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arnim zola

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Everything posted by arnim zola

  1. Man you should have gotten your whole set through me, I was on fire with those.
  2. I had a 3 week delay from when I asked for a replacement parts for Shepard.
  3. I like to pretend he's been hit with doc ocks heat gun that turned him into glass, like that sinister six issue. Otherwise I like to pretend I don't own him by leaving him with riot spidey in the vault.
  4. A page or so back I saw Zach say something that sounded like ghost rider was less important than Howard the duck and dazzler and I had a small heart attack. Now that I'm out of the ICU, what's this ghost rider lawsuit? I'll Google it of course but I'm surprised I hadn't heard about it. Also 4 packs cost more to produce? That's interesting. Any reason why? Lots of insightful info here. I like most of it, just dont send me back to the hospital.
  5. Confirmation on lock stock and barrel? Check. Confirmation we are going past wave 3? Check. Unless we are getting a box set with them and an angry Jack, we have lots of blind bag slots/tru packs to fill and I'm looking forward to the possibilities for various monsters.
  6. Its not walgreens making them and refusing to put them out for sale, It never is. What it is, is a stupid lazy asshole that doesn't want to work or do anything hard because lazy is easy.
  7. I don't give a Shit about Amadeus cho not because he's Asian, but because he's not Bruce banner. I don't give a Shit about miles not because he's a mixed race spidey, but because he was forced on me by jeph loebs garbage ultimatum series. And to a lesser extent because he isn't Peter Parker. Michael B Jordan isn't jonny storm, and that wasn't the fantastic four. It's really simple. They are going to keep alienating fans because someone will be buying the books. They are going to keep making inaccurate xmen movies because people keep paying to see the studios Shit on their properties. I could go on all day. Metaphor man.
  8. I just got my GITD Sally and Jack, and 3 reindeer thanks to you minimyte!
  9. I found them at a store by my work last night and put them back. They were up on a high shelf.
  10. If anyone picks up a case today, please tell us the case order if you can. I don't need that many extras of Jack and Sally lying around.
  11. I would love for some lazy asshole to tell me that, I would be delighted in putting them in their place.
  12. gotta ask the employees to check the back, tell them its in a small box. there is only one of each set in a case. Show them pics if needed. I'm going after work.
  13. Ask DST. Really we just know comic mates from DC arent happening soon. I cant recall every hearing about DC live action licenses, Maybe the license is also unavailable... Of course I'm more curious as why Gotham and not Flash or Arrow.
  14. The tru animated wave, is that the one using the tru wave 19 item number?
  15. Well, he lives 3 hours away but we are fb friends now. I also have a lifelong love on monsters, but I think he loves them slightly more. Only slightly.
  16. So aside from minuscule differences between promo jack and blind bag jack they have almost the same tampo. Looking at the solicitation pics for wave 2, the jack and sally look exactly the same as wave one. Can you confirm whether we will be getting different face tampos or anything to make them different? Also, the clown is exclusive to HT, the elves to TRU, and wave 2 has another jack, sally, a 2nd sata jack, 2 warm and fuzzy characters and a ghost dog. Can you tell us if wave 2 will have any other monsters show up or retailer exclusive monsters? its cool to get a santa and eater bunny so quickly but no vamps, witches, gilman, wolfman, any other monsters is making me a little sad. Please tell us that there will at least be another monster somewhere before wave 3.
  17. They only have 1 customer service agent, so accounting for days off and other duties, it might take some time. she's really helpful though.
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