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Everything posted by TheMinimateKing30

  1. It's the same piece. Just differently-colored/printed.
  2. Like I said, it depends on proportionality. Thor Minimates have been standard-sized for the longest time simply because there wasn't an inherent NEED (that I can think of) to make them larger since it would compromise the posability. Some, such as the original Thor and Thor Reborn, tried to make the character taller and bulkier, but IMO, they look a bit overly-cumbersome and awkward due to the need to balance that bulk with articulation. You are right in that Minimate engineering technology has advanced to the point where it IS feasible to get that semi-bulky look Thor has in the comics. It's just a matter of making it a reality. I might make a mock-up of what the figure's silhouette COULD look like from cobbling together pieces of other figures. I am curious, but also cautious as well. I don't wanna get mine or anyone else's hopes up.
  3. Yeah, nah. Sorry, I disagree. I can see a valid point made about there not yet existing a "definitive" Thor helmet sculpt in the line, but having a head that makes the helmet part of the head itself seems excessive. It also takes away from the interchangeably, I feel. Unless it's a character like Spider-Man or Deadpool, a whole separate head seems rather pointless to me just to have an option of revealing a little more of the character's face. Interchangeable helmets/hair has been a mainstay in the line for a long time and it isn't one I'd wish to see go away so soon. I'll give you the point on it being the most beneficial for the Thing, but I cannot agree with Thor. I also see what you're trying to say on the arms, but IMO, that comes down to proportionality. The only way I can see what you're saying work well with a character like Thor is if they made it resemble the Series 76 Venom but without the bulky chestpiece for the sake of balancing out the mass. It could work in THEORY, but take the boots into consideration, and I can EASILY see it backfiring. He might end up looking TOO bulky in that respect, even without a chestpiece.
  4. My Little Pony Thor would be funny AF, NGL. XD
  5. It's really the logical next step for a modern Thor Minimate. We've gotten P much ALL of Thor's comic costumes. A plethora of Silver Age Thor figs, the Armored suit, Eric Masterson Thor, the Heroes Reborn/Heroes Return appearance, the 2007 design, the Marvel NOW! look, Jane Foster Thor, Unworthy Thor, Ages of Thunder Thor, etc.
  6. Actually, wait. I got it. Herald of Thunder Thor. It's the most recent design for the character I can think of (unless the latest comics have given him yet another costume I'm unaware of XD), and from what I've seen, it's a fairly popular look for the character. I mean, if Diamond can get away with throwing a classic yellow Daredevil in a box set with all-modern-looking characters, they can get away with putting the Herald of Thunder in a box set with an all-classic Wrecking Crew.
  7. Yeah, but which design of Thor would they go with? I'd argue that the classic design has been done to death and perfected in at least two figures (Classic Heroic Age and First Appearance, specifically) already. IK Zack will prolly remind us about the whole thing about classic looks being more profitable, which I believe, don't get me wrong, but how many times can they do the EXACT same look for classic Silver Age Thor until it gets old? That's my only concern for the set, what kinda Thor are we likely to receive from it. The Wrecking Crew, themselves, I have no qualms over. I'd be excited to get new villains.
  8. Honestly, I went back to re-read this thread, and when I saw your opening message again, I instantly thought about what Diamond could do for a new Thor-centered box set. IDK why. XD
  9. Marvel was trying to do as much as it could with all the properties it had access to at the time. X-Men and Fantastic Four were off-limits because the deal with FOX had only just been finalized.
  10. Honestly kinda shocks me considering how much hype the game had when it originally came out. Genuinely can't imagine how or why there would be a lack of interest.
  11. Don't think the colors would match. The animated Spideys were a comparatively lighter shade of red compared to the figs in the box set.
  12. Hang on. Let's see if it works now.
  13. TBF, the Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Wolverine is also based on the Astonishing costume. Just, you gotta take that ugly-ass head into consideration. 😅
  14. Finalized versions of my custom Giant-Man and Wasp figs; Giant-Man is primarily based on his EMH counterpart (my favorite design of the character ever). The bulk of the figure is the Wave 44 Giant-Man from 2012, with the belt being taken from a first movie Ant-Man, the head a Wave 45 Captain America from the first Avengers movie, and the mask of a Wave 29 Captain America but with antennae cut from action figure package plastic glued on and painted. Wasp is more loosely based on her EMH counterpart with predominant elements of her mid-2000s costume. Her head is a first Ant-Man movie Hope van Dyne (tho this figure is intended to be Janet van Dyne, for clarification) torso is an animated Wasp's, the legs a spare Wave 24 Venom I had, the gloves, boots, and wing harness from an X-Men: First Class Angel, and the wings from the original Wasp from 2008. Overall, I'm super satisfied with how these two came out. Definitely will be having these as my placeholder figures with my Avengers stuff until Diamond finally puts out brand new figures of Hank and Janet later on 😆
  15. Nah, y'all showed Scott off with Jean, Juggy, and Sinister back in the 2020 promo pics.
  16. I got the set yesterday. First impressions... It alright. 😜 Nah, in all seriousness, it's a good set, albeit one I would strongly recommend for younger collectors primarily. Peter Parker is a decent figure, tho I'm annoyed by the further reduction of the web pattern on his boots (it's only on the front now instead of the front and exterior sides like it has been since 2011). I also think the lack of red lining across the top shoulder areas of the chestblock looks a bit jarring. Other than that, a P decent vanilla Spider-Man. (It kinda reminds me of the original Spider-Man we got from Wave 2 because of the darker, richer shades of red and blue, the shape of the eye lenses on the head, the more... lanky, for lack of a better term, proportions of the spider on the back. So, that's a plus.) Miles was really well done. Mine, unfortunately, had the eyes misaligned from the web pattern on the head, but I can always track down a loose one that doesn't have that issue later when they go up on Luke's or something like that. The paint is minimalist and simple, but that's by no means a knock against the figure. It looks good for what it is, and is a perfectly servicable Miles Morales Minimate (try saying that three times fast 😆). This is actually my first ever Spider-Gwen Minimate. I never got the original one from 2015, nor the 2017 animated or blind bag versions. Dunno why. Just didn't. This is a great figure, tho. A small smudge of pink paint from the hood dripped onto the head, but it's seamlessly masked by the hood itself, and like with Miles, I can always get another one later. Funnily enough, on the same day I got the box set, another package that I also happened to order from Luke's arrived as well; that exclusive two-pack of Scarlet Spider and Hobgoblin Minimates from 2007. So, I got both the original Scarlet Spider 'Mate and the most recent one on the same day 😂. The new one was as good as the promotional materials made it look. I actually think this one is probably the best one to date, even surpassing the original one and the one from 2017. It has the best colors and the best printing, IMO. The sweater chestpiece is a tad bulky, I'll concede, but after comparing it to the original, I actually think it works better. If you look back at some artwork of the character from the '90s, he kinda does have a pronounced, broad chest (depending on artist), so the bulkier piece does work in that sense. However, I still hold that, while this is a great figure and I'm glad to have it, it was still the set's most unnecessary addition for a slot that easily could have gone to Hobie or Penny or, what I would have preferred, Spider-Man Noir. A comic book Noir would go HARD, especially with the Amazon show on the way. (On a side note, the only thing the original Scarlet Spider has over the new one and the one from 2017 is that it's the only one of the three to have printing on the back of the torso/hoodie.) Spider-Ham is probably the most disappointing figure of the whole set, mostly for the total lack of articulation at all, whatsoever. I get that it's a small figure, but a balljointed head couldn't have been worked in? It's definitely a good piece to fill out any Spider-Verse display, but this isn't a figure I see myself really taking down and messing with... not that I really could to begin with since there's no articulation. I get that he's kinda the H.E.R.B.I.E. of the set as less a whole separate figure and more just an accessory, but still. On the 180, Spider-Man 2099 is, without a doubt, the best figure of the whole set and a FARCRY of the original Spider-Man 2099 from 2004. When Luke posted the first in-hand photos of the set a few days ago, I was blown away by the metallic blue paint, which I didn't even realize it had from the original promo shots. Then I get it in-hand, and it's even better. The web-cape on the back was an EXTREMELY pleasant surprise, since it was engineered to hinge up and down on the shoulder joints for swinging poses. BRILLIANT! On top of that, the printing is fantastic, and the inclusion of the forearm blades just helps sell how far we've come since 2004. This is a serious contender for one of the best Spider-Man/Spider-Woman Minimates ever released, IMO. It goes right up there with the Wizard World '07 Spider-Man 3 debut pack red suit Spider-Man, Torment Spider-Man, the Wave 24 Spider-Man, the original Miles Morales from 2012, Armory Spider-Man, the original Spider-Gwen, and the Wave 80 Spider-Woman. Lastly, the accessories. The return of the thwipping hands (now in white for Spider-Gwen as well) is always welcome for me, the display stands (which I stupidly mistook for Spider-Sense pieces reused/retooled from the Wave 84 Daredevil) are cleverly executed, looking like interdimensional portals of some sort to emphasize the Multiverse theme of the set, but the webbing accessories. Holy hot DAMN, are these webbing accessories great. These are PAINFULLY necessary upgrades to the weblines we've been getting for 20+ years. They're GREAT for dynamic posing and you can get a LOT out of them. These are probably the most well-done new accessories for Minimates to date. In conclusion, pretty good set. Like I said would recommend for younger collectors unless you're a completionist, has its issues but hey, nobody's perfect, and it is, overall, a very solid set for what you get. I would NOT recommend paying $38 for it, tho. The value of what the set provides is sorta kneecapped by the fact that, with the exception of Ham, we've gotten all of these characters before in past releases. I would say that only two of them, Scarlet and 2099, are really worth it over said prior releases because of their improvements in comparison, and again, Scarlet could have been released separately in a different set, like the impending Clone Saga one, and his slot given to a new Spider-Totem instead. Overall, I give this set a 6.5 out of 10.
  17. 🤤 Jesus Christ, somebody at Diamond better be getting a raise for this. Our first comic Miguel since the original from 2004 (IN METALLIC BLUE PAINT HOLY FUCKING ASS-CRACKERS), our first Spider-Ham, a clever reuse of what looks to be a retooled version of the Daredevil radar sense piece from the Wave 84 set, and these BUSSIN' web effect pieces. Genuinely looks like a contender to be one of, if not the, absolute BEST Spider-Man related releases in the ENTIRE line to date. I know that's pretty mad praise to give to a set that's only just been released that consists of, essentially, six variations of the same exact character, but I'm being dead serious from first impressions alone.
  18. So funny you bring it up because I just bought that pack off Mercari the other day. Even funnier that it was originally my first set of Minimates I ever got WAY back in 2009. XD
  19. I'm honestly glad. The in-person photos that got posted earlier look WAY better than the solicitation ones. I have faith.
  20. The lack of unwindswept parts does blow (heh), but honestly, I can live with it. Especially Goblin considering it looks to be (mostly) symmetrical.
  21. The stuff with the blue/purple on Goblin's cape, yeah. I can see it. But Kaine? IDK. Maybe it's my neurodivergent ass not cooperating right, but I don't see the issue everyone has with the blue on Kaine. It's a little underdetailed, perhaps, but the color and application is fine. Really, the only thing he's missing, as others have noted, is the forearm spikes. The lack of them kinda blows, IMO, but it's not a major drawback for me when the incredible amount of effort taken with the rest of the figure's sculpting is taken into consideration.
  22. The Luke's Toy Store solicitation says January '25 for the CS set.
  23. Everybody else: 90s af Jackal: teehee i remember when gerald ford was president
  24. No, I mean, I liked the new Elektra as well, just... IDK. I'm not sure how much room it could've taken up in the box set, but some alt. parts for a more neutral mask and sash would have been welcome if you just wanna pose her normally.
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