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Everything posted by elhonez

  1. I forget, are we going to see these (designs) Sunday?
  2. Rhino: armored 80s version Shocker: classic Beetle: 80s version Boomerang: classic Speed Demon: comic version [because we have a great Hydro-Man] Spider-Man: variant
  3. In all seriousness, it occurred to me that The Hood could also be a good choice to work in there somewhere.
  4. It's been a wait, but I'm really looking forward to these reveals! I think we can intuit what the heroes set will be, so I'm very intrigued to see the villains set.
  5. I read the same -- really hoping they're going with a classic green "composite avenger" look.
  6. Parts-swap character could be a Hand Ninja that can turn into Kirigi, too. Or a Leap-Frog that turns into Frog-Man?
  7. I'm very much looking forward to Wonder Man, Adaptoid and the Hawkeye pack if this list pans out.
  8. My update here is that both the Yellowjacket and AIM torsos ended up looking a little too dark, and didn't stand up to the bright yellow of the Cyclops pelvis piece. All part of the process! I used my existing collection to test this, so thankfully no exorbitant AIM fees this time. I happen to have a s**t ton of Moloids, and even though the color is less saturated, the yellow ended up pairing better. I'm not a fan of the wrinkled, anemic chest tampo, but the big plan will be to have the Colossus torso cap cover most of it anyway. So... getting there. I have a cheap-ish V1 Colossus on order coming soon. I am using a First Class (comic) Angel bracket for the wings, and I'm guessing I'll have to trim it and glue it to the back of the Colossus cap. Paint will entail blue for the belt, red for the trimmed edges of the Colossus cap, and yellow to cover the trimmed surfaces of the wing bracket.
  9. Writeup at Toy News International. Here's a photo:
  10. Hmm. Cardiac is a good guess. I like him visually more than Coldheart.
  11. I'll admit my Owl and Gladiator "guesses" were really more fan-service. (to myself) Of my picks, those would be the two I'd have the least confidence in. But y'know, Owl has Spidey crossover appeal, and we know Chuck loves Spidey... Regardless, any slice of these being included is a guaranteed "buy" from me, since I love me some Daredevil & Daredevil-adjacent characters. *Editing for Clarity* -- when I say any slice of "these", I mean if any of my 6 picks were accurate I'd be stoked. Zach your omertà is noted and appreciated, you O.G. you.
  12. Based on Freaqualizer's question, I'm gonna say "Coldheart" after a perfunctory Google search. Do I win a no-prize?
  13. I dipped out of comics in the 90s, so I will be even more useless than normal for this guessing game. This is the part of trivia night where I go up to the bar to buy a round of drinks for everyone. 🍺 🍺 🍺 🍺 🍺
  14. Frequalizer, I did some early proofing and it looks like this could really work. I'm using the legs from a Santa Jack Skellington with black feet, and I attached them to a S68 Cyclops pelvis (with the 70s buckle). The colors look great with a Captain Mar-Vell head. What remains: I will probably use either a Yellowjacket or AIM Solider torso, but I need to track one down. I would prefer to use the S68 Colossus overlay because it has a better tampo (chest detail), but seems pretty hard to track those down these days so I may need to abandon that in favor of the old school GSXM box Colossus. Once I find my overlay, I'll probably super glue a wing bracket to the back. I need to identify a hair cap, preferably blond, that just sits on top, like one of those Hulk pieces. I'm sure I have Thor bracelets lying around somewhere, so that would complete it.
  15. Yeah it was cool to see those beat the buzzer on the shot clock.
  16. Definitely need a Doop. For the Starjammers, you can add Sikorsky and/or Cr'reee. Odin has Huginn and Muninn, the Ravens.
  17. Holy crap! And I thought I was organized... I have a spreadsheet with hundreds of potential "recipes," but my parts are a great big mess. This is an inspiration Luke!
  18. Daaaaammn. The VHS colors really pop. I love the cel-shaded look on Prime's windshield.
  19. Whatabout... Elektra-Devil, Echo, Lady Bullseye, "A Daredevil", Gladiator (Potter), Owl.
  20. The One-a-Ways? The Ave-Engers?
  21. I do wonder why Kubricks just suddenly stopped without ceremony. Add another headstone to the brick fig graveyard.
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