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Everything posted by gambitron

  1. I think this is a great thing for Marvel Minimates! I am very excited for this.
  2. Go to minimateheadquarters for an update from Art Asylum that shows a release schedule for the rest of the year. It shows IM and Hulk on 09/24. I really hope the dates on this list stay atleast somewhat valid becasue it would mean a great amount of awesome minimates before the end of the year! Wahoo!!!!
  3. I have wanted this since the first time I saw a prototype of the power loader so I am ordering this as we speak! Man I love this forum cause I wouldn't have found this kick ass deal otherwise!
  4. Yeah I am currently considering selling these extras on ebay. jcastik, I saw the Rancor at SDCC and I am with you there I am so very excited for that one.
  5. I loved the movie. The soundtrack was great (I went and bought it the next day) it is a great update on some main themes as well as just great new stuff, the humor was great, it wasn't too dark (dealing with Anakin's story anyway), the back and forth between Anakin and his new apprentice Ahsoka was great, I didn't think I would like the story line of rescuing Jabba's son but I thought they played that in the story really well, there was great action lightsaber and space battles both, all in all this movie got me really excited for the series to start.
  6. Yeah this would be a resounding no interest on my part.
  7. I have snagged a bunch of extra SM3, BSG, and SS/Hobgoblin packs at my FYE for screamin deals too. The FYE is right next to my work so I go over there on my lunch break and usually end up with some minimates especially since they are all on clearance and then I get an additional 10% with my backstage pass.
  8. So I collect Galactic Heroes 1-because I am a SW fanatic and 2-because they are a great starter toy for my kids to get into SW stuff. Recently they have started releasing sets in Diorama scenes. These are cool sets but ultimately frustrating to someone like me who already has a sizable collection and so usually 3/4 of each of these sets are figures that I already have. However being a completist I want to get the new unique figures in each set so I end up having a bunch of extras. I was happy that they are finally releasing more ships in the line like the Jedi Starfighter that I just got. However the cockpit in this ship is big enough to fit 3 or 4 figures which is ridiculous. The set also says it comes with a battle droid and it did not so I sent Hasbro an e-mail and they are sending a figure to me (great and quick customer service response from them). My most recent frustration was a new set with the Dewback which had yet another Han and Chewbacca with a couple of Stormtroopers (although that isn't as bad because having a bunch of those makes sense). Then I got the Jabba the Hutt set and the Mos Eisley Cantina sets all of which were filled with duplicate figures. I understand that these sets are great ways for new people to start collecting who may have missed some of the older figures but man oh man does this sort of thing piss me off.
  9. So I got a bunch of the new lego sets last month. I actually bought my sets at the lego booth at SDCC, I got the V-19 Torrent, Twilight, and the Republic Gunship (I was so happy they redid this one because I didn't get it the first time around when AOTC came out). The Torrent and the Gunship are awesome. The Twilight is a little disappointing for 100$ but still cool. I wish legos weren't so expensive cause I want so many more of these sets, like the magna guard ship, and the AT-TE but alas I must save my money for the Death Star set coming out. Anybody else get some of these new sets? I would love to hear others opinions of these new sets.
  10. My last couple of orders have been through BBTS. Their prices are usually right on with other online stores and their shipping is always less not to mention the ability to easily cancel pre-orders with no penalties. I would have to say they are in my top 3 places to order things online. My friend also recently sold a large collection of Transformers Alternators to them and had a really great experience customer service wise dealing with them for a selling transaction.
  11. I bought wave one BSG minimates before I had seen an episode and I was hooked from the first disc of season one and then got my wife hooked to the point where we are on our third time watching the series on DVD on disc 2 of season 3 we love this show it is the most frakkin awesome show!
  12. Man oh man oh man would I ever buy that wave! I would have to buy bunches becasue I would have to have several Gambits, Deadpools and Psylockes.
  13. Neolego, I think it is great to stand up for whatever it is you beleive in. I do think that filters are a great thing but as has been said they should always be optional so that those who don't want the coarser content can avoid it but those who just want the original content can have it. I am not a big gamer in the first place I watch movies more than most people and there are dvd playes with filters on them. I don't have one because I want to see what was intended to be seen but I completely understand those who are interested but not in all the language, violence, or sex. Anyway I don't think you are a sissy you are simply willing to stand for something that is important to you! As TBT said and I completely agree to I am sick of things changing permanently to cater to the minority! That is why if there are going to be filters they have to be optional!
  14. Thanks for taking the time to do that it is great to see all of these.
  15. I was so pumped when I saw the Secret Inasion minimates on display at SDCC! My wife was there with me and I totally agree that if you have a wife that will come with you to something like that and support you in your hobby of collecting you are a lucky man and that I am! There is a 400$ Lego Death Star coming out and when I showed her the picture of it she says "well you'll just have to get that one cause it is frakkin awesome." It doesn't get much better than that. Not to mention she thinks minimates are cute so she is excited when I show her pics of upcoming sets.
  16. That is an awesome lineup. I wish I had any talent whatsoever in customizing becasue you have some awesome ones there!
  17. I can't wait to see these in person next week at comic-con. I honestly don't care that it more Iron Man stuff (since I love Iron Man) even thought it would be cool to have some new never done figures but just as long as new minimates keep coming I am a happy camper.
  18. I hope I get a shipping notice for mine soon I have been seriously impatient since that e-spectrum said these would be out on the 2nd.
  19. That's great Deadpool I have all of the G1 ones too except for Dispensor I love Mt Dew so I had to get that one as well. I just picked up Blitzwing, Galvatron, Hound and Sunstreaker yesterday, they are great I hope they keep making these for a good long time. I am excited for Arcee and Rumble to come out, they look great.
  20. Love it! That picture makes me more upset that we didn't get our wave 2 SF. Awesome work.
  21. I would buy that Deadpool in a heartbeat! That is so awesome! I am not a big Iron Fist fan but your paint of him it great!
  22. I have each Marvel wave's variant. I try to be as completist as possible but there have been some variants that I thought were lame like the DOFP Wolverine and the Vision variant, and some of the variants needed more "variation" like Doctor Doom with out his mask and Daredevil with the glasses and Cyclops with no visor. But hey I love them all regardless.
  23. I can't live without most of my minimates, but if I could only keep one it would definitely be my first IM he was the first one I ever bought. My most valuable would be my Symbiote Spidey or my Stealth IM.
  24. These look awesome, I hope these continue to do well enough to get the rest of TNG and DS9 crews.
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