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Everything posted by CortherX

  1. thanks, Zexion. i was debating whether i should've just bought Janine for $13 or the full set for like $17... then i saw Walter Peck and immediately thought 'Mastermind!' i think he turned out pretty good, too. i've already changed Moira's look a bit, though. decided to switch out Janine's head with Defender's (i think) Black Widow.
  2. i got the Ghostbuster boxset in the mail today. used Janine to make Moira, as some other have done, and Walter Peck to make Jason Wyngarde (Mastermind).
  3. i know it's easy to harp on who we don't have, but think of who we do how and how amazing they all are. Zach said we don't get as many comic Avengers because of how many movie mates are made. personally, i don't buy movie mates. i am curious whether/how much movie mates sell vs comic book mates though. i grew up on the X-Men, and sure there are a lot of villains that could still be made, but the team itself is pretty damn close to being complete, especially with Luke's sticker sets coming with wave 60 (which I, for one, CANNOT WAIT FOR!!!). so as an X-Men fan, i'm really happy with what's been made. yeah yeah i want Mojo, I want Spiral, I want Gen X mates... and if 62 were to be the last wave before mates were cancelled, i'd be bummed i didn't get those characters, but i'd still be tickled pink about the characters i did get. i never woulda thought i'd get 3 Jubilee's (hoping for a 4th in her current black vampire suit and pink collar, with Shogo in his backpack. really, all the women who have been on that team since issue 1 have pretty nice current looks that i'd be happy to use to update my Uncanny display, Omega Sentinel being the exception. i want Sentinel Omega Sentinel), but here we are on Jubilee #3 coming out next month. and Banshee, too. so sweet. as far as Avengers go... i only got into them as recently as the 1st issue of New Avengers. i haven't read any of the 80s stuff. that said, i'd still love a classic Tigra, Jack of Hearts, Mockingbird (if she's not the variant in a wave with her current and 70s looks... wtf?), Black Knight, Crystal, uh... Firestar, Justice... uhh... like i said, i haven't read any of the older stuff. but make the mates, and i'll buy them. i'd also like a modern Captain Marvel, Spider Woman (her up coming costume), Wasp, Young Avengers, Doctor Strange in his current black and red robes, cuz i think that's a boss costume... i'm not sure why people complain about mates being made of looks that aren't going to stick, or be around long. uh... how many minimates do we have of characters that are still wearing those same costumes in the comics today? like, none. because costumes change. these aren't characters like Superman, Wonder Woman or Batman whose looks never really change that much or for too long. costumes and styles are constantly changing at Marvel. and everyone is going to have a favorite look. so if FalCap gets in the way of a new Captain (or Ms) Marvel, you may not be happy about it, but someone else for sure is. that said... Red Onslaught? literally the easiest custom mate there is. and he's still squatty. i'm really hoping they do something to make him a bit more worthwhile, like attach tentacles on his back, or something. he was a pretty lame villain, imho. he just stood there and babbled a lot. like, he was Red Onslaught. why did he just stand there and take it from the Avengers and X-Men and bad guys? why didn't he teleport to New York and wipe that shit off the map? and i haven't re-read the series yet, but in the early issues of Uncanny Avengers, didn't Rogue and Sunfire (or someone) run into Red Onslaught in the sewers? like when did that happen? did that future change cuz of the Apocalypse twins? now completely back on topic. that Apocalypse. wow. that is one beautiful mate that i cannot wait to put on my shelf. and in doing so, i'll be able to take the original Poccy mate and put him on my O5 X-Factor display to go with Archangel of Death! old school Apocalypse was pretty skinny, so it's perfect. This new Apocalypse mate is seriously menacing looking. i love it. the only other mate i'm for sure sold on is Sabretooth. if he's going to be an Avenger (even if it's an Uncanny Avenger, which i'm looking forward to), he's already earned his spot on my Avengers display. i just wish we'd get UA Havok (and Rogue and maybe even Sunfire, though i can't imagine how much different it'd be than the AoA Sunfire) mates soon because now that the book is being rebooted and Havok's not in it, i'm worried our chances of getting him are about out the door. here's a box set idea: UA Havok, Rogue, Wasp, and Old Man Rogers. boom. the new Hobgoblin looks good. i have the 1st one, but the updated mate is pretty good looking and might have to step in. but he's coming with Red Onslaught? hmm... tough sell. that Carnage is off the chain, and if i had't just gotten Luke's, i would for sure be getting this one. but i don't really need two Carnages, and i'm pretty on the fence leaning towards probably not with FalCap. i might change my mind by the time it comes out. same with Iron Man. i'm not reading the new series, but the white costume looks cool and i could switch it out once i'm over it, i guess. i could even do that with FalCap too, huh? ok it's back to 50/50 on the fence. Kluh is a rad looking mate, but the only other Hulk i'd probably buy is Red She-Hulk. is she even a character anymore? i've never read Hulk or followed him and his characters too closely. someone remind me... what's wave 61? and are we looking on track for wave 60 to be released when it's scheduled in 3 weeks? because i'm really excited for it.
  4. i went to TRU in Jantzen Beach, Or and they had 0 minimates. i was pretty bummed.
  5. these look good, but the only movie mates i've ever bought was GotG, and even then i had to think about it for a while. saves me a couple bucks, but i'm always looking forward to the next releases i actually get to buy!
  6. i wanted to use Cable's body piece for an update of my custom X-Man Cannonball, but it has this funny, thin swipe of yellow paint that goes across the stomach. so i decided to leave my current custom Cannonball as is, and leave the body armor on X-Force Cable.
  7. here's my updated X-Force display. i decided not to use Cannonball's blast effect for a couple of reasons. one, i just don't really care for. it's angled too far forward, so he just ends up looking straight down unless you turn it around backwards. and i figured i have him blasting off on the New Mutants and Uncanny X-Men displays, so this is a nice change. i took the original X-Force Cable and put him on the Uncanny X-Men display with Hope, cuz i thought this Cable fit in better with the others. while i'm there are some people who may think the Liefield team should be completed first since it came out before this one, i hope we see the rest of this team done sooner rather than later. i could put Thunderbird back with the X-Men, have a real Siryn, and Sunspot in his classic X-Force costume is a no brainer. a new Feral would be nice to complete the set, but i wouldn't be too upset if i had to just use her original mate for display.
  8. that would be a great wave. does anyone know of a minimate that uses the same hair as Rachel Grey? i would like to use it and my Liefield Domino for a custom X-Force Domino from Craig and Kyle's run.
  9. with X-Force, i don't mind mixing the costumes because they were all still of the same team. i def prefer to have one complete set, and i'm happy with the 'newer' looks. i'll just be happy when we have a complete team of characters, matching costumes or not. Sunspot, Warpath, and Siryn are sorely missed. and if we're going to get them in Capullo costumes, we need a new Feral, too. fiiiiiiine, let's get a second box set.
  10. i think this set is only going to make us want the missing member's of X-Force more, but it will be nice to finally have it. it was announced soooo long ago! i am sad that it's merely replacing 4 characters instead of adding 4 new ones, but i prefer these updates to the Liefield designs, for sure.
  11. i did the same thing with my Karma, Joey, minus the hand pieces. nice work.
  12. this is for my new X-Factor display that i'm putting together. i designed it last night after deciding i didn't like what i'd originally had planned. i'm going to go print it today, and i'll post the completed display once i've put it all together!
  13. i've only ever collected the Marvel mates, but i think that i would like to get the 4 turtles. what stores are they available at?
  14. for the record... i'm a dude, and i prefer bacon.
  15. Wave 62 is a sausagefest. sounds like my kind of party.
  16. instead of trying to guess who we'll get, i'll just throw out who i want (if it's Axis)... Cyclops (just to get the costume. if i knew he was coming further down the line, i'd switch him out...), Rogue, Havok, Magneto (white or black), Wasp, Zenpool, Brother VooDoo, Apocalypse... hmm i guess that's it. i really hope we don't get a White Skull!
  17. absolutely 0 minimates at the TRU that i went to. fiddlesticks.
  18. have these shown up anywhere? i'm making a trip out to Toys R Us today and i'm keeping my fingers crossed!
  19. THREE MORE non-movie waves? ZOMFG!Please please PLEASE let one of those waves have the remains of Capullo X-force in it (Sunspot, Warpath, Siryn and maybe Gideon & Stryfe just for fun!) Sunspot, Warpath, Siryn and Feral. can't have her being the only character still in the original costumes.
  20. i was just thinking last night that Spider-Woman (Jessica Drew) could use an update, but her costume hasn't changed in so long that it probably wouldn't happen. but what do you know... today, a new Spider-Woman costume was announced, and it looks pretty slick. hopefully we can get a 'mate of it!
  21. i asked my lcs to order these for me... i've never done this before, and was hoping to hear from them today... i think i told them the wrong thing though when i was there (for some reason i thought it was MZ3)... hopefully they figured it out cuz i also said 'i'm not sure what it's called. new marvel zombie minimates out this month, now do your job' lol ok maybe i didn't say that but still, i hope the guy was able to order them!
  22. i was thinking Excalibur could use a Lockheed, as well. may have to search one out. i wasn't too enthused about an Excalibur display, myself, but figured if i could get a cheap Nightcrawler i'd go ahead and do it. and that happened, so i did lol
  23. thanks guys. i have a whoppin 19 of them in my dining room. i think i might need a bigger house before i make anymore lol.
  24. sure man... it's still a work in progress, as i'm constantly moving characters around, but here you go. i'm also going to fix the way "Uncanny X-Men" is stuck to the front. that double sided tape has been on there for a couple years and it's not so clear anymore... my roommate and i just actually came up with a kinda cool idea for an X-Factor display, which up until now i'd never considered because X-Factor Angel is so hard to get. so i'll have that posted some time after Christmas (as i pretty much told my roommate the X-Factor box set is what i want from him lol)
  25. i scored a new Nightcrawler, so i finally caved under the pressure from my roommate and made an Excalibur display. it's a little basic, but i didn't want to make anything much larger for just the 5 of them. i actually want to add a couple small things to it before it's done, but here it is so far... also, since i knew i was making a trip to the place that prints stuff for me, i decided to spruce up my Phoenix Five display and added the flame boarders. i got a new Magik sword AND White Phoenix in the same trade that Nightcrawler came with (thanks again, Vicious!), so i was all jazzed up. White Phoenix is replacing Hope, who went back to the Uncanny X-Men display... Phoenix makes just as much sense, right? and last but not least, my new Guardians display... it's the first movie series of mates i bought, but i figured i've seen the movie twice and i'm not a fan of Bendis, so it makes more sense to get these guys... honestly, i don't know why dst doesn't make their own displays like these. i feel like they'd be cheap for them, if they made displays similar (but obviously much better) to how i make mine, but they could sell them for like $15-20 a pop... and for displays that have groups that will grow, like X-Men or Avengers, they could sell expansion sets. my Uncanny X-Men set has grown hella over the years, and i'm going to need to add to my Avengers display once we start getting more characters. who do i need to talk to here? lol
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