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Everything posted by HRGMann

  1. Any other quick-custom ideas out there for this series? This is the first wave that I bought multiple sets, and now I'm wishing I had stocked up on the earlier waves a bit more. For the ST:TWOK Spock, I went with a Sarek head from Series 3. Scotty's oven mitts also go well with the figure. What's everyone doing with their extra engineering suit Scotty? A grimacing SM3 Peter Parker head and a red sharpie might make for a good crispy cadet. I'm also thinking black legs, white torso and arms, a black jacket (not the sleeves) plus the variant old Scotty head would work for his Next Generation appearance.
  2. I was fortunate to pick up the basic set of six about 6 months ago at a comic shop that I don’t go by that often. They had been sitting on the shelf for a while (I guessed, based on the dust), but never having seen them anywhere else, I was glad to get them at $6.99 each. They only had one of the Wolverine/Jean Grey; if they hadn’t had that one, I probably would have passed on the other two. About a week ago, I right after seeing the Dark Knight movie, I learned that the Absolute Edition of Watchmen is now out of print. This is one of those books I kept meaning to get, but always found something else to spend my money on. I never realized how much I NEEDED it until I really WANTED it and couldn’t FIND it. Non of the online book shops had it in stock any more, the Amazon sellers were asking $150 and up, and the few on ebay looked like they were all on the rise past $100. I found a comic shop slightly out of the area on Thursday that had one copy. I went after work, and in addition to getting the book, I was able to get a basic set of the Avengers series (they only had one Thor/Loki, and no variant). First time I’d ever seen these, so a good score. When I got the book home, my wife, thinking to sell it on ebay, asked if that was the only one they had. I said yes, and said too bad we’re keeping it. Friday, I happened to call the one comic shop within driving distance that I hadn’t called the day before, the one I had gotten the X3 mates from, and they also had a copy of Watchmen, but that it was a little dinged, and that if I wanted it, they guy would hold it until I got there after work. Sounds good, I said. Here’s the point of the story… when I got there, I looked to see if they had ANY minimates, because they usually don’t carry a lot of toys. They still had the basic X3 mates on the shelf, with even more dust than before. Sitting behind them was… The X3 Phoenix and Wolverine variant pack! For what I thought was a paltry $9.99! I took it up to the counter, and on a whim, asked the guy at the counter if he offered a “dust discount”. He said that, given how long the figures had been there, he sold me the pack for $5! Oh, and the Watchmen book was in great shape, so I got that, too. Now…. I don’t know what to do with the variant pack. I never felt like my collection was really lacking without it, but now that I have it, I don’t know if I should part with it. I don’t see these on ebay, but are they really THAT rare? Anyway, it’s been a good minimate week…
  3. I think the variant should be Spidey in a Wolverine suit, though. We don't really need electro, do we?
  4. Still just looks like a ring around the neck to me. Yep, just looks like a ring to me as well. What a great place to put those little gold command pips. That'll make it super easy to customize the lower ranks. I have only been buying complete sets, no extras (yet), but may have to start stocking up!
  5. I may be misremembering, but didn't Gaeta use a key/card for the FTL drive in the miniseries? I just ordered these and the Trek 3 from AFX, just received Marvel 19 & 20 from CornerStore, and picked up DC 7 a couple of weeks ago at the LCS. I think I'm ready for another lull...
  6. Remaking the C3's is why I like them. Not everyone has the original Flash or Nightwing. As for 2.5'ers, when they are scale-appropriate, bring 'em on! True, I have NO idea who Ambush Bug is, but I am a little bug-curious now...
  7. As great as it would be to get Indiana Jones Minimates, I expect Lego will be the mini-merchandiser for the new movie. They've already got the boulder rolling on the trilogy products.
  8. Oh, yeah... this just officially became a multi-pack purchase! LOVE the cylons, too!
  9. I agree. Red Skull is just a character, like Galactus. I personally do not advocate the consumption of humans (or other sentient species) as Galactus does. I do, however, applaud the willingness to make a figure (even if it is in MaxiMate form) of a character with such a controversial moral stance. Seriously, though, ToyBiz was able to make a good Red Skull (Web Trap series?) without causing a stink. A Red Skull/WW2 Cap 2-pack would be much welcome.
  10. Finally! Some minimates that my kids will NOT want to play with! I only need to buy ONE set of these.
  11. I just got my Galactica mates from the last Web Armor Spidey offer with NO Web Armor Spidey in the box! I'd order some more stuff on the new sale, but if they're goign to screw me a second time, what's the point?
  12. I think DST has great customer service, based on several experiences with them. The most recent of these happened today.... In my mailbox was a manilla envelop with a letter from DST thanking me for my support, including a 10% off code. The evelope also had a SDCC Cylon and a Hunt Mate! How cool! Oh, and based on other experiences, if you're not happy with a company (store, restaurant, whatever), don't give them your business any more. Share your experiences with others, sure; they may benefit from what happened to you. But share, and move on...
  13. Close call for me... I've been a fan of New Mutants ever since a Brood-infected Professor X gathered them together back in Marvel Graphic Novel #4! Still, Squadron Supreme is one of my all time favorite mini-series. I would love to see a Deluxe box set with a recolored hardback of the mini-series, with the minimates packed in as well. Oh, and to be fair, Amphibian needs to be included with the other 6.
  14. Well, we know there won't be any cycle packed with the Ghost Rider 'mates. Someone had an avatar with a picture of a Ghost Rider minimate on a motorcycle, but I don't know where it came from. I use one I picked up at a Dollar Tree. It's not a perfect fit, but it's not bad, either. As for other "vehicles", it would be nice to have an "electric steed" that Hawkeye and the Black Knight have used. I don't have any reference pics, but it was something the High Evolutionary created...
  15. I'm not bothered by them, really. Ideally, having the open cowl would be nice, but then there's always the risk of the face not lining up just right with the mask. That said, the one thing I doidn't like about Booster Gold was that they eyes seemed too far apart with the mask on. Also, we're still way up on the Marvel releases... how hard would it be to include a yellow hairpiece for Captain America?
  16. Seems like most on-line stores, though, have been offering the "deluxe set", if you pre-order. Some are pretty pricey, but AFX appears reasonable with the Series 2 BSG and Trek.
  17. Yeah, the shipping prices suck in general. I ordered 2 packs of the SM3 'mates just so I didn't feel like I was getting hosed quite so badly on shipping. I did the same with the Defenders set this morning. Worse part is, I know the actual shipping cost is a lot less than what they're charging... the rest is for "handling". Still, in cases like the BSG 'mates, ordering from AFX with shipping still ends up being cheaper than picking them up at FYE for $10 a pack. None of the LCSs in town carry them, so it's internet or FYE. Plus, AFX is sending the variant. Would I like to spend my money elsewhere? Sure. My family is addicted to Webkinz (plush crack). But I'm okay paying (a little) more to get the 'mates I want and have then delivered to my doorstep.
  18. I've never read it, but just requested it from the local library. While I don't foresee minimates coming out of the the story, I really enjoyed the Secret Identity miniseries that Buseik did a couple of years ago.
  19. AFX has the Defenders set up for pre-order now....
  20. ...and I come home from work to find them in the mail! big big BIG shout-out of thanks!
  21. Shanester, Mine went out through PayPal ( Should have arrived by now. I probably forgot to add my MMM screen name to it. Thanks!
  22. Dude makes an interesting point.... how cost prohibitive is it to make minimaes in America? Would anyone be willing to pay $10+ for a 2-pack of small, blocky action figures with "Made in America" stamped on the backs of their legs? If, all of a sudden, the Target packs were available for $12 a pack, would the core, 'target' fans be buying them? I would...
  23. Mega-THANKS for all the info and pics. It's like... hope has returned to the land once more...
  24. I am SO happy to see these! FINALLY some Mar'mates to compete with DC's (yes, wave 16 excluded, of course). I don't know if I'm the only one, but with waves 19 & 20, and the Defenders set, and the Zombies, I really don't care about getting the Marvel movie tie-in waves. I missed X3, don't see the point of getting Ghost Rider, and now, comparing SM3 to waves 19 & 20, I'd rather save my money for the later waves. I've read on other threads that some folks are glad there are no releases this week becasue of being broke. I'm right there, too. I can't collect them all, and having to choose, the figures that DON'T fit in with the rest of my collection are the first ones to get dropped off the want list.
  25. Agreed on the lack of accessories! Not having these for TM is like Thor not having his hammer. Of course, I'll get them... easier than customizing. I'm just liking the Marvel stuff less and less as the other properties continue to shine.
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