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Everything posted by Chigarillo

  1. So with the news now official... It begs the question, what becomes of this series specifically? Future sets are out but these were far enough along that there was sample figures made at the very least already. Guess best case. it gets canceled and shows up at specialty? Worst case it goes the way of the Ghost Rider movie wave... Any insight you are able to give at this time Zach?
  2. Of course it would be a mate that's older and hard to come by at this point... I've found the tall hair from the crazy 88 box set works ok, if like me you don't have a gozer.
  3. got my Calisto today and it's amazing! Really just a perfect mate. The work on the sleeves and face is especially great. With it was the clue April... "A villain that originally appeared in issues of Daredevil in the 80's but has since appeared in Wolverine, thunderbolts, and Captain America. He has been made as a Marvel legends figure." I know nothing about Legends figures or Daredevil, so let the guessing commence!
  4. Looks great again Luke! Do you know when invoices will be going out? I'm almost positive I got in but want to make sure.
  5. Isn't his 90's X-Factor costume his standard light blue with white lightning pattern on it? How would it be different than the TRU Wave 19 figure or did he not have the dark blue briefs then?
  6. My dream wave as an X-men fan, and customizer: Generation X Chamber / Hellian Jetstream or Bevatron Geneation X Jubilee / Hellian Catseye or Roulette Lilandra / D'ken BAF one of the Cuckoos If you buy multiple sets you complete 2 teams, have 3-5 Cuckoo sisters and a bunch of Shiar parts for customs.
  7. Looks good! Will have to start hunting for them. Is that a new hairpiece on Proxima? Looking at the picture makes me think a Deathbird is imminent...
  8. Some form of this mixed with a New Mutant or two is my dream wave when the New Mutants movie releases. We've gotten great comic waves with almost all of the Fox movies being released some I'm hoping something like this is planned...
  9. To me, I look at that picture above and Venom in this wave looks perfect! He was drawn with a more muscular upper body than Spidey and everthing else is the same size. I can see people's point, but I think it works in this case. It's like if we ever get a Strong Guy figure, he's usually porrayed with a massively built core but normal wrists and hands. This to me is a great way to get that in a figure.
  10. I'd say it's almost a guarantee that we get a hooded look as well. In the picture she has what looks like the lowered hood piece from the Luke cage box set on her already.
  11. It would appear there were changes to this lineup at some point... Final two are Uncanny Rogue and X-face Cyclops. Meaning Madame Masque must have taken Iron Dooms spot at some point.
  12. The Cloak figure looks like a definite upgrade from the old figure. His cloak just looked kind of sad. The Dagger figure... You can't really make many improvements on because her costume is just kind of boring. This looks to fix the one issue with the old Dagger though, that being a representation of her light daggers.
  13. Yep, since we know it isn't Rogue and Gambit, I'm thinking Beast, and Iceman. Can't see Gambit without Rogue or Havok without Polaris making a two pack.
  14. I thought I saw one the other day when I was checking my two stores in Rochester, MN... With the sale going I'll try to stop by and see if it's there and grab it.
  15. Found a full set of these today at the TRU in Rochester, MN and picked them up. Let two more sets on the pegs if anyone in the area is looking for them. They weren't with the rest of the mates but in the front by their videogames section for some reason.
  16. So instead they put Thunderbird in the opening credits on the Brotherhood side (maybe it was Warpath?) and then never ever used him. I always found that strange even when I was a kid... Along with whoever the weird bald guy is that also was a part of the Brotherhood.
  17. Luke, if people can't get their hands on these and they sell out, any plans or way you'd be able to supply the stickers and recipes that you used for them to us to try and make our own?
  18. Oh man need to be glued to this thread for the next couple months so I don't miss out on the two X-men... Those are the only two that sound intriguing, unless of course the new warrior is Firestar.
  19. I use the Jewel head for my Pixie. All my New X-Men customs use the First Class bodies as they are an almost perfect replica of the suits the students got during Messiah Complex. Another option for the gauntlets I've found is the ones from Sam Alexander Nova that work pretty well. I really wish the photo system didn't stink on here... I need to get around to posting pictures of what I have put together for customs at some point.
  20. Thinking the two right are Iron Doom and Superior Octopus. Thinking about it now, didn't we just get an updated 2099 in one of the recent Walgreens wave? Trev, I call Modern Cyclops the X-Face since it was the last 616 costume he had to my knowledge. More guesses... (I don't like not knowing things.) Boomerang / No clue... Thor or Hulk variant? Superior Octopus / Hydro Armor Iron Man Sebastian Shaw / Blink's new outfit
  21. Reading through here seems we've only had one confirmed... Another batch of guesses for Zach to shoot down: Boomerang / Spider-man 2099 Iron Doom / Superior Octopus Modern Rogue / Modern Cyclops
  22. Look at it this way, leaves more room for Iceman, or Rogue, or Mimic, or someone else hopefully not Wolverine, or Cyclops.
  23. Easy choice for the army builder. Shiar all the way. If army building isn't your thing, you can use the parts to make D'Ken, Lilandra, and any other Shiar you want. I'd honestly buy about 10 packs just to have the Shiar parts available. FOr the classic villain I went Black Tom... Shaw is one that needs to be made and I feel like Mesmero and Vanisher could use the same head piece but... I just really want a Black Tom to go with my Juggernaut and standing across the battlefield from my Banshee. A choice made with my heart instead of my head.
  24. Made a couple of changes to match the clues as Madame Masque seems to fit but that means Rogue is left out then. Iceman does get requested for an update when he's brought up. Mimic is just a pipedream of mine.
  25. Rocket. It'd have to be Rocket if he was a pack in. That or maybe Moondragon as the two of them spent some time on Knowhere together in the Annihilation era Guardian stories.
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