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Everything posted by MisterPL

  1. There you go. Two 4-packs and maybe a vehicle. Wicked cool.
  2. This is pretty much the ultimate cat toy for me.
  3. Given that the tone of the film is supposed to be more light-hearted, Tony will probably return home realizing that he left Jarvis running and now there's a Cellar of suits awaiting his approval. "JARVIS!!!" [cue laugh track]
  4. Well there are children in Peter Pan so... At this point I'm more interested in the Space: 1999 line. Although an Alien set with a little Narcissus would be cool.
  5. Still can't believe that guy gets PAID to draw like that. He couldn't have been sober.
  6. The gold armor seen at SDCC and in the trailer is the Mark 42 armor. Isn't Mark 8 what he wore at the end of The Avengers? EDIT: Nope. My bad. Mark 7 was at the end of The Avengers but it got pretty shwarma'd at the end so I suspect Mark 8 might be what he dons very early in IM3.
  7. Per Marvel, No Iron Man armors other than Marks 1 – 8 and 42, can be marketed or on-shelf prior to APRIL 24, 2013. My guess is that either Funko funk'd up or they're dabbling in Hasbro's "concept" arena. It's only three total sculpts (so far) since War Machine and Iron Patriot are the same suit repainted.
  8. So the comic license is shared (or more accurately split) between DST and McFarlane but the TV license is held exclusively by McFarlane? Not fair. McFarlane has no interest in the block figure category. In other news, my TRU got another case of Series 2 added to the pegs recently. Hopefully future series will be as plentiful.
  9. Yup, that's definitely Spidey's classic suit. No points on the boots and the arm webs are back. That was quick. And that giant Hulk makes me pine for a Hulk Minimate on a bulked up 2.5" body even more.
  10. Winkerbean, I like what I'm seeing there! You're having too much fun.
  11. I dunno I hear the Actor was a total drama queen to work with T. p.s. I can't be the only one to get why you're overly fond of this Character? "Drama queen?" "DRAMA QUEEN?!" If insisting on singing his dialogue makes Runepp a drama queen, well then you simply don't appreciate creative inspiration! You're not alone. The great irony is that the TOS costumes should sell pretty well in a year when Abrams' Trek is being released. I wouldn't be opposed to a special gift box set for TRU of the original bridge crew, kinda like a "Best of" offering for new collectors. But to have five series and a boxed set that focused almost exclusively on TOS was overkill. I like the new assortments and hope it's wildly successful. But yeah, when the time is right, bring on the crazy aliens from TOS (and TAS)!
  12. God, I hope so. If they're not short-packing figures in the specialty assortments, I don't see why they would with TRU's assortments. I'm all for generic Borg but only if they come with oodles of parts to mix and match like you suggested. Borg drones are pretty individually unique. (Luke will need to make some Borg alcoves for us!) Except for any rank pins or department insignias, yeah, the uniforms lend themselves well to army building. Those tiny pins would be simple enough to paint over. The braids on the sleeves would be a little tricker.
  13. If you're referring to the Chris Pine flavored Kirk, then no. The new films are under a different license. Maybe someday. Sulu was captain of the Excelsior. Spock made it to captain's rank. Not sure about Scotty. I think Worf only made it to Commander. Riker definitely made it to captain.
  14. I recall that question being asked and answered in the negative, for some disappointing reason. I hope I'm wrong. The ships would have a lot more display value if the chairs were removable.
  15. Zach confirmed the astronaut line was NOT Star Trek. I believe he also said they're not your typical astronauts. So I guess The Right Stuff with Mercury capsule is out.
  16. Don't forget the inevitable "WHERE'S CARL?!" Rick & Lori 2-pack.
  17. Runepp was the best part of the episode, as far as I'm concerned. The rest of it was worth skipping.
  18. That's Runepp, the Rasiinian first-contact dignitary to DS9. His species was also seen assimilated by The Borg in VOY.
  19. Speaking of Z-listers, I really, really want this guy: He's easily one of my favorite aliens from DS9.
  20. Certainly not as memorable as the unnamed captain of the Saratoga in Star Trek IV, who I believe was the first human female captain to appear on screen. (Ew. I just stepped in nerd...)
  21. I'm not expecting a lot of army-building with this franchise. There are so many unique characters. I think they'll go specific with a lot of red shirts and aliens but so far we've got a generic Xindi and Jem Hadar so maybe not. Characters like Borg Drones have unique designs but there's potential to "assimilate" other 'mates simply by swapping parts. That would make a pretty cool box set, in my opinion. There are certainly enough costume variants of main characters to last dozens of series so that's not a problem. I just want to make sure the bridge crews get completed (and I'm sure they will) and that ridiculously obscure aliens get offered as well.
  22. Have the Space: 1999 Minimates been announced yet?
  23. A poll would be a good way to figure out which accessories are most marketable. "Which of the following would you buy?" That type of thing. Narrow the list from there.
  24. I'm fairly certain that we're looking at a thick application of paint filling in the joints of the prototypes. If these were production samples and they looked like that, I'd be concerned.
  25. When Power Rangers were owned by Disney, I'd say the given DST's current partnership, it might have been more likely. However now that Saban has the property back, I'm not sure if they'd bother with any toys outside of what Bandai produces. They would make some pretty easy Minimates, though. I've never been a fan myself but I might pick up a set or two on clearance.
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