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Everything posted by MinimateEspo25

  1. by this time tomorrow i'll already be in the theater watching...the watchmen
  2. actually i like mimic, if only that he's from my home town....time to guess marvelites, where in the world is mimic from? first one with the correct answer gets an "official" marvel no-prize
  3. no i think its a general consensus that he sucks, its just the phenomenon that happens (increasingly often) when talentless hack become famous (i.e. see Jennifer Lopez, Halle Berry, Asthon Kutcher)
  4. dinobot, these are the things we ask each other everyday when someone gets a loeb book. its like "how can i bastardize the marvel universe even more today"
  5. congrats dude, hope mommy and baby are ok
  6. i consider myself a moderate sf fan and didn't know who akuma was until i bought the mate and asked one of my friends who he was
  7. exactly, safe completist, which is still frowned upon from a non-collector standpoint, but what the hell, i'm addicted
  8. sup dude, nice to have u aboard. a friend of minijeff is a friend of mine
  9. Espo,thank your gods because you are not a completist. If that sounds pretentious,forgive me & my pretensions A sad fuc* completist wouldn't care about discernment or difference................................... ......we just need! well, don't worry no pretensions seen or heard on my part, however what i mean is, i have every character and variation, however, when the only difference is that the figure have original feet or C3 feet, it don't matter, as long as i have the character, but if it is a redo that looks improved or different, I NEED IT (good enough for you BHM?)
  10. cool, just want to see if the whole set is needed or just a few, thanks man
  11. you know, now i have to pose this question, as a completist, do i need the heroes set hulk and spider-man? obviously the wolverine is different enough, and the cap looks like he is different from the rest, but are these guys discernibly different to be displayed, or just reissues?
  12. see i just assumed there was a mustache involved, lol
  13. well, of all my costumes, that one is the one with the most work put into it and one of my favorite all-time characters, i really need to find pictures of my ash costume tho
  14. raider, seriously, mine is better tho, right?
  15. winkerbean, don't say that, we've had enough of the spidey obama adventure here
  16. i'll get back to u later tonight, via pm if u pm me, just have questions prepped
  17. i like them, and the drab color palette is interesting, is there any significance to it, or is it just to move away from traditional bright colors?
  18. wow, dude, that is amazing luck. how did that thing go unnoticed there for so long, nice find tho
  19. i'm out, my soul is crushed from work, can't get passionate about anything
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