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Big Ape

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Everything posted by Big Ape

  1. Good news. Star Trek Minimates are back on. Just swing by Toy Fair for a free "Unification" Spock Minimate! Thanks DST.
  2. I see one box set out of this. The Godfather can't be more popular then Rocky, 24 or Platoon. DST needs to stick to the sci-fi based stuff, like Terminator or Ghostbusters, and probably boxed sets vs multiple 2-packs. With some of these choices I think somebody thought it would be cool just to have a display of Minimates with Batman, Superman, Spider-Man, Marlon Brando, Wolverine, Madonna, Cylons, Charlie Sheen, Clint Eastwood, Captain Kirk, Dirk Benedict, Ghostbusters, Keifer Sutherland, Hannibal Lecter, Marty McFly and the Terminator. How long before they whip out the ol' Starsky & Hutch, Top Gun or Breakfast Club?
  3. I don't fault DST for going heavy on TOS in the beginning. Series 1 and 2 apparently sold pretty good. It was series 3 were things went wrong I guess. What gets me is that DST said a little while back (if my memory is correct) that if ST Minimates were to continue they would keep the same pattern. Well it would seem that the current pattern isn't working either. Hopefully after the movie interest will pick up and some old stock will sell through.
  4. Does DST have the liscense for just T2, or all the Terminator movies? If so I want a T4 John Connor over that whiney kid in T2. Otherwise, I'd like a not-so-beat-up Sarah, Dyson, T-800 with minigun & shotgun, T2 final battle T-800, a SWAT guy, waitress Sarah, the TX from Terminator 3, and Sarah, John and Cameron from the Sarah Connor Chronicles.
  5. Not only do they not place orders with Previews, but how many of those stores are available to shop at? If you're barely marketing an item to a store that has closed up locations or no one knows exists, how are you going to make money on the damn things?
  6. I'm not for a second trying to steal your thunder but I proposed a 'Headwave' in the BSG thread . I totally agree with you that in both ST & BSG a commercial compromise would be a box set with perhaps 4 'complete' uniformed figures & perhaps extra heads/hairpieces. If it doesn't happen for BSG/ST I hope the idea will be useful for other future licenses & not just for Skrulls. The head wave idea isn't bad but the problem is people will complain that they have all these heads and no bodies. Reversable faces like Gul Dukat from the last ST wave is the way to go. If you do it like that, you'll sell twice as many packs with people that want to display both options. I think DST needs to float pre-orders for a TNG set out there and see what comes up. Riker, Data, Worf, Geordi, Troi. Main characters with easy crew member building potential. I mean it's no Silence of the Lambs or Desperately Seeking Susan, but what the hey...
  7. Well in all fairness, DST told us a long time ago not to expect all of the bridge crews to be completed. and for the record, I never really cared for trek, but i HATE to see any minimate line end. So to all you uber fans I feel for you....sorry Yeah, they did say that, but out of all the series and all the different movies I don't think it's too much to hope for a complete crew from The Next Generation. I mean they could have come close, not just Picard.
  8. Well that's a load of $%!t. I guess I can forget about a finished Next Generation crew. I guess this will give me more money to spend on Desperately Seeking Susan Minimates.
  9. It's a good start for sure, but I hope they fool around with that Kyle Reese likeness and try to get it closer.
  10. Nice set. I haven't read the Spirit but these look interesting.
  11. I think it's a matter of Pre-orders, re-orders and moving old stock. If the old stuff ain't moving, you won't get anything new. To me, and I'm not a BSG fan eventhough I've bought a few, the two new waves look no more exciting then the old Ghost Rider wave. Nice for customs, but nothing to get all worked up over unless you're a big fan of the show or a Minimate completist. Plus doesn't the show take a lot of time off? That can't help a toy line that's not everyone's cup of tea to begin with. I hope you guys that are die-hard BSG Minimate collectors do better with AA/DST then the DC people did with DC Direct.
  12. I hope this isn't the end of Star Trek Minimates, but if it is I'm satisfied I guess. I grew up with TNG but TOS is my favorite and was just happy to get series 2 so I'd have the full bridge crew. Everything else has been icing on the cake for me. But now that we have Picard I really want the rest of the TNG crew and I'd love to have the rest of the movie guys. And tribbles or no, I like the green-shirt Kirk. If I want tribbles bad enough I'm sure the craft store has some kinda fur balls that'll work.
  13. wave 6 guess: TOS: I have no idea. I'd buy whatever they put out, but I can't even venture a guess. TNG: Data & Dr. Crusher STII: Spock & Khan variant: Radiation burn Spock wave 7 guess: STI: Kirk & Spock DS9: Dax & Odo TNG: Riker & Troi variant: season 1 Riker
  14. With an extra jacket piece and the matching arms you could make that ST4 Kirk into a ST3/ST4 Kirk.
  15. Regula 1 Kirk and radiation burn Spock for sure. . .but, HOLY COW, I could have gone the rest of my life without seeing that second group of pics there
  16. Perhaps BSG vp Baltar's head with Civil War Tony Stark's hair. . .
  17. Here's a couple. I'm not much of a photog. Fantastic! Thank you
  18. I think I would prefer artwork of the Minimates instead of actor pics, but the packaging doesn't look bad to me. What would make series 4 look better is if they put the Enterprise on the cardbacks, like the Mirror, Mirror set. Either way the little guys in the package are what matters and I can't wait.
  19. Getty-yap!! Cool!!! I never thought to look for a Kubrick horse. Thanks for sharing.
  20. I admit DC Minimates was the only line I bought from DCD. I have not paid any attention in the past to their business practices, but it seems to me from what I've read that the gimmick for DCD is to keep reselling the same ten characters over and over in different styles as it suits them. I'm a huge fan of Galactic/Adventure/Superhero/Combat Heroes and after this with the Minimates, I seriously doubt I'll give DCD's versions a shot. I think at this point we should give DCD the finger and focus on trying to get DST to pick up the DC liscense in the future, if possible.
  21. I'd love some Dexter 'mates. Unfortunately there is no series to promote it, but Mystery Science Theater 3000 Minimates would rule!
  22. I cancelled my pre-order a couple of weeks ago. There aren't any figures in this series I was just dying to have and with apparently nothing more after series 8 it's hard for me to get excited. I figure I'll pick up Cyborg & Raven later and maybe a loose Sinestro. DOA toy line = who cares?
  23. I believe this was already answered, and he said not very likely to round out bridge crews I know they don't think they'll likely finish EVERY bridge crew. I asked if they had already started a crew would they focus on finishing it.
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