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Everything posted by vbpanizzi

  1. Sorry 8 pack War Machine, US Agent, Dark Phoenix, Johny Storm, Yellow DD, Spidey, Thing and Hulk. The first 5 are totally different than the 2 packs the last 3 are variations on a theme. Not new sculpts just drastically differnt paint jobs versus slight variations in paint color.
  2. Okay so we only got one teaser pic of what test mates are and one of a proto box you lovely people with all these wonderful connections how did you find test shot/ proto/ whatever, and why don't you allow the rest of us to vicariously live through you by showing pics. someone mentioned "bad drug" yeah I am about to reach that point at least with my current income. I am quickly closing in on having all the marvel and DC mates that are not above 30 bucks a piece. I know i will never allow myself to by a proto so how about showing the love for us broke unconnected fools. Please. Thanks. wow...what is this the 3rd dead thread i have deceided to post in. i think i need a support group just for this site...
  3. No I want retail. Something that could have been purchased for money from the start, not ebay.
  4. okay since I started this and I don't want it to be a useless two post thread does anyone know what the rarest mate is? not promo and not homemade (ie bomber and customs) but the hardest to attain mass marketed mate? This doesn't have to be a definitive answer, although I would like that, but what have you seen the least of in your quest to to *ahem* catch them all (cantbelieveisaidthat).
  5. WOW that hobgoblin is really starting to show the wear of the convention season. Thanks for the links I think these are some of the best pic I have seen of them, hell I even saw them in person, and I don't think I saw them that well.
  6. Dont know if anybody cares still but the TRU 10 pack is out! so is the sentinel. AWWWW so cute!
  7. I don't know if this was brought up elsewhere but I get the superhero squads and I used to get the amazing spidey friends and the new galactus and sentinel are about the same size as well as the new DC Super friends.
  8. I know this could also belong in the ebay finds but I wanted more than just the usual "I got that mate" responses. I know there are some seriously rare mates out there, but does this seem correct? I have never really paid attention to the rock mates. $105 for rob I mean I love mate and yes mates are amazingly cool and yes I do alot to get my fix but is this way over the bar or is this norm for him? Any thing would be appreciated.
  9. Not Fujis but I can give you three places I know of to pre-order on-line: The last one you usually can't order sets but you can buy cases pretty cheap. as far as everyones opinions on Wave 5...
  10. The Finch MK and Platt MK are my two faves so you already have a fan in me!!
  11. If it makes you feel better I am just as lost. Do you mean head rests=caps?
  12. I gotta agree for a first custom mate he totally kicks a$$. I can't wait to see the Moon Knight. Which look are you going with?
  13. Welcome! I like what you have done with the MBs and the dioramas! They are toys, you gotta play with them.
  14. Ebay Comic shops I find on road trips. Pretty much whatever I have to do to get my fix.
  15. I just realized that with guys hair and jacket he will make an easy First appearance of the modern Superboy. And how long you think it will take before we have our evil Mary Marvel runnin around. I think I just found two more reasons to love this set. edit: hahaha I just noticed kilowogs lantern is bigger too.
  16. I was going to coment on the sentry also then I noticed... did you actually take away some of zombie spideys leg or did the clear part just show up that good?
  17. Alright I am reviving this thread...hope no one minds...I figured since we have so many new mates coming out and thus so many new addicts we might as well let them tell their stories...and I didn't want to be beat by a thread god for start a new one when there was one already.So... My first mates were the Silver Surfer/ Spider-man 2099. I don't remember where I got them from but I loved them. I looked at other mates and was like whatever. Then I found the Ghost Rider/ Ironman pack. I was not an iron man fan still not, but that little bastard was just cool. I had myself a little drunken tony stark! Then came Hulk/ somebody. Well I don't think it hit real addiction till recently when I found this site! Thanks Guys! I mean that sincerely and sarcasticly (ifthatispossible) I am now getting into the 3" mates. Which is all Mr.Ts fault. I went from having a controlled addiction to complete wallet emptying, time destroying NEED. I love these little buggers and I love this site. Thanks! to everyone on here and those inmates that run the place.
  18. Anybody else a little anxious? Please say yes... This was a blast and it isn't going to kill me if I don't win, but I will be tickled pink if I win anything... not rushing the judges I swear, I just wanted to see if I was the only one.
  19. Jack Hawksmoor, the Engineer, Apollo, the Midnighter, and Jenny Sparks Two Couples One on each side of the fence and a total slut to bang the rest of your mates for a 100 years
  20. This is a bonus picture I took. It didn't fit any of the criteria so I am not violating anything. Yes I had so much fun taking pics my wife and I actually took extras just for the crap of it.
  21. Okay hadn't noticed that. hmm the alive thing i was just thinking maybe something was alive in the meteorite. spaceship idea and all that. did you notice all the clouds look like skulls?
  22. Welcome aboard and when you get a chance post your collection of mates I love seeing how everyone is a little different and sometimes very fun.
  23. Honestly it looks like it might have been a meteorite. The area you circled would be the wake as it came down. The head may not have been thrown but rather knocked off by whatever came crashing down. And I am sorry but a voltron movie is going to be LAME, don't get me wrong I love the license. I also agree this shouldn't be a cthulu because you arent supposed to see it.
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