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God Magnus

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Everything posted by God Magnus

  1. Thanks for including my foodmate in your best-of. It's cheese, by the way. It took me about an hour to sculpt and about another half-hour to get it to stand long enough to get the picture. I think I might put together my own best-of. Out of curiosity, did we ever find out what the "hidden challenges" were and if anybody got any of them?
  2. I'm so excited I won the set! That's what I was hoping for. Congratulations to all the winners! I love this contest! Thanks to all the judges, especially TBT, for all the time and effort put into the contest! My "kissed by a cute girl" picture didn't make it into the album so here it is: Here's my link: Thank you very much for the credit T!, so if you like to watch, here's my mate's commentary on the Hunt! :biggrin: That was awesome! Great work!
  3. Sammy L. Jackson- Way too detailed, though movie-accurate. nice set though. Would have prefered a Pathos alot more than the maid-looking girl. And give up the Scarlett Johansson Minimate? For shame.
  4. I'm guessing they're going for an "every personality has a different power" kind of thing. It's the only thing I could think of that would make her character(s) the least bit interesting. Oh, and the whole "Hey Nikki." "I'm not Nikki." "Oh, okay." bit is going to wear thin really quick. Plus, why did she have to kill The Greatest American Hero?
  5. Hmm...Well, I used THE_CRIPPLER but I would guess either maxcarnage or buttheadsmate.
  6. Quick update with something funny and something I've been messing around with for a bit.
  7. Nevewould have thought of using Sue! Great work! It makes mine look silly; then again, it kida was... My first thought was using Invisible Woman until I realized I didn't have one. My second plan involved modifying some "Where's Waldo" books but I couldn't find any.
  8. I feel much better about these than I do about the movie. I'm so worried that the movie is going to be crap. I would much rather have seen something with Darwin Cooke involved rather than "Frank Miller's Sin City 2" concept. Plus, and don't get me wrong here, I love Samuel L Jackson but nobody has ever seen The Octopus's face. It was never even revealed in any of the comic strips or books. Ever.
  9. Nice! Ooh, they're "Estimated to Arrive February 2008" That's pretty convenient.
  10. I don't get it. Unless it's because one of the guys in my "five people" picture closely resembles a turtle.
  11. Finished and sent! I feel pretty confident even though I missed one (the celebrity pic). I can't wait to see everybody's pictures!
  12. Uh-oh. I just read the challenge list again to make sure I didn't miss anything. Do I actually have to be in #5 and #25? I might have to retake those.
  13. This idea would have win all over it, at least until you realize that some of that partial nudity might involve Ivan's junk. Especially with Higher Value Challenge #2.
  14. Hey, look. Stuckakid has them now. For $11.99.
  15. I would love an extra week. That'll even give me a chance to knock out the celebrity picture if I can make it to a certain book signing next week (unless local/pseudo celebrities count). Is anybody else having a hard time finding fava beans? I went to five stores today and not one had them. Not even the fancy high-end store. I just ended up improvising.
  16. Another day or two might be nice. I'm going to have to abandon two or three challenges and simplify a few of my more elaborate plans. Such is life.
  17. I don't usually get all activist about stuff but this got me pretty riled up.
  18. For a TNG pack, I'd like to see Riker/Counselor Troi with a Commander Troi (in uniform) variant. For a Voyager pack, I'd like see Borg Queen/Janeway with an "I'll blow up the ship!" Janeway variant. I'm not sure exactly what that would entail but I'm pretty sure that was her catchphrase.
  19. What'd you use or the Q custom, I on't think we talked about mking that one when we were throwing quick custom ideas around? I used Helo's head and Husker's hairpiece. It's not the best around. The eyes are a bit off but the mouth is perfect.
  20. Sweet customs! I managed to snag a complete set of series 4 plus two extra Borg/Picard packs for $30. I made a Wesley Crusher and a Q with my extras. I'm going to have to look for a few more, I guess.
  21. I'm in, along with my partner, Mini Magnus.
  22. That QC Riker actually makes for a great Thomas Riker, cylonchaney.
  23. I found Animated Voyager Optimus Prime and the wave 3 deluxes today! Voyager Prime is about ten thousand times cooler than the deluxe versions.
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