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The Vox

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Everything posted by The Vox

  1. I'm glad they did Ant-Mans large feet this way instead of the duck feet. I will have to get at least two for display purposes. Did we get a confirmation whether these are online only or if Disney Store's might carry them?
  2. I plan on getting 2 or 3 Chitauri. I at least want to recreate the scene where Hulk smashes one into the side of a building and then spins around to smash another. Once I see the film tomorrow morning.. I may need A LOT more.
  3. So we have ALL been mispronouncing Miry's name in our heads? Now I've got psalms 40 stuck in my head being sung by Bono.. "out of the miry clay.." My world has just been tossed upside down. btw, it's pronounced Thee Vokes ..almost like The Folks. jk
  4. Looking forward to these.. An estimated store date would be great.
  5. I picked up the variant Ant-man II/Kree Dude pack. I am loving how many characters they are making that have appeared in Avengers:EMH in the last year. Many I knew nothing about until seeing them on the show and now I have Armin Zola, Kree Robot guy, Ant-man 2.. with Reeper, Kang and MODOK on their way. Pretty cool. I am thinking I am a bit backward.. Minimates and an Animated Series are making me read more comics.. as opposed to reading comics making me like minimates and animated shows. Keep 'em coming DST.
  6. Link? That threads name has changed and I don't see any news. What's the scoop?
  7. Was there a hint given that more unmade Avengers characters might be showing up this summer? I'm looking everywhere here but not finding it.
  8. Hey Gambitron, anything show up in Orem yet? Pics look great.. Can't wait to find these.. AND see the movie!
  9. The war has begun. I have chosen a side.. and the streets will run with blood.. or feathers.. er fur.. ... GO FALCON!
  10. Hey everyone.. they gave us Kang, Reaper and a new Hawkeye! (My glass is always half full, when it's half full of minimates)
  11. Hey.. you know what character in the Marvel Universe would make a great minimate? Kang.
  12. we are an ambitious group.. it was bound to happen.
  13. Nice, glad that is debunked.. Kang/Wolverine seemed like a strange pairing anyway. But, honestly, I'm good with whoever they throw in there.. I'm just anxious for the announcement. Let's go Marvel!! Who's there webmaster?.. lets bombard him with pictures of MMMV Members at Conventions until he relents and posts the news!!
  14. Yes Please. ...and the more I think about it.. a see-through purple-ish Wonder Man wouldn't make a good silhouette photo.. so he may be a real possibility.
  15. This TRU call sums up the majority of my collector phone calls. Very funny (and frustrating)
  16. Because tomorrow is Thor's Day! Is this thing on? Pretty solid chuckle on that one. So.. Falcon's wings would be a give away if he was a silouette picture? Interesting that so far, the 3 reveals were all a big part of Season 1 of Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes. As mentioned before.. this would be great if it were the 616 versions of the animated series characters. A purple translucent Wonder Man would be fantastic! Would he end up in the Villain set or the heroes set?.. hmmm... Miry? Seriously though, everything from here on out is just icing on a fantastic cake. Props to DST and Zach for kickin' it into high gear on these/this box set(s). If these were done as a thank-you to die hard fans, then I say, MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! Well played sirs. And as far as driving a bunch of collectors crazy for a few days.. that worked well too. Tuning back in tomorrow for the Marvel(disney?) news!
  17. I am still in shock.. This is so cool! Bring on Mocking Bird!.. Or whomever... . (logged on in the middle of the night to get an update... I have a problem) ...hello, my name is Chad A., and I have a problem...
  18. I've never seen Shuma outside of the games either.. in fact, I don't know anyone that chooses him as a regular fighter in the game.. I'm thinking he is a pet project of some Capcom programmer.. or they keep putting him in for the "weird" factor.
  19. Looks like they Kanged it, dangit! Nice news. Now when they announce the box set includes Falcon, I will officially retire my original wish-list.
  20. I was curious about the design of the Sentinel.. he does look VERY much like the one in the game, so I think they did a good job that way. I'm just curious what artwork the one from the game is based on.. anyone know?
  21. who the, what the? Cousins of Skeletor? Pics like this make me feel like I know nothing about the Marvel Universe.
  22. Found 'em at TRU in Salt Lake City, Utah. Sentinel is fantastic! The display stand that comes with Wolverine is now my all-time favorite minimate stand. I wish they would mass-produce that thing.
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