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Everything posted by Zombieboyfiend

  1. And here is everyone's favorite assassin.. No not Dead Pool. Ok their second favorite... *sigh no not Elektra either... Ok this dude is somewhere in the top 100 for sure. ARCADE Welcome to Murderworld! Keep all hands and feet in the cart.
  2. Come on TM2! I'm going to throw in a quick custom later in the day because I left the pictures at work. It's not always about the destination but the journey my friends.
  3. Ohh my! (has a weakness for Sailor Moon)
  4. remember seeing them at my LCS as Spiderman and Silver Surfer singles but didn't get hooked until I bought TRU 10 pack. Went eBay crazy to get most of what I own.
  5. No offense all, but Ultimates is what drove me away from Marvel. I did kind of enjoy Ultimate Avengers though. I guess i'm just old school. :mage:
  6. Added a few more... *listens for anything and only hears crickets
  7. After hearing the price discounts I hit the local Target and got a pack at an amazing $1.34 with tax and went to another and found more! Going to hit two more this weekend and check them out.
  8. Hell I didn't know LOTR Sauron was a 3 incher.
  9. I'm in the middle of a move still, who are they shipping through?
  10. Big fan of What If here... of the Amalgam minimates I would say Speed Demon.
  11. I wish I had known my retailer would of order these for me at price last year.
  12. I second that one. I'd like to see that one also. My set would include New Warriors 1. Night Thrasher 2. Nova 3. Speedball 4. Marvel Boy 5. Namorita 6. Firestar (even though we already have one.)
  13. Emma looks like a panties model. Is there something wrong with panties models?
  14. Haha and I thought that stickiness was the plastic melting.
  15. I used some on my test subject Battle Scarred Thing and it worked great I used it on New Cyclop's legs and it sorta melted the plastic. Maybe one of the heavy hitters out there has some tips but I wondered if I used a rag and a small amount of the stuff and gave it a quick sweep would help.
  16. Text says it all though... I'll paraphrase 'Far out in webspace there exists the goofiest Forum in the entire multiverse... The Square logo'd MINIMATEMULTIVERSE! It's the Home Forum of the the Irrelevent, quirky minimategeeks who are imperfect duplicates of AndyCarter and his friends...' T. LoL Damn skippy!
  17. Spoiler.. Thanks Shanester I've always wondered.
  18. My buddy called me to let me know he got the "your minimates have shipped" email.
  19. Yes we do, don't we. :biggrin: Oh by the way did anyone finish Marvel Zombies? I was wondering what color the inside of Silver Sufer is.
  20. Hahaha. You got me with Benny Hill. Made my PMs real confusing.
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