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Everything posted by BuffaloDelorean

  1. Has there ever been a minimate vehicle that wasn't available at TRU in some form?
  2. You could probably make some of your money back selling the figures online, too.
  3. Black Dwarf Is called Cull Obsidian in the movie, but yes. DST seems to be working from a different style guide than Hasbro, Lego, Funko, etc., since the Thor minimate is missing his hammer. It wouldn't surprise me if Cap didn't get his shields.
  4. Generation X could definitely work as a wave, even if it wouldn't be very likely. Emma Frost & Skin Jubilee/M & Emplate Chamber/Synch & Penance Banshee & Husk (alt. head and torso) Mondo, Gaia, or a Phalanx drone could be the BaF.
  5. I'd guess that IF2 is supposed to be InFinity War 2.
  6. I probably should have quoted this:
  7. If it's not Meat Lighter, I'm hoping for Firm Relator or Sword of the Kings.
  8. Gillbob described the panel in the Infinity War thread, but we still haven't seen any pictures.
  9. I think something like a non-tooling extensive box set would be a more likely starting point than a brand new vehicle, but it's definitely an interesting idea, especially for fan-demanded but somewhat unlikely groups of characters (PAD X-Factor, Generation X, or Wrecking Crew, for example).
  10. DST seems to be aiming for none of them. Cull Obsidian would make sense with Hulkbuster, although that'd be a pretty crowded pack. Based on a Wakanda Lego Infinity War set, maybe Corvus Glaive could be packed with Black Panther, which would leave Ebony Maw with War Machine.
  11. I think M would make more sense as an alternate head and set of arms for Jubilee, since that way Husk could have an alternate upper body.
  12. No new Vision or Scarlet Witch surprises me, but otherwise that lineup is pretty much what I expected. Hopefully Marvel 26 and Infinity War 2 end up at specialty.
  13. Walgreens IW 2 will be shown at the panel, and TRU IW 2 will be shown when it has an outlet, so when will the box set/LCS assortment be shown? Is there one? For the potential returning license, I'd love to see Terminator or Lord of the Rings.
  14. I don't mean that it blocks the movement of the figure, it's just that the way the cape is sculpted it looks odd in certain poses. It's definitely better than the old one.
  15. I prefer costumed Punisher, but this version is impressive. I wasn't expecting the skull shirt underneath the vest, and this 'mate's face/hair is pretty much perfect, in my opinion. I wouldn't have chosen this version of Moon Knight, but the design works really well. The cape sort of limits posing, but it looks really nice. Making Jessica's jacket painted instead of sculpted was a good call, and Purple Man adds a lot of colour to a group that's mostly black and grey.
  16. I'd add the new Hulkbuster, too, which makes 18/12. I could easily see us not getting another Shuri, Okoye, Drax, Mantis, Nebula, Wong, or Hawkeye, though.
  17. I would guess that the TRU sets being offered at specialty means they won't be at Walgreens. If Luke's is sold out in preorder your best option would probably be trying to find an LCS that will order them, if you can.
  18. Kraven's vest and Amora's hair look like they'd be good alternatives for the previous minimates' parts. it's interesting that we've gotten two Skurge minimates and they've both been Walgreens exclusives. I'm still hoping for a classic comic version, but that seems less likely now.
  19. Is 5% off really an incentive? I'm sure US rates are lower than Canadian, but up here that wouldn't cover half the sales tax.
  20. I guess it depends on your definition, but the weird neckline and separate mask halves aren't what I think of as classic Black Cat.
  21. Waves 74, 75, and 76 are all on about the same level for me. They're (mostly) well-executed renditions of costumes and characters I'm just not interested in. In each wave there's one or two I really want (Surtur, Purple Man, Cloak & Dagger), and a few I would prefer more "classic" versions of (Ghost Rider, Moon Knight, Black Cat). It's not that there's a problem with the selections, they just don't really appeal to me. I do like the BaF system, though.
  22. TRU movie waves aren't usually numbered, and since this wave is coming between 75 and 76 I don't see them changing the pattern, even though it isn't actually at TRU.
  23. According to Instagram, it seems like the Marvel's Spider-Man/Wasp wave has started to show up.
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