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arnim zola

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Everything posted by arnim zola

  1. I just got back from a sficfi/toy convention and I usually never find a lot of stuff I want. But I came across a seller I met last show and he upgraded his booth. He had A large tub full of single bagged minnimates. They had figures from every wave of marvel and DC mates, all the zombies and the indymates. I bought a lot of stuff and I got everything for 4 bucks apiece. He let me dump the mates out on his table and go through 1 by 1 to make sure I didnt miss what I wanted. Im going back tomorrow, but I wanted to share my current minimate joy. Here is what I got today. Wave 1 Black Elektra Wave 2 Visorless ultimate cyclops 2X JJJ variants 2X civil war nitro 2X Angel variants (the blue face) The hobgoblin Iron Man Movie, Mark I Variant Yellow Daredevil Harley Quinn ( for my sister) Gorilla Grodd (didnt get him from the store) Wave 5 Dr Doom Unmasked Variant. The best part, is there were single mates from almost every single hard to find box set. No Nightcrawlers but there was a storm and warpath from GSxmen. And a lot of the figures I listed had doubles and triples. the invisible woman variant, the white queen diamond variant, the sdcc fan four set civil war, defenders, iron man through the ages, 1st appearance avengers. Im going to pick and choose and get as many of the hard to find figures as possible b/c I know my peeps on here could use a hand. But none of this compares to the absolute best minimate I got today. I found the original black costume spiderman variant and crapped in a hat. My mind is all over the place right now.
  2. Im pretty sure there was more than just one missing mate on the poster. As for the mate in the picure, thats not Tony Stark. Its Charles Manson
  3. I'm going to take a bath* WITH that Heroes set. *Bubble
  4. Damn you guys are mean. I would gladly have looked at a new picture of him in every new post. Its not like the pictures were too big, and there is no rule about posting pictures of yourself in your posts. So NYYAH. So whats this about a bottle?
  5. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Oh savage dragon, you will never be pretty.
  6. Called my shop and confirmed they are getting all of wave 23 & 24 next wednesday. I got everything that showed up at TRU, so now its time to play catch up. My shop does a checklist so Im going to try and get some extra variants.
  7. I forgot what I was responding too also. Something about sex villains. Or X villains.
  8. Loeb got fired from heroes because of crappy storytelling and even Bendis said he was pissed that he spent all these years sculpting the Ultimate universe around his writing and they let guest writer Loeb come in and do whatever he wants. I stopped getting excited about Ultimate books every month when the clone saga came back and Loeb killed it for me with Ultimates 3 and now F---ing up other peoples work. Its funny too because I loved Hush. What happened to his writing? Also, If you are ready to finally see Magneto's reign then you might want to check out House of M (the M is for Magneto).
  9. Oh yeah, forgot about TRU. Even I found some on closeout there.
  10. Plus that the big chested Thing from wave 9 or 10 with the tumor head and hands had a really nice tampo. A lot of people probably didnt pay for that nice hulk from the defenders set online, and I wouldnt want my only big chested hulk to be from the movie or the original avengers set. the new cap is nice and has a great new tampo. There are so many spidey designs out there its nice to have an option as to which one will be getting whomped on my shelf. On top of that, there is a wolverine that has a body that can easily give people a new wolvering, and the rest of us a body for another x character that doesnt have a mate yet. On the Villains, There have been 2 magneto's, one OLD exclusive online, and one exclusive to target. I have both and the detailing on this is much better. and that means I have 2 helmets I can through his way. I was about to whip out paint and detail doom myself until I saw this, and I gave up on detailing the goblin when I heard about the target exclusive. Which I have been waiting for for a long time. And Finally it seems as if all the target wave is going to reach us. Doom and Osbourne have figs yes, but they are really old. And the red skull, AWESOME. Thats how the marvel legend should have been so we could have some articulation. And if the one with bucky america comes in the same outfit, so what. They have been kicking ass with suprises and exlusives for the newer waves and boxsets. I can totally see the villains coming with a cube, a helmet for mags, maybe even a pumpkin glove. and the heroes having an extra set of hands. Wave 24 had slip over masks for venom, spidey, cosmic spidey, shocker, and extra jacket and a double sided head for brock and alt hairpieces for everyone so far. They are doing a lot more so F*** Yeah, this is a good time for us. And these are good sets. F*** my old cartoony goblin and doom. Wow that was a lot. Also, doom didnt start as a Sorcerer. He has always had a gun.
  11. Rather than retool the goblin hat, they will likely just include norman's head. In the original pics of it, it had his hair painted on, so yeah.
  12. Well, to put a damper on your ideas, Im going to bring up that we were going to get the croc and penguin early on anyway, since they had already been designed for the gotham C3 set that never came out, the one from the hong kong toy show. However, I do support mr freeze since we saw the design for that too but never got an actual fig. Same with solomon grundy.
  13. I like how you humiliated me after my long absence. Im going to have to use that on someone. HAHAHAHAHAHA
  14. They didnt reveal them at NYCC, maybe at san diegothough. I know Bi-beast, titanium man, and the UFoes are in the hulk game. and I saw a promo art pic of movie hulk and hulkbuster iron man behind him. It would be cooler if we got some of those characters instead of more crappy civilians.
  15. I didnt see this on here, but Im stoked. I wont even tell you what they are since you should have the opportunity to be shocked like I was. I couldnt relocate the article which WAS on the front page of Toynewsi, But here is the link to the gallery: Edited: ok, it was pointed out to me, but Im keeping this on here for marvel mate fans who want to go directly to the pics and like me have overlooked the other sections of the site.
  16. Im so proud this thread got five stars. Never would have imagined it.
  17. I like all the new stuff. The JLA on the mean streets. the bat mech was cool. I need to catch up and bring my a game...
  18. If the new issue of previews hits and there are no new marvel mates showing, that means nothing. They have always had ridiculous gaps between marvel releases. Id actually be suprised to see new ones in previews before being anounced elsewhere like they usually do. Also, my head is itchy.
  19. Hasbro has welded the starwars and g i joe brand to their name. art asylum has been merged to DST(right?). Hasbro will Not make a deal with another company to make minimates if they get the license and if they make them themselves, then they will be as horrible as marvel legends are now. it will be like going back to series one, with no paint apps. If DST has a deal coming thats very cool, then I hope they do come up with a cheaper more detailed and diverse marvel licence that allows for something new. but I really wish you guys wouldnt hold your breath for starwars or joe mates, because hasbro is hardcore, just look at how they handled marvel legends. we might as well ask mattel for motu mates. The only thing worse than this potential non final situation we are in would be if they hired Joe Q to head up the minimate department at DST. And if you guys are getting new names I want to be Dr. zola
  20. I know who she is, She's that Rogua person! I think its funny my joke turned into tranny talk.
  21. The 2-d pic of a minimate that they do all their concept art with, I need a plain white template so my artist can draw minimates for me to make. Plain minimate template. I know someone on this board has it, so help a guy out. nevermind. I answered my own quirey 30 seconds later.
  22. Is nobody Else checking sam goody? They are owned by FYE too and didnt use to sell toys, but they apperently started carrying toys after suncoast got closed. they had 4 at my sam goody, and I got one of them. they kept it around because it made more money than suncoast and probably FYE, cause I dont have one of those either. So look em up and see if there is still one near you. Is nobody Else checking sam goody? They are owned by FYE too and didnt use to sell toys, but they apperently started carrying toys after suncoast got closed. they had 4 at my sam goody, and I got one of them. they kept it around because it made more money than suncoast and probably FYE, cause I dont have one of those either. So look em up and see if there is still one near you.
  23. Hey, My friend just called me from sam goody (a suncoast chain) and said he has the hobgoblin in his hand now. he says he is picking it up for me along with the suncoast exlusive 24 set. so if you lost your suncoast like I did but still have a sam goody like I do then hit them up. He said there was just 4 of them so I dont know if thats all they got or if they sold some already. Ill try and post pics tomorrow.
  24. Ok, the construction site. That is the next one I am getting. I have been delaying because I hadnt seen mates next to it but now that I have it is awesome. Im going to just take my pics down because I keep adding to the shelf. The sentinel will be here soon. : )
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