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Everything posted by undeadpool

  1. i love those customs thats a great bishop
  2. ya his name is ironpatriot but i wil always call him green goblin
  3. he hee it wouldve been funier if yu used redskulls face instead of gr
  4. those are all awsome(as usual)that sand man is so cool ihope we see a hydroman or some other marvel character
  5. nothing at my fist ltru in la but i havent checked the 2nd one
  6. i think thats dakens mohawk but the scorpion tail could still be in there or it could come with the tbolts set
  7. those look great and the white ammopacks on bullseyes legs are perfect for nick ffury
  8. i hate when yu get a minimate that is either missing peice or pieces that break instantly ex: i bought a sentry/cage pack last year sentry came bald it pissed me off(luckily i was still in the parking lot and my lcs owner is real nice so i got an extra pack) ex2: i bought a wanda/pietro pack and wanda came with her leg bent and when i unbent her leg it snapped in half
  9. those are all great and that girl tarantula is awsome
  10. Having recently switched from carpet floors to hardwood floors, I think the hardwood might be worse. At least the carpet would kind of catch the piece when it fell, so I could shine my desk lamp onto the floor and find it. When a piece falls on the hardwood floor, it bounces approximately 18,000 times and usually vanishes under a desk or into a floor vent. i can see were your coming from the reason i think carpets are worse is that i have a rug over a carpeted floor is that when i drop a peice it gets lost under the rug then when it comes to vacuming time i lose half a grey hulk and two cylons
  11. carpet floors=minimate collectors worst nightmare(well that and giant sewer crocadiles)
  12. im so happy to be right i love your johann and hes always been my favorite character from hellboy
  13. :biggrin: omy god those are the coolest hellboy minimates ever and i know who the last one is for those of you who want to know its im not sure if thats the right spelling but i know its him
  14. i cant seem to find it wich code is it?
  15. yeah i cant find my cypher list so i have no idea
  16. that is so awsome, im glad well be seeing more eath x stuff fom you and if you need anymore ideas then maybe madame hyda(she hulk i think) she thor the iron avengers spides man black panther and an easy one the bothers gim
  17. my guess for the four if its good guys then: john conner blair herder(if that was her name) kyle reese(also known as chekov) marcus if villains t-600 t-700 and maybe t-1 or nekkid t-800 and if you can maybe a hydra bot
  18. Thanks man! I will take the whole wave if they have em... let me know cost i can paypal or whatever thanks again moc847 ill try my best
  19. im going to my lcs this weekend they always keep a couple o varients so if i see one ill deffinatly pick it up for ya
  20. a little of topic but does anyone know when tru marvel wave 3 comes out?
  21. thats a great looking modok cant wait to see ot with the aim agents
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