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Everything posted by gambitron

  1. My TRU had all of these yesterday! I was very excited to have something to purchase on the day that one of my coupons expired! I love the Zero minimate and the big A gun that comes with Iron Man is great too!
  2. Great so far! Love the 90s X-men stuff, keep it up!
  3. Last week I finally found a riot control clontrooper (I love the shield he comes with) and also a Savage Opress. I was bummed when I got the Savage figure because he didn't have a lightsaber. Then last night at Walmart I discovered version #2 of Savage, this one with a lightsaber (and a shirt). I guess it pays to pay attention to upcoming stuff so that I would've known that there was going to be two versions. I also picked up Even Piell. I clicked a link from the Star Wars Blog and voted for the fan's choice figure. I chose Jorus C'boath. I have wanted a figure of him since they first started figures from the expanded universe.
  4. Oh man, can't wait to snag these! I have a nephew who is a huge Megaman fan and he is dying to get that Zero (as am I).
  5. Way to go! That definitely deserves bragging rights!
  6. Man do I wish I had 200$ to buy that train display case that pavehawk78 used! Those rock. I am finally moving into a house in the next little while and can't wait to get my minimates back up on display (they have been packed up for a bit now) I love looking at all of these, it makes me miss having mine displayed.
  7. This isn't minimate stuff but since this a NYCC news discussion I am seeing pictures of what looks like a large line of Star Wars Squinkies. Man those things have broken into a whole bunch of different toy lines (Marvel, Barbie, Disney Princesses, Hot Wheels, Cars. . . . .) I like the little cute versions of SW characters but squinkies are just too expensive. You can check out the pics here.
  8. I am loving Boom Boom and Rictor. Spidey Sense Spiderman is great! It is nice that if we are going to keep getting Spideys that we get ones with something to make them stand out from all the others. I actually like the hands on Kingpin and the look of that Punisher is AWESOME! This is going to be a great TRU wave!
  9. That MODOK looks great but waiting till August next year sucks!
  10. Loving New Girl and Happy Endings. We tried Up All Night and Free Agents. Up All Night isn't as funny as we though it would be and Free Agents was better than we expected but it didn't get picked up. How I Met Your Mother and Big Bang Theory are still the funniest sitcoms on tv IMO. Person of Interst has been pretty good so far. Still liking Hawaii 5.0. My wife and I are giving the Ringer a chance since we are fans of Sarah Michelle Gellar (it has only really been so-so). Can't wait for season two of Walking Dead to start this Sunday!
  11. I picked up mine yesterday and it looked like it was a full case and there were only angry Stay Pufts. I absolutely love the logo ghost! It is always fun to get some new and unique molds like these!
  12. Other than seeing that cancelled wave of LOTR minimates, this is my most desired resurrection. I would love that shuttlecraft but having a full crew of TNG would be awesome and my wife loves TNG so much I would have to buy two waves so that she could have some too! Hopefully the 25th anniversary does something to put some interest back into these for retailers.
  13. Man hopefully my TRU has these when I go tomorrow. I have a rewards r us certificate that isn't good until tomorrow and doesn't have the logo ghost set up anymore so I don't want to only order the three other sets, I want to get them all at the same time.
  14. I had that exact discussion with my wife a few months back as I was packing up all my toys in preparation for a move! Got to make sure they all go to someone who will take will appreciate them as much as I do. Sidenote- Can't wait to get into a new house and open up all the boxes with my packed away toys, it will be like the most massive Christmas ever!
  15. Oh my MOTUC goodness. I have never been more excited since MOTUC started as Power-con just announced that the April figure for next year will be STINKOR (he was my favorite as a child). He will stink!!!!!!!! They announced another beast for april and Slushhead from NA for May and an alternate version of the Sorceress but all the details about the other don't even matter to me in my excitement at this moment!!!!
  16. I was kind of disappointed with this month's MOTUC figures. Hurrican Hordak is OK but to me unecessary. Leech was OK but I am not a fan of his head and the fact that his hands and feet don't actually suction to anything. His net accessory is OK but I loved my Leech figure as a kid and so this figure just wasn't very exciting for me. Next month I am also not terribly excited for Icarius but I am super excited for the Wind Raider (although going online to get it will be a pain since it isn't part of the sub).
  17. I for one am very excited for the Deadpool set!
  18. Very excited for Blade and Dracula. I also think that Wolverine looks pretty decent. Don't care about Jubilee but still excited for this set. Looks good!
  19. My wife called me at work the other day. She was at the Disney store and said they had the minimate set and asked if I wanted her to buy it. I already got the FF set from Lukestoystore so I said no but I asked her what it looked like just to be sure. It was the Heroic Age set. So my Disney store is just barely getting that set! Holy cow that is some crappy distribution.
  20. I will pick up the B&W versions for sure, not sure on the other sets yet. I will have to wait till I have them in hand at TRU to decide. I like this series just not enough to be a completist.
  21. Saw this today and loved it! Definitely in my top 3 of the year so far. I really can't say anything bad about this! Loved it from start to finish!
  22. My exclusives came in the mail a few days ago and I like having Fantomex to put with my other X-Force guys and Mr. Negative is cool but Betsy is a let down and the duplicate Nightcrawler is a bummer. I would have loved to see some variation of Nightcrawler instead. I would say overall this TRU wave is a dud so hopefully any upcoming announcements are better!
  23. I also think that a GB3 needs Venkman. It also has to be much better than GB2 cause that was a bummer of a sequel. I would be ok if they passed the torch on to a new generation of busters but it would depend on the manner in which it was done. Like having the original team around as ghosts in the firehouse still would be cool. Sidenote, I met Ernie Hudson (Winston) at SDCC in 2008 and he was really cool!
  24. I am also liking the show. I saw Tigra classics at TRU the other day and wanted to buy him but his eyes were uneven and he just didn't look that great so I passed him up. Hopefully upcoming figures don't have bad paint job issues.
  25. I have read and really really enjoyed the three Monster Huntre books by Larry Correia. Monster Hunter International, Vendetta, and Alpha. These are great reads and I love the characters and story. If you like monster stuff than I am fairly certain you will love these books. I also just finished reading the 8th book in the Fate of the Jedi series, Ascension. I love Star Wars stuff so of course I enjoyed this one but I am bummed that the 9th book isn't set to come out til April next year!!! I have liked the Lost Tribe of the Sith e-books that have been released that tie into this series and I really like the new character Vestara.
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