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Trekker 42

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Everything posted by Trekker 42

  1. Well, the creature is finally revealed in full detail: Pics and information Funny, I thought he was a different color.
  2. Don't take this the wrong way....I really like your Man Thing. I agree. That custom is awesome. Now... where's the official? I think more needs to be done with Ultimate Man-Thing. He's appeared a total of, what, two panels?
  3. I totally agree, however when he does show-up (and you know he will given time) he had better come with a "classic" Sabretooth (unbelievably still missing). This is about the only way I could stomach another Wolvie. even if he came with Dedpool or Gambit?
  4. I know not many people liked the movie, but a Beowulf 5 pack would be freaking awesome: Beowulf Grendel (3 Incher) Grendel's Mother Wiglaf Hrothgar Also release a giant freaking Dragon and we've got it made.
  5. If Chuck Norris wants popcorn, he breathes on Nebraska
  6. Alright MMMV members, I know that you've got some Chuck Norris jokes. I decided to make a thread with one rule: ONE JOKE PER POST! I will start it off: Chuck Norris once visited the Virgin Islands. Now they're just called the Islands Top that
  7. Any point to that post? The joke wasn't even that good! It's but a joke. No point on attacking someone for a joke (unless it offends people TM2 ) True, but it was a bad joke! My Lord, I haven't seen a joke that bad since, well, this one: "A man and a woman wanted to put bricks on their patio. The man wanted red brick, the woman yellow. They decided to throw one brick of each colour (for our UK friends ) up in the air and whichever lands first would be the one that they make the patio out of. The red brick landed first, so they made it out of red brick." Worst Joke Ever. In case you're wondering, I heard that at a FIRST competition. That's robotics, by the way. If you find the time and there's a competition in you're area, you should check it out. It's international
  8. Any point to that post? The joke wasn't even that good!
  9. yeeeeah, remember when i warned about spoilers?.... What? I was just wondering if I was alone! Just because I post this doesn't mean that people have to look at the picture. Besides, what am I spoiling? I mean the movie is obviously about a crystal skull, just look at the title! (BTW: If I sound angry to you, I'm not. I'm just defending myself.) oh! lol... i didn't mean YOU spoiling it... i was saying that in regard to your question; in that you seemed suddenly spoiled, and that i DID try to warn you. Your reply sounded as though you hadn't heard the big seething controversy about the film's title and potential subject matter... i may have said to much.... It does look like an alien though, doesn't it?
  10. I'm not usually a fan, but those Iron Man minimates are FAR TOO COOL to hate. Amen man. Also, AN IRON MAN VILLAIN! Awesome!
  11. I do want a skeleton Wolverine, DOFP style.
  12. yeeeeah, remember when i warned about spoilers?.... What? I was just wondering if I was alone! Just because I post this doesn't mean that people have to look at the picture. Besides, what am I spoiling? I mean the movie is obviously about a crystal skull, just look at the title! (BTW: If I sound angry to you, I'm not. I'm just defending myself.)
  13. Is it just me, or does the Crystal Skull in the last pic look like an alien skull?
  14. Definitely some possibilities! If they stuck with the 5-figure format of the Mirror, Mirror set: Romulans: Commander Sela Commander Tomalok Commander Toreth (Face of the Enemy) Commander Donatra (Nemesis) Troi as a Romulan Borg: Borg Queen Hugh Borg Seven of Nine (full borg) Picard as Locutus Icheb Klingons: Gowron Lursa B'Etor Duras K'ehleyr Ferengi: Quark Nog Rom Moogie Grand Nagus Cardassians: Garak Seska Tora Ziyal Damar Gilora I also wouldn't mind seeing some of the characters in earlier uniforms like TNG S1, & DS9's earlier outfits, since i imagine that most, if not all, won't get a variant like Capt. Sisko. I agree with most all of that, but I think Troi's slot is better suited to a Shinzon. The tar alien is called Armus
  15. If he had feathered wings, I think I would be extremely angry. Feathered wings should not be a variant. What needs to be done next is classic Angel from Lee's run of X-Men. Then let the part swapping begin.
  16. For Cap, make a limited edition Funeral Captain America! Complete with bullet wounds! Great idea Deadpool! I may just do that.
  17. That's alternate universe Uhura... they dropped into a parallel universe where everyone changed sexes and that's how she looked. What do you mean I'm making that up... oh ok... It's Sisko from DS9. T. I thought this was Sisko? Apparently there's 2 siskos:one variant and one regular. One version is Sisko from the first couple of seasons (Commander Sisko). The other is a later version, after he was promoted to Captain and had Britney Spears do a number on his hair. One is the variant.... the other is not. Don't ask me which is which. On an unrelated note - the mixed wave is a bit of marketing genius for DST - given that many of us our completists, it'll take many many many waves to finish what this starts... ST:TMP, ST:TWOK, ST:TNG, ST:DS9 and the good ol' original ST. Just to get the basic 7-member casts (w/o aliens and what-not) it would take something like 4 or 5 more waves... add to that Voyager, Enterprise and perhaps the new movie.... we'll probably be seeing new ST mates at the next 2-3 toy fairs (or More) Sisko without hair is the regular release. Commander Sisko is the variant.
  18. That's easy. GIVE ME VADER OR GIVE ME DEATH.
  19. Stormtroopers vs Clone Troopers vs Modern Cylons vs Classic Cylons vs Borg vs Cybermen vs Ultrons Ultimate. Battle. Royale. YES!!! HAHA! Just throw in HYDRA and SHIELD and you've got it made :buttrock: Stormtroopers vs Clone Troopers vs Modern Cylons vs Classic Cylons vs Borg vs Cybermen vs Ultrons Ultimate. Battle. Royale. Think about this one - who'd win if a Han Solo Minimate fought an Indiana Jones Minimate? Chuck Norris. I have to ask, where is IG88 in that bounty Hunter pack? He is the single most badass of that group.
  20. Bah! Minimates die and these arrive. How... unintelligent.
  21. Firs off, The best FART?!!! Secondly, No. No he's not. William Hurt is the new General Ross.
  22. That David Bowie song edited with the Presidential Candidates. Hilarious!
  23. *Cough* Hulk-buster *Cough* T. Wha? Is he realy??? I totally would love a HulkBuster mini! Jeff of the Miniacs Yep. Tony's in there. No idea what he's gonna do, but he's there in at least a scene with Ross.
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