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Everything posted by MinimateEspo25

  1. best bet is to order in bulk, u know, put on those boxsets u were loking at, plus any waves u were missing, etc, i always place big orders with them just to try to justify the shipping, though usually its always stuff i was def going to get anyway
  2. umm, guys, i forgot to include my pet set in the email, can anyone include their pet set and mine in an email? it was the howard set if u weren't sure
  3. edit: ask and ye shall know what i posted, best to use ye olde pm box
  4. because the Roman's invented wine for orgies, and orgies aren't fun if no one wants to do it with you....
  5. completely off topic, but it needs to be said, punisher, what kind of wine is that?
  6. *in Bender voice* - Forget it, clambake, I look out for one, me, Bender. Wait, you mean people will pay money for these things? Come on Zoidberg, we're going to SDCC!
  7. I was right! Oh God help me, I'm taking work home with me again!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!
  8. i don't remember off the top of my head
  9. wow, v we are pretty much missing the same mates i think i'm also missing the red wwc with the logo, so close
  10. and a very, merry unbirthday to u john doe
  11. when it's that long overdue, some feathers are bound to be ruffled.
  12. cdubya. that does sound like it makes sense, science and common sense at work once again, WHOO HOOO
  13. oh yeah, damn, we could realy just have an all howard boxset, and it would justify the cost of the face, to make his bill, oh i wish, i wish
  14. does drinking clear liquor make things clearer?
  15. ah, maybe i shouldn't drink before i get on here, reading isn't a strong point at the moment, lol
  16. right on rheul, only i substituted bev for the iron duck armor howard, which i discovered at work when going through the old howard comics, loved it, lol
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