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Everything posted by vbpanizzi

  1. anything is an improvement over the maskless spider-man hair. I mean seriously the thing falls off like it is trying to run away.
  2. Brilliant customs even the quick customs. I was wondering... I know you have probably answered this twenty times but the decals you use I know you use a printer but is it a special printer, can one buy it or is it something hard to find and the art for the decals do you design them or do you just cut and past from other images? If I am asking to many of your secrets just tell me to shut up and go away.
  3. Does that cover even the modern era Superboy? Either the bowl cut w/ glasses or black T and jeans? I loved that bowl cut. almost as much as the damnable mullet on Superman.
  4. Transworld owns FYE and Suncoast. They are not super plentiful mostly larger cities.
  5. anyone watched 'It Takes a Thief' most of the time they aren't vandalizing they are stealing they just don't care if they break sh!t in the process oh well it isn't theirs. Most likely they knew what they were looking for and everything else was just foder. We had a break in near here where the people stole the stuff and then put it up on ebay. Yes people suck but we can't focus on them otherwise it brings us all down.
  6. Not in want order but in order I thought of...well except for the first 10 1.Deadpool 2.Mr.Sinister 3.Gambit 4.X-Man 5.AoA Sunfire 6.Blink 7.The Tick 8.Kyle Raynor 9.The Crow 10.Cloud 11.Sephoroth 12.Rachel Summers-Phoenix 13.Atomica 14.Tyler Durdan 15.Blue Beetle
  7. I only read the most recent posts that are relavant to those minimates I collect i.e. Marvel, DC, Promo/Blanks. BTW Deadpool I used to live in Greenwood still have friends I visit there... just a random aside. oh yeah and I was thinking we should start a deadpool fanclub posting on here or not just a crazy idea.
  8. It was a toss up for me. I only went with New Mutants because of Sunspot but it was almost Young Avengers and I probably would have voted for them if you had put Asgardian not Wiccan... it still makes me laugh... so I am childish
  9. Just curious why is this such a highly anticipated series? Because it has been so long? Because of the mostly second string characters? Because it is the Avengers? I am not knocking any of this mind you, I am serious. I understand the love of Thor but for the most part the characters are kind of weak and there are many others I would have rather seen before these. Seriously I know this sounds jerkish but I want to know why this group is so amazing?
  10. first, First, FIRST!! holy schnikes that makes you like the queen of minimate land... :o I mean atleast for a little while...WOW. . . ihatelivinginthemidwest. . . Congrates you rock sorry i feel like a dofus for not knowing.
  11. Thanks for the pictures. I wish I had been there :sad: but atleast TBT is awesome enough to bring the fun to us thanks TBT and DST and AA. I love this place (i know i say it all the time but seriously this board it great)
  12. I agree that a cool looking site isn't everything but your main page should look like something other than a plain text page. I love the fact that you put full pics and unique pics of that variants, very nice.
  13. Hi there Glad to have you in the boards!! I'm curious what did you win? Not items, well okay items, but what spot?
  14. Let them be part but they we atleast get to poke fun at them...licks and kicks... Let's Rock and roll ps TRUE PIZZAZ
  15. Don't forget to post the pic at the official PHOTO HUNT thread so you can be entered. I am sure TBT would count it but you don't want any whinners. He already did... It was just a lil fuzzy around the edges so you might have not recognized it Holy cramoly you are right sorry bout that link . yeah that is a way better pic it took me three times of looking for it to find it. mostly because I am mister Genius and was only looking for your pic and not your name "I Smart"
  16. You gotta be kidding... what is going on!!! Why can't DST and AA get together and get their timetables in synch. Whatever I will still buy them but yes this is frustrating.
  17. Welcome to the Multiverse... come join the fun of the hunt
  18. I can't wait to see these up on ebay!! It's weird I hope they go for a lot of money and yet I really want some of them and hope they don't. Damn my love for minimates and charities and damn my love of not being broke.
  19. Don't forget to post the pic at the official PHOTO HUNT thread so you can be entered. I am sure TBT would count it but you don't want any whinners.
  20. Welcome to the place. Make sure you join the fun with "The Hunt"
  21. alright I understand my fair share of the phrases you blokes use but what does "doing here tank" mean? Cheers and all that
  22. I'm just gonna go after that cause what I have to say is... well.. I would hate to have to follow that with a major complaint. I work retail and I am continuously annoyed by the customer who realizes there is no price tag on an item and then remarks "that means it is free, right?" if you do this or feel like doing this, don't, please All any retail person is thinking (at best) is "you sir are a douche bag" but we really just have to laugh as if we have never heard it
  23. If they were giving them to kids that is cool. If we can get the younger generation into these then there will be more desire for them. I guess it isn't that bad then.
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