DD chest), recent Colossus arms/legs, Best Of Punisher belt/holster, Stilt-Man gun, red gloves & boots. Big Ben Donovan Rather than going classic with this guy, I chose a more modern appearance for ease of execution. He's a lawyer with a long history with Luke Cage, who also happens to be titanically large and strong. It's just Mr. Fixit with Rhodey's head, hands painted brown with a Sharpie paint pen. Nightshade This unique villain is a super genius and mucks about with werewolves. There are some Mirror Uhura parts, I believe I used a regular Sharpie and a steady hand to color over her top, I don't recall if the head is Uhura or from BSG Dualla, black gloves, a belt from perhaps BTTF3. Montenegro Because the world needed it: A climbing-themed villain. Somehow this guy made two covers of PMIF. Why did I bother? I'm still not sure... Red hair (DD maybe), Walter Peck head, Ghost Rider collar/chest, Walking Dead backpack, Tomb Raider axe, black limbs, Longshot belt, blue gloves/boots, Wonder Woman lasso, movie Hyrda gun painted yellow. BAM. Obligatory Group Shots: Now all we need are updated versions of 70s Power Man and Iron Fist... Feedback welcome... enjoy!
  10. Did I need to specific that I wanted a bonus kit, or are the automatic for those who ordered 3 sets "under the buzzer" ? REALLY looking forward to this set!
  11. Hey Luke, still have any of those bonus kits available? I've been waiting until a few more items are released this month so I can make a big purchase all at once, but if I need to pull the trigger now..
  12. I'll play! 1) Mandroids, classic of course 2) Mindless Ones 3) Humanoids - the Leader's army
  13. I also learned something else that really helped - when I print, I have the option to allow either my printer or Photoshop to manage the color - when I selected PS, the colors were more true to the source doc.
  14. Ah, very smart. Thanks for the tip! I'll run a few gradients & see what works...
  15. Does anyone have any tips on color matching? When I print to the glossy sticker paper, things seem to lighten up from the source doc, and perhaps lose a little "B" from their RGB values... Are there Adobe PS guidelines for how do adjust an image's color to get it to print as expected? (e.g. lighten by x%, or add ## to the B value, etc.) When I print to regular paper, the color looks right.
  16. Really looking forward to some new villains... In the interim, I will be passing the time with a ridiculous set of "moderately" EZ customs, soon to be posted, which cover an obscure corner of the Marvel universe. REALLY cover it. To varying degrees of success (they are EZ after all). I suspect they will be done before we read the announcement for Wave 60...
  17. That Dr. Strange photo cracks me up... it looks like he's barely containing his fiendish glee with that shit-eating grin, like he farted and that woman behind him has just begun to smell it.
  18. It's the fringe that makes the costume (John Wayne ain't got nothin' on his fringe game, hell no...). But I suppose it could be done using forearm and shin decals with Luke's templates and sticker paper (on red arms & legs), then a very steady hand with yellow and blue paint on Ken's red gi. But hey, Shang Chi. He's one of those 70s dudes that would be great in a box set together, just for being 70s solo titles or features... Machine Man, Man-Thing, Jack of Hearts, Master of Kung Fu. Omega the Unknown anyone? (too unknown?)
  19. He might as well be obscure by the lack of action figure love... it's quite honestly a crime we don't have him yet:
  20. Unguessable? Interesting. "The other half has been guessed already" might seem to indicate Brotherhood or Wrecking Crew, the tidiest suggestions of 4x characters. Either of which would be completely rad. Unguessable means probably no obvious choices of classics, like Black Knight, Classic Falcon, Sunfire/Banshee, etc. Power Pack? But no, that's four new characters. What are four "unguessable" heroes, one we've already gotten? New thing about these specific figures... do they "link up" in some way? Interact? Have BAF pieces? It could be three of the Runaways, plus an "anchor" hero. That's nigh-unguessable.
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