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Mystery Man

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Everything posted by Mystery Man

  1. I gotta vote for none. I want completely new characters, not movie re-hash versions. Why not at all? Because the movie lines so far have put a hiatus on the comic book character versions coming out, which is my whole reason to buy the line. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy for new parts and all. But I couldn't give a rat's ass about a movie version of Iron Man or Tony Stark when I've already got comic versions of them and still no Titanium Man, Black Widow, Crimson Dynamo, Mandarin and so forth.
  2. I gotta vote for none. I want completely new characters, not movie re-hashes. Why not at all? Because the movie lines so far have put a hiatus on the comic book character versions coming out, which is my whole reason to buy the line. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy for new parts and all. But I couldn't give a rat's ass about a movie version of the Human Torch or Dr. Doom when I've already got comic versions of them and still no Sub-Mariner, Mole Man, Black Panther or Black Bolt.
  3. Anybody heard anything from their LCS about them on the invoice next week?
  4. The solicit reads that they may be found "DEFENDING" the DST offices. If that isn't a dead give-away, I don't know what is. If they don't release a Namor with this in green trunks, I'm going to be really disappointed in the company and the people who make the decisions. I hope we get two completely new characters. NO HULK and NO SURFER. Illuminati would be okay if we got Black Bolt and the current Iron Man armor, but Defenders would be best if we could get Hawkeye (he was a Defender!) and Valkeryie, Hellcat, Nightwing or Gargoyle.
  5. Got 'em today and they're awesome!
  6. Aquaman, Wonder Woman, and Green Arrow for me! JLA time! Yeah, boy!
  7. So can these be ordered off the DST site and they'll come in since they're hitting ebay? Or are they still a pre-sell on the DST site?
  8. I didn't get my case in last week because of some screw up with the UPS people. I ended up finding them all in Memphis when I met Mark Waid and got the Robin/Penguin. Based solely on what I've seen: Robin: 10 out of 10. Spot on, simple and a perfect execution. Penguin: 7 out of 10... ONLY because he's in all white and it's a blatant re-use of the Kingpin part. And while it looks good, yes, I REALLY wish they would've done him in the black/blue and purple (like Mini_Myte said above) or in black and white. Besides and in spite of that, he still looks great. Blue Beetle: 10 out of 10. Pefect execution. Only needs a hairpeice. Booster Gold: 10 out of 10. Again, spot on but needs a hairpeice. Battle damaged Superman: 8 out of 10... only because the symbol is different than the regular one, meaning we're going to have to get a Battle damaged yellow symboled Superman and a regular black symboled Superman at some point and I'm not ready for that yet. Brainiac 13: 10 out of 10. Looks really great... but why couldn't they have made either the all silver 80's "Super Powers" Brainiac or the Silver Age classic green skinned one instead? Power Girl: 10 out of 10... spot on. Too bad the cape is attached to the chest peice, though. Dr. Fate. 10 out of 10. Great figure and the one I was looking forward to most. Also, while I like the Kent Nelson character better, it's easier to make one of those than the Hector Hall one... so I'm glad of that.
  9. People like that are great. I wish there were more friendly people like that. Congratulations on the neat stuff!
  10. No variants, please. They're a hassle and a pain in the ass. I like getting 8 totally new characters instead of 8 characters, 1 of which is a repeat and another 1 of which is tough to get ahold of. I'm all up for some exclusives to be sold or given away at comic cons, online, and so forth. If people can get them online that can't go to events, that's the best. It's fair for everybody. Extra venues are what I'm talking about and they're great to push the line and build excitement. But variant chase figures just suck.
  11. My comic shop got shorted by the UPS people and I didn't get my case in today. I'm glad that they're so neat and am in a foul mood since I didn't get mine. I hope everybody gets to enjoy them.
  12. Where were the classic Cylons available? I really want a silver and gold one but don't know where to look.
  13. My most hopefuls: Adam Strange Tomar Re Metamorpho Sinestro Ray Palmer Atom Elongated Man Alan Scott Green Lantern Rex Tyler Hourman Wes Dodds Sandman Ted Knight Starman Al Pratt Atom (could come with both masks) Two Face Captain Cold Black Manta Zatanna Amazo Eventually, it'd be really killer to have complete era's of JLA, JSA, Titans and so forth, as well as some other characters that don't always fit right in, New Gods, and a whole heap of villains.
  14. With that Sgt. Rock/Blackhawk set you can make lots of Blackhawk guys and lots of soldiers with extra sets. I love all of 'em, but think I like the Supergirl the least. Somethin' about that mid-riff looks kinda off to me. But I'm still gonna get a case of 'em. They look fantastic. I think I'm amped about Sgt. Rock most of all. I hope we get some more classic Titans, JSA, JLA and some Metal Men, Doom Patrol and good ol' Metamorpho and Ultra, the Multi-Alien).
  15. When I called my comic shop today, that's what they told me. Don't know if it's true, but be on the look out.
  16. Avengers all the way. 100% new characters is the way to go.
  17. Yeah, but I meant I wish a DC set would come out every month. I don't get BG and the only Marvel I'm looking forward to is the Avengers set.
  18. So now that there are two different GLC bodies to choose from and mix with other parts, has anybody else gotten extras and made other GLC members?
  19. Yeah, I noticed it. They can still hold the power batteries okay... they fit pretty snug in the outstretched position. Holding them down to the side is a not so much, though.
  20. I think you are being a bit harsh. There have been plenty of non-spidey figures. Spider-man and Wolverine are what sells, so we're gonna see our fair share of them. It's reasons like this that make me wonder if everybody who buys this line is okay with getting the same shit over and over, just tweaked a little to make it "different".
  21. You're pepped about the DC sets and so am I. So make some alter ego's with the following parts. It's easy. Clark Kent: Until we get a blue suit with a red tie like the old Super Powers version, here's a quick fix. Hair: DC Series 1 Superman Head: DC Series 1 Superman Chest: Bruce Banner Arms: Black Hands: Caucasian Crotch: Black Legs: Black Feet: Black: Other: Bruce Wayne black jacket Bruce Wayne Hair: DC Series 1 Batman Head: DC Series 1 Batman Chest: C3 Bruce Wayne blue shirt from clear blue Batplane Arms: Black Hands: Caucasian Crotch: Black Legs: Black Feet: Black Other: Bruce Wayne black jacket Hal Jordan Hair: DC Series 1 Green Lantern OR cut the glasses off a Bruce Wayne hairpeice like I did and gloss over the white cut mark with a brown sharpie. It sounds cheap but it really looks top notch. Head: 1st Logan/Wolverine or one of the C3 Batmen. I think I used one of those. Chest: Bomber Jacket from 1st Logan/Wolverine Arms: Bomber Jacket from 1st Logan/Wolverine Hands: Caucasian Crotch: Blue from 1st Logan/Wolverine Legs: Blue from 1st Logan/Wolverine Feet: Black or Brown Other: You can dab a little green paint or sharpie dot on his hand to give him a power ring if you like John Jones Hair: Sandman Head: Bruce Banner Chest: Bruce Banner Arms: Black Hands: Caucasian Crotch: Logan that came with Juggernaut one Legs: Logan that came with Juggernaut ones Feet: Black looks best Other: Blade jacket... cut the stakes offa the front. Also, give him a pistol from Punisher since he's a detective. Barry Allen Hair: Phasing Human Torch Head: Captain America Chest: Patch Wolverine (bowtie!) Arms: Bruce Banner Hands: Caucasian Crotch: Sandman Legs: Sandman Feet: Gimli Other: Banner's lab coat Snapper Carr Hair: Raft Beaten Spider-Man Head: 1st Logan/Wolverine Chest: Thanos or some other solid color to look like a t-shirt Arms: Peter Parker Hands: Caucasian Crotch: Any brown, I think I used Lady Deathstrike Legs: Likewise Feet: Black Other: Jimmy Olsen Hair: Flash Head: Flash Chest: Patch Wolverine Arms: Peter Parker Hands: Caucasian Crotch: Peter Parker Legs: Peter Parker Feet: Black or Brown will do Other: They may just be customs, but I like 'em a damned lot. Lemme know if anybody finds any alternate parts.
  22. I really can't wait for Series 3! I'm already imagining how I can fiddle with that Green Arrow to make a beardless version. Plus Aquaman and Wonder Woman and it's JLA time! Likewise, that Hawkman can't come out soon enough. I hope they make an Elongated Man, Adam Strange, and the Atom.
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