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Everything posted by fwoosheyman

  1. Mystery Minis are 2.5 inches tall and are chunky, Surtur could work w minimates. Looks like glow in the dark Grandmaster and a gladiator guy next to Surtur. Also one of them looks like Korg the Kronan.
  2. looks like Surtur is in the movie (awesome design) as well. I'd rather have him than Heimdall, although Heimdall has a cool design as well. Also, there's a "barbarian" look for Hulk and a wolf? Does Hulk have a pet????
  3. Saw it today and it was great. I'm starting the campaign for a Ned minimate in the sequel wave right now. He was hysterical. ?
  4. Really???...Ashley Barton & another OML.
  5.'s better than the 2012 poop-stain Spidey & Lizard pack at least.
  6. I could see DST doing a new WW Hulk. It's a great design and the old is horrible (really, really horrible). Also, they probably want to stay away from Planet Hulk since the Ragnarok Hulk is so similar.
  7. Found them today in PA. Guardian is my fav in this wave, although they are all well done.
  8. Had high expectations for this multipack and it exceeds them. Nice work DST!
  9. Would appear so. Several sellers on eBay have them.
  10. Thanks for the info. Luckly I hadn't opened my order from so I was able to return and buy for a cheaper price.
  11. Yea I could only find them on the mobile app as well. Typical
  12. If anyone needs a set of Series 4, there are 3 full sets at a Walgreens near me. I'll gladly pick them up for cost + shipping. Just send me a PM.
  13. McFarlane did make 5" figures for Halo and Assassin's Creed. He lost Halo and changed Creed over to the red top/blue top 7" statues. There are still some Walking Dead 5" figures, they are now Walgreens excluvies and only because they asked. Everything else is the red top/blue top statues.
  14. I gave up on getting more Trek Minimates years ago. The lack of retail interest in Trek, DST's obsession w the original series & lack of creativity in Trek offerings doomed the chances. DST having the licenses for so many years and the only bridge crew we got from TNG is Picard and Sisko from DS9 is depressing. As people stated here numerous times 4-packs w extra heads should have been offered. With good character variety they would have been successful. DST is seeing now that 4-packs are easier for comic shops to sell. Shame they didn't see it then. ? Mcfarlane won't do much w the license. Interest is still low from retail and their current "red top/blue top" strategy is a dud.
  15. Found the TRU Magneto/Wolverine set in NJ today. Even packed case (4 of each).
  16. Supposedly this is the line-up for the game. Definitely great potential for minimates on the Capcom side. Marvel side doesn't do anything for me minimate-wise except for Gwenpool and Ms Marvel. MARVEL: Iron Man, Captain America, Captain Marvel, Ms Marvel, Thor, Loki, Hulk, Hawkeye, Black Panther, Black Widow, Ant-Man, Spider-Man, Venom, Daredevil, Iron Fist, Luke Cage, Ghost Rider, Punisher, Ultron, Thanos, Star-Lord, Rocket (w/Groot), Doctor Strange, Gwenpool, Squirrel Girl, Fing Fang Foom (Giant Character), Wolverine, Magneto, Storm, and Doctor Doom. CAPCOM: Ryu, Rashid, Chun-Li, Zangief, Gill, Morrigan, Talbain, Tessa, Mega Man X, Sigma, Roll, Strider, Jin, Captain Commando, Edward Falcon, Asura, Gene, Dante, Leon, Ada, Wesker, Nina (BoF2), Spencer, Simon Blackquill, Phoenix Wright, Rathalos (Giant Character), Masamune Date, Batsu, June, and Frank West.
  17. I'm sure we'll get a Roxas eventually. There's going to be multiple waves.
  18. Read this info over on According to the post this info straight from Zach. "There will be minimates and would include Sora (Kingdom Hearts II), Donald, Goofy, Auron, Demyx, Jafar, Shadow, Tron, and Sark."
  19. He didn't say what kind of artwork. Maybe, Zach is a painter and will be showing his collection of "bowls of fruit on a table" paintings. Or perhaps Chuck likes to lounge on the couch and makes Zack "draw me like one of your french girls".
  20. Juggernaut could definitely be improved with new less slanted boots, a helmet design which doesn't hide the face so much and some more details on the waist piece. It's been 6 yrs (doesn't seem that long), its not easily available and he's a popular character. I'll change my guess to: Toad, Hoodie Rogue, Marvel Girl, Juggernaut
  21. "Box Set is one new classic character, two never-made classic costumes and one requested update, I think. Title-specific." Based on Zach's two hints I'm guessing its an X-Men themed boxset. As they say "X Sells". - Toad - Hoodie Rogue - Marvel Girl (Jean Grey) - Classic Wheelchair Xavier (Can't think of any other X-Men that haven't been updated/redone)
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