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Everything posted by AFMcGill

  1. "All three heroes have mates, although it could be argued one is new." My gut went Mantis and my brain went "oh, please god no".
  2. I'm sure doing a Raza / Eric the Red two-pack would be financial suicide.
  3. Voted for Rogue and Binary - even works as a two-pack! I'd prefer a modern Mimic or Exiles Mimic to old school Mimic.
  4. Boom-Boom had been around long before Jubilee. Secret Wars II #5, 1985. She was one of the students X-Factor were teaching (with Rictor, Rusty, Skids).
  5. I'd take either of those Boom-Booms over a Liefeld Boom-Boom...
  6. GOod find on that skirt, i'm actually gonna aim for that. The break at the waist should off-set the change in colours a bit and who knows, maybe they'll be a lot closer in person than in those photos. She did at least wear a solid pink skirt (no white line) in New Mutants Annual #6 As for legs, honestly, the Gwenpool legs are fine for me, i can see boom-boom wearing those shoes and lets not forget the feet were the bit liefeld struggled with so who knows what boom-boom was actually wearing for shoes most the time. I'm just gonna go for the Boomer hairpiece we've got rather than paint any. that Ghostbusters one though looks great base for ANOTHER of liefeld's boom-boom costumes - the one she wore in New Mutants 93...
  7. Great minds think alike, I'm planning the exact same thing with Gwenpool. Although the great thing is Liefeld was such a crummy artist, the designs were always fluid and changing... so you can take so many liberties with matching Boom-Boom's design or making a composite of various of Liefeld's takes with that Gwenpool. Like I'd feel sticking with the trunks instead of trying to find a skirt or painting a skirt would be justified as Liefeld very likely drew her with trunks instead of a skirt in a panel. I'm aiming to recreate a similar line-up from a poster featuring a roster that never appeared in the actual book. I'd even love to be able to make a Rusty and Skids in those two costumes they never wore...
  8. Can't believe I forgot Jocasta from my list. I keep looking back at my list and realizing I forgot ones I really want like Jocasta but I also don't want my list ending up as long and silly as that earlier one. I had to go back and edit her in though! A Machine Man and Jocasta double pack screams exclusive and I want it.
  9. Legion I'm so hungry for. I tried to make one myself but the best hair for it is Gozer from Ghostbusters and it's still not big enough. Honestly, most of those are a bit batty that we haven't had them yet - especially Dark Phoenix. I'd throw in Bastion too but maybe that's just coz for some inexplicably reason I want a Bastion.
  10. My green/white Rogue of choice would be the cape and hooded look. then you could take off the cape and use an alt hair piece and have it like but i doubt i'll be that lucky and it'll probably be an recent era variant that i really don't want
  11. AFMcGill

    wave 74

    Oh wow, i was gonna pass on that Beetle coz in the first pics she looked like she had really flat colours but she's got some shine to her. Definitely getting her, Chameleon x 2, Jack o Lantern and maybe a Peter Spidey. Now give us a matching Abe Beetle plz
  12. Um, plenty of these have a chance of being made... Deathlok has gotten both ML and MU figures, Adam Warlock is a significant character who has already had one Minimate, this Captain Britain got a MU figure, Machine Man has gotten both ML and MU figures, Shang-Chi has had a really prominent place in the comics since 2012, Star-Lord is a huge movie character now (who we still haven't had a comic book version of). Jack of Hearts has a iconic design and was an Avenger.
  13. How about they just do a wave that's most of these. ^_^
  14. I might get Jackal, if he's got chest detail underneath the bulked up chest piece all he really needs is a different head for a pretty decent 616 Jackal. Any ideas a head that would fit?
  15. Stop teasing and do Boomerang already!
  16. Very clever use of the HYDRA Elite mask for Bug. I would have never thought of that but it's genius. Not to keen on the Moondragon head, she's meant to be sexy! Here's a bald female head that might work better. But, I've got my AOA Rogue head eyed as a potential Moondragon head if I ever get around to making her It's inexcusable we haven't had any of those Guardians (or any comic Guardians really). i was thinking about getting a bunch of Champions Ghost Rider's to use as a male Guardians body (they had the blue and white stripes in Annihilation Conquest) but i've never committed to it because making a Star-lord is a problem since all the movie Star-Lord Minimates have the right mask but hair showing.
  17. You must love all those versions of Crossbones we have...
  18. Well, FF still has a few big holes (Wizard, Trapster, Thundra) but most the Avengers enemies we've gotten are either also member's solo villains or general shared universe villains. What we need is about 3 boxsets of just Avengers villains.
  19. Korvac and Sons of Serpent (they can also count towards Defenders enemies!). I don't think there's actually more than one Growing Man though... I can't remember any examples of more than one. Though I suppose you could use time travel to explain away why there's 5 of the same robot together. But Super-Adaptoid on the other hand, he could be an army builder - there was a whole swarm of them once. (there are SO many I want that didn't make the list - Titania, Tiger Shark, Fixer, Yellowjacket II, Whirlwind, Swordsman, Immortus, Blackout, Erik Josten in some form... stupid Avengers with too many villains I want)
  20. My X-Men modifications. Thought I had a lot more but the others are mostly just head swaps or on New Mutants / Strike Force bodies. Cannonball - his X-Men costume, this is the Capullo X-Force boxset Cable torso and belt, with 90s Cyclops arms, crotch and legs and finally a Danny Rand head. It really annoys me the boot straps aren't lined up in this photo. Angel - I'm sure all those people desperate to complete their X-Factor team with X-Factor Angel will be mortified to learn that I am wasting mine on making this red suit Angel. It's Champions Angel with the arms and legs from X-Factor Angel. The different shade of red isn't as noticeable as in this photo. I'm looking to get the old blue skinned Angel with metal wings to see if I can make the red version of that look (which he also wore). i probably should've included my Joseph... which is just a Strike Force body with a Magneto head and Nitro hair or my Legion which is just a New Mutants body with Pyro head and Ghostbusters Gozer hair. Oh well. Next maybe my villains bag or misc heroes or cosmic, we'll see
  21. As for the face and eyes, how about: Only a mite bit happier, but the eyes look closer to Pixie's imo
  22. Honestly, they both look great. I'd be happy with either (and may steal the recipe for myself - or at least get the First Class boxset for fodder for the New X-Men characters). For the boots, you could use the straps from the Strike Force to top them off? Or make them seem a bit shorter or a bit longer...
  23. Mimic, Nate Grey, any of Generation X, Marrow, Cecilia Reyes, Pixie, Hellion... please don't do that, there's TOO many to pick from. ;p
  24. Classic Heroic Age Iron Man: I've had to settle for that Wave 25 version though
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