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Everything posted by lastmaximal

  1. i would definitely love these. would make an awesome 4-pack... that no one but me would end up buying and yeah, i'd love a Kaine/Spidercide too. as far as Wolverine goes, Weapon X is indeed a must. Feral Wolverine [with the bandana-mask, bare chest, long hair and bone claws] wouldn't be too bad. There's also the "generic" blue/yellow unmasked uniform [the one that everyone wore with the yellow middle stripe, gloves, belt and boots]. i'd buy tons of those just so i could quick-custom an entire x-team in that uniform. i'd also buy multiples of a Wolvie based on his SHIELD-leading House of M look, for the same team-making reasons. i'd like to see a Fang costume, which could then be quick-customed with sharpie breast/ab outlines for an x-23. There's the once-proposed Alex Ross redesign, which i don't really like over the others but doesn't look that bad. ====== i just realized i'd buy an entire wave of "Spidey variation+bad guy" or an entire wave of "Wolvie variation+bad guy" 2-packs. i know, i'm not helping
  2. thirded! man, now i have to find TWO luthors ...
  3. i'm no fan of DCD as a whole, but i AM a DC fan, so of course i'd like the line to continue whoever is releasing it and however it'll be released. if DCD themselves is being half-assed about it, or fishing for more interest or whatever, that's a damn shame. i wouldn't call everything they said into question, as i know too little about that level of the process, but i couldn't care less either -- i just want my minimates. i wouldn't be averse to box sets, myself. a [*good*] event or character-themed five/six-pack instead of a full wave would be acceptable [just no variants and as few repeated figures/characters as possible, although event themes would almost certainly call for them]. plenty of possibilities: Sinestro Corps War. [sinestro, Parallax Kyle, heck why not Kyle as GL or Ion, two Sinestro Corps aliens or Corps Cyborg and Anti-Monitor] Death and Return of Superman. [Kon-El, Eradicator, Doomsday, Lifesuit/Mullet Superman, Lois Lane] Countdown to Infinite Crisis. [bit of an obscure set representing the event and its lead-up stuff-- Alexander Luthor, Max Lord or Sascha Bordeaux, Catman, Jean Loring Eclipso, Detective Chimp or Blue Devil] 52. [black Adam, Isis, Osiris, Animal Man, Adam Strange] Countdown to Final Crisis. [black costume Mary Marvel, Jimmy Olsen, Superman Prime, Monitor, Red Hood] Knightfall/KnightsEnd. [might just be me who wants this, heh -- Azbats, 90s Nightwing, Balent-style Catwoman, Commissioner Gordon, maybe a battle-damaged Bane] Teen Titans. [Donna Troy, Wonder Girl, Kid Flash, Beast Boy, new Blue Beetle] Suicide Squad. [Amanda Waller, Deadshot, Dr. Light, Killer Frost, Bronze Tiger] Outsiders. [Arsenal, Shift/Metamorpho, Grace, Thunder, Captain Boomerang II] Birds of Prey. [barbara Gordon as Oracle, Black Canary, Katana, Huntress, Manhunter] JSA. [Mr. Terrific, Alan Scott, Hourman, Atom Smasher, Sand] whew.
  4. i look forward to seeing how they make this happen minimate-style.
  5. If he had feathered wings, I think I would be extremely angry. Feathered wings should not be a variant. What needs to be done next is classic Angel from Lee's run of X-Men. Then let the part swapping begin. i'd prefer the red version of this outfit, from the Dark Phoenix saga. that way he gives us another Angel costume, the feathered wings AND the shorter hair -- while fitting in more, costume-wise [no one else currently has the original-X-team black/yellow, but there are several in their Dark Phoenix Saga outfits -- Cyke, Colossus, Nightcrawler, Wolvie, duh Dark Phoenix].
  6. some great ideas there! while not primarily a Hulk fan, i wouldn't say no to a Hulk 5-pack with World War Hulk, Silver Savage, WWH-Hulkbuster Armor Iron Man, Red Hulk, Incredible Hercules [heh] and Miek. i'd love a Captain America-themed set with current costume Cap, Cap-Punisher, Winter Soldier, Red Skull, Sharon Carter and Falcon. then a Mighty Avengers set with Ares, Black Widow, Yellowjacket, Wasp, and Ionic [or red coat/shades] Wonder Man. Secret Avengers... most have already been released. though i wouldn't mind a better Luke Cage, and easier-to-get Iron Fist and Black Costume Spidey.
  7. got em today! oddly, my LCS got in my variant orders but not their regular versions [transferring stock of those from two other branches, picking em up sunday probably]. i love how these have mini-bios on the back now!
  8. i've found that Illustrator CS has this nifty LiveTrace tool, where you can import a raster line drawing and it'll be converted into pen-editable vector graphic format with varying success levels.
  9. yeah, i never win these things too. ah well, hopefully this'll be the charm... if not, i cross my fingers and await a kind soul who can help order
  10. Now that is a list. Did you pull that list together from memory, or do you have some sort of "Master Marvel Character List" you referenced? And for the record, I would totally buy a "Masters" box set. Or a "Masters of Evil" box set. Masters of the [Marvel] Universe!
  11. Any pics of the Hulk wave and if there is could you post a link? we were lucky to get pics of the Iron Man stuff, apparently, or something.
  12. off the top of my head... Spidey's got comic battle damage, melee black costume, and SM3 battle damage to Cap's comic battle damage [from the Classic Punisher 2-pack] and this one. i LOVE the fact that they did the bloody shield thing from the promo poster though!
  13. Nitro. exploding guy who [iirc] killed the original Captain Marvel via cancer and started Civil War by blowing up Stamford. er, belated spoilers. i'm so happy they made this set . i wonder if there'll be a second four-pack. i'm a little hazy on character choices but i'd like to see: Nitro-exploded Wolverine skeleton [gotta have a Wolvie], Thunderbolts Green Goblin [any excuse to get removable-mask Norman out there], Speedball [or Penance, though i'd prefer the former] and CLOR! [or Herc, or Black Goliath... especially if Marvel/DST have a new, bigger-than-2"-mates license in effect]. the lovely thing about structuring waves around an event is almost everyone is fair game! could even do up four-packs for Young Avengers [perhaps the same guys as in the ML 4-pack, switching Iron Lad out for Stature or the lovely Kate Bishop]. or a mutant-community-themed set of Deadpool, Cable, Bishop and, er, Storm. or a "Captain America"-themed set of Cap-Punisher, Winter Soldier, Red Skull and Sharon Carter... okay i need to lie down.
  14. GREAT, dcd, just great. i finally find something just as fun as [and much less expensive/pain-in-the-ass to hunt down and collect] the Mattel stuff and you put it on indefinite hold. how do we let em know we want more? did they specify a way [ie one that they said they would listen to, not a typically-fruitless online petition]?
  15. the hulk wave is confirmed, i think it's in Wizard's article.
  16. woo! great news. long live marvel minimates! long live minimates in general!
  17. it would seem, then, that you're talking to people who don't look at it the same way. you don't have to think like them, and i wouldn't dream of suggesting that for its own sake. but it would help your case if you stopped stating opinions as fact ["Wave 7 still blows chunks" -- even if you say it's cool that everyone likes it, that doesn't say "to each his own" -- it just makes everyone look stupid for somehow liking something that "blows chunks"] and if you gave people's opinion the same chance you'd have them give yours. in any event, man this is set to be an expensive 'mates month.
  18. i would think that the fact alone that they were already done before and are being done again makes them retreads. but they're far from cheap, quickie reissues. some considerable effort has gone into making them unique. also, no way is Booster animated-style. the JLU booster doesn't even have blue as an accent color, i think. the "thrill of the hunt" doesn't appeal much, if at all, to casual collectors and people who might want to try the line based on comics they've read just now -- if DCD is to hook new people into this line then it's in their and everyone's best interests that certain HTF figures be made available again. and saying people are only getting these because they're an "easy out" is a disservice to both these people and the designers who put the effort into making these editions what they are. what, people buying toys and figurines should have to treat the process like a "run the gauntlet" knighthood-earning set of challenges now, avoiding and disdaining "easy outs"? i'd be able to understand your dislike more if they were straight reissues, but they're *considerably* different [well, as much as they can be without being entirely new incarnations/era-looks of the characters], even including all-new sculpt parts. Batman i'll grant you seems excessive from a certain viewpoint, as he was already done and redone multiple times in c3 AND in dcd mates . but sounding the alarm for the FIRST redone Nightwing and Flash... erk.
  19. different people will like different things i guess. i'm ambivalent toward the use of C3-released characters for this wave -- while i'd have preferred totally new characters not done yet [another Titan to join Starfire, another rogue/Gotham hero to join Clayface] , these guys are rather well-done and make life a lot easier for those who never got the chance to get them. the latter [particularly the last] factor takes precedence over any personal preference of mine, i believe.
  20. i've already greatly minimized my DCD full-size figure purchasing [stopped it, mostly] in favor of picking up DCD Minimates. character selection is the same [even better, in some cases], and the articulation is considerably different. i'm fine with the level of accessorization and extras, and i think it has to continue in order to provide an additional positive point for purchase/overall worth [all the help they can get, so to speak].
  21. only DCD wave 7 was on the shipping lists for all my LCS's. maybe 19 IS intended for this week but delivery to stores was pushed back to next, to coincide with 20 [which might explain why people are being shipped their wave 19]? hopefully next week will have them both in stores.
  22. yup, that's the most likely reason, i think.
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