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Everything posted by battlecat

  1. Yeah, I skipped him at the time because I didn't see the movie in theaters so didn't realize it was a Rockwell mate. He does pop up on eBay every now and then, I finally caved and grabbed one for $25 last summer.
  2. Oh I love the movie, just could care less about Witwickys! I'd be all over an MP Galvatron, Arcee or Wheelie.
  3. I'd rather we got a bigger price cut than the exosuit, I'd buy a second to display in vehicle mode if it was cheaper. Looking good though!
  4. Sorry, Zach. I pretty sure that was either posted here or linked to from here a while ago. I didn't take the picture, I just saved it. I have that slide photo saved too, it's from last year's SDCC, when those BB prototypes were also on open display at the booth. Just took a quick look at the site that posted it, and their article says they were only asked not to photograph the Pulp Fiction and Sin City slides. But if they got the wrong end of the stick, there are some photos of the shark's fin earlier in the thread.
  5. The jump in quality really was huge on these, and pulled me into a line I had zero interest in previously. The latest Star Trek mates were a similar deal for me (though a less striking improvement). While their teammates haven't held up as well, I still really love Astonishing Cyke and Wolvie. I think the Friends & Foes Doc Ock never got the respect it deserves, perhaps because he was in such a disappointing set and the arms were tricky to get in? He looks spot-on to me. Oh, and the battle-damaged Mr. Fantastic from the World War Hulk 2-pack is one of my favourite mates. I have no idea why, I'm not usually big on battle-damaged mates and I don't display him with the stretch base, there's just something about that one in person.
  6. My post was really more about getting a Minimate basketball accessory, which I feel would greatly improve society...
  7. I think this movie will make Rocket the new Deadpool and we will soon be complaining about having too many Rockets -- big ones, little ones, dressed-up-like-Thor ones...
  8. I was surprised to see that the box office for Alien was pretty much the same as for Aliens. I assumed Cameron had "popularized" the franchise, but it looks like the original was just as big a hit. I definitely don't want any Event Horizon or Sphere Minimates.
  9. Didn't the ReAction line just go over really well? I thought the big response to those Alien figs was what inspired Funko to jump in as a distributor and co-opt that whole idea? If we get more sets they'll probably be anchored with an Alien/Ripley too, although some alternate "meltdown" Ash parts could make a set stand out enough to leave one out. I was pretty surprised to see one of the Kill Bill sets without a Kiddo, but I guess that's only because army-building will make up the sales. Just to counterpoint Dino, I'm much more of an Alien fan, the only Aliens mates I'll be looking to get are Burke, Bishop and a power loader Ripley if they make one. The marines just never stuck with me that much. I'd love the whole Nostromo crew, but if we don't get Lambert it's not the end of the world, even that actress was like "all I do is scream". I enjoyed Prometheus, the design of the movie was great so they'd make for nice mates. Every character in that movie is an idiot though.
  10. I know this is a heated discussion, but let's not say anything we can't take back!
  11. Wait, who's the weak one, Parker or Kane? I want the whole crew. Here's hoping Kane comes with an awesome alternate chest block, Parker comes with a flame thrower, and Ripley comes with a Jones!
  12. There's still box sets, from a quick glance through the Database it looks like we usually get 8 or 9 in a year.
  13. Those extra Luke Cage parts look like they'll fit perfectly with the old version's legs and torso, so he's a perfect 2-for-1.
  14. Well, both humans and apes evolved from a common ancestor that wasn't an ape (though it was apelike)... A full boxset of Crazy 88s is excellent, I was worried they'd be one per 4-pack. And the long-awaited Luke Cage looks great!
  15. But you didn't post a pic of the Berbil, who held a knife...
  16. I think Zach said the reasoning was not to scoop the press guys who had Monday appointments to cover the booth? Could be wrong.
  17. It's actually been pretty great this year. Last year it was after midnight on Sunday before we saw any photos of actual mates. This year we've already seen Carl, ASM2, BBT, and a couple Pulp Fiction.
  18. Press pics of the Marvel stuff up at Toy Ark. Now we just need a Minimate of him, yes?
  19. The UM/horror figures are the only ones that look really good/Kennery to me, but I'm not big on the properties. Some of the Pulp Fiction are a bit tempting, but that's more because they're hilarious. I was most excited to see Buffy and BTTF, but these sculpts are really not doing it for me, so I think I'm out.
  20. I think they're not displaying them at the show, just releasing those press pics online. And it sounds like some of the figures in them are placeholders.
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