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Everything posted by Onyx_6

  1. So, I called one pack spot on. And I had three characters, just not together, in my assumption for the first wave... Sorry, I just had to toot my own horn there. Now, no matter what characters we fet, I am so ecstatic! This continuation is exactly what will work for the line, especially with the 7 inch characters continuing to sell. I do not think that any of these will be left on the self at my TRU when they hit.
  2. Yes, other than it comes at the end of a minimate Q&A. They usually do not have any qualms about releasing multiple blog entries on any given day if the news is right. This gives me (false) hope that it will be a BSG exclusive minimate announcement with TRU and AFX. Here's hoping! So say we all!!!
  3. I do not mind the endo, but the front part of the crotch piece of this terminator was missing on mine A solid brown looks really weird IMO. Right now I have it turned around, so it is the belt without the fly. I hope that the one I get with the set I preordered from BBTS has the right paint app.
  4. yes,unfortanately Same here. I have bought 2 complete cases for myself and various board members and they keep refilling the pegs. I am holding to hope that they have the T2 mates by Friday. On a similar note, does anyone still need the two Wolvie exclusives from TRU? I picked up a couple of extras and will sell them at cost (plus shipping). PM me if interested. And they have added even more since I bought those. As of Monday, no Terminator minis, and I checked three TRUs, traveling over 100 miles to do so. I will probably check my local again tomorrow when I go to pick up my singles from my LCS.
  5. I was thinking something along this line also. If the cases were set up similar to the Marvel TRU waves with 5 packs or even four packs to a case, we could get the rest of these essential characters in a wave or two. As an added incentive for TRU, some of the characters could be packed with toaster cylons; there are a few modern ones that could still be made and with the final episode a few of the Razor 'classic' cylons could be thrown in: Cavil with classic Warrior Kara with Leobon Anders and Athena ______ with Stealth Cylon Box Set: Ellen Tori Doral Simon Or something like that.
  6. Here's hoping this wave's final Spidey is Man-Spider with a variant of six-armed Spidey. Or vice versa. Either way that would be super cool. And it might make the HOM Spidey acceptable. And a generic thug would even be cool for a variant; it's gotta hap[pen sometime.
  7. Going with the Wolverine variant idea. Couldn't the variant end up being X-23?
  8. I was at my LCS by noon today and they were out. They said they had some but a lot of people wanted them and they said they even had a few people grabbing handfuls of them. Grrrr. I am one of four people who actually gets minimates from them and they stiff me like that. I would be willing to buy one (or two if anyone is willing to part)
  9. While all this is probably true, I am worried that with such a large inundation of Ahhnulds and Endoskeletons that this may be the only wave that is released. Everyone will be saddled with too many left over sets and the low sales will result in not enough pre-orders for wave two. Then all we are left with for T2 is an over-priced exclusive, five Arnolds, an incomplete T-1000 and some other foder. No age appropriate John. No battled-damaged Sarah. No Flashback Arnold to fight Reese. Grrrr. Oh well, I will buy them all. At least a few times over.
  10. I spoke with my LCS today and they could find nothing about a change in line up. Any information about the assortment of wave 1 they could find matches the original line up. It appears that BBTS is the only store so far to have updated/changed their pairings. Hopefully this is a mistake or something. I was really looking forward to the original line up.
  11. Well, I just got the nail in the coffin for both Wave 5 and Wave 6 mere moments ago from Big Bad Toy Store. They finally got around to sending the notice that these have been canceled by DST. I knew that was going to happen, but I did not want to see it. As with all of these posts, hopefully that just means that these assortments are being shot into the sun. Maybe there is hope that some (if not all) of these great characters will make it to Earth. In terms of the essentials for me, it is the remaining 7 Cylons and New Caprica Kara. While Romo would be nice, as would Baltar and one of the two Sixes we saw, they are not as essential, to me, for completing the line. Hotdog or Racetrack would be great, especially with those two new outfits, again, they are not essential. These 8 characters would make for a great $50 boxset. I would easily buy 3, possibly more depending on the outfits the characters end up getting. But that is my two cents on completing this line, despite the announcement from BBTS.
  12. After three days of searching, I was finally successful! My local TRU, on Sunday, had removed the peg for these guys. When I asked one of the employees that is usually nice to me, he told me to ask at customer service. The nice lady there looked on the computer and said that they showed 24 on the floor. She called for someone to help me find them, but to no avail. Yesterday I drove 45 miles to the next closest TRU; one that mine said had 13 on hand. When I got there I could not find them anywhere so I asked again. The employee there looked around on the floor and found a Hulk pack from the last wave over in the Lego area; they had a peg for them there. He looked in the back also, saying that they had just arrived on the latest truck, but he could not find them anywhere. So today, I decided that I would try my local TRU again. First I checked the Legos, but no. Then I went over to the Marvel figures and BOOM. There they were. Three each of the 4-pack prepacks, 2 Wonderman/Union Jack packs and a Punisher pack. I picked up 7 up in all. And now the picks! Hulk/ Dr. Doom: Punisher/ Jigsaw: Wolverine/ Magneto: Spiderman/ Green Goblin: Wonderman/ Union Jack: And the back, displaying them all: I will try to post more pics when I have the time. Right now I need to be off to work. Edit: Missed it by that much!
  13. If it is not too late, my ideas for box sets: Annihilation: Drax, Annihilus, Ronin, Proaxigoria (or Camie) Brotherhood of evil mutants: Pyro, Avalanche, Blob (classic), Toad Civilians: Aunt May, Rick Jones, Jarvis, Stan Lee Shi'Ar: Gladiator, Lilandra, Deathbird, D'ken Summers Legacy: Cable (shoulder pad), Jean Grey (classic), Rachel Summers (as Phoenix), Mr. Sinister Thanks
  14. Yeah, but the preorders for waves 5 & 6 are both still up. And I have not got a cancellation notice about these. So who knows whats going on with BBTS.
  15. Me too. On a slightly more optimistic note, the most recent Q&A still seems as though they are trying to get these guys out in some way or another. I know I am just being hopeful, but.... What are we without hope for the future?
  16. They don't just mention 'some other surprises'. They mention eight surprises. Lets see, that would be: Cavil Dorel Leobon Simon 'Mother' Cylon missing 2 From the Fleet and possibly Number Seven Or maybe the kick butt Starbuck from New Caprica. Granted, this is probably way too wishful of thinking but...
  17. After reading the latest Art Asylum blog, my hopes of seeing these last 18 minimates have once again been dashed. I just wonder what they were thinking before Toy Fare when they said we would see something there...
  18. I'd like to see how this plays out. If ToyWiz, being the scalper it is, actually was able to obtain a few sets, then we may have found for the line, boys. Okay, so when I went to order, I was able to place an order for only one set. I was told that there where not enough product available for me to order two. Okay, fine. One is better than none. Well, I now have an email from them saying that they regret to inform me that the item I have ordered has been delayed and that they hope to have it back in stock in 1-2 weeks. At least they are not sending me a set of something else entirely, that was what I was worried about. Well, I will keep everyone posted as to any further updates. Hopefully DST will have a new way of getting these out when they show up at Toy Fair. Right, so on Friday afternoon I got an 'Urgent' email from ToyWiz saying that I needed to call them immediately in regards to this order. I was at work, so I could not call right then. When I got home from work there was a message on my answering machine, from a live person, saying the same thing. So I called... I was told that they were sorry but they no longer had any of that item in stock. The lady wanted to know if I wanted to get something different or if I wanted a refund. Yes, the geniuses at ToyWiz charged my charge card without having any product in stock. I told her that I wanted a refund. So I guess we will have to wait until Toy Fare to see how this all shakes out. Keep your fingers crossed everyone.
  19. Not sure if i should thank you or feel guilty...Thanks it is!! I'd like to see how this plays out. If ToyWiz, being the scalper it is, actually was able to obtain a few sets, then we may have found for the line, boys. I doubt that ToyWiz has there info. updated to the current status, but I've personally had a decent ordering-experience with some of their clearanced items in the past, so I won't knock them. No-one would love to believe this more than I, but if the line's been shelved then I sincerely doubt that any have been (or will be) produced other than the prototypes. As for those proto.s? It's a good thing that I don't have any access to ToyFair! Our only hope now is that someone will take interest at the next ToyFair (due to the BSG hype) and allow this to happen in some form. I never thought I'd actually see "Classic BSG 'mates", so nothing is impossible. Keep those fingers crossed and keep pestering the powers-that-be to show that people still want these! Okay, so when I went to order, I was able to place an order for only one set. I was told that there where not enough product available for me to order two. Okay, fine. One is better than none. Well, I now have an email from them saying that they regret to inform me that the item I have ordered has been delayed and that they hope to have it back in stock in 1-2 weeks. At least they are not sending me a set of something else entirely, that was what I was worried about. Well, I will keep everyone posted as to any further updates. Hopefully DST will have a new way of getting these out when they show up at Toy Fair.
  20. Well, I'll be a guinea pig for this. I placed an order for a set, we'll see what happens.
  21. This was kind of what I was thinking. If there were some way to do a limited release of these I would be all in. I like this idea and would buy at least two, maybe three if it were this format. What I cannot grasp is how many they feel they need to sell (or have pre-ordered) for a line to be viable. The Marvel movie mated were released in case numbers up to 850 if I am not mistaken. If it is the same for BSG or even slightly less, what percent would have to be pre-ordered. I know I put in for two sets of each wave from BBTS. But this brings me to another point: how can BBTS and other stores sell complete sets, never offering the individual packs if all they can get are cases. What happens to the extra packs? They have to be part of the reason that BSG minimates last so long in stores, no one can order a non-variant wave. If the cases that online retailers get contain three complete sets, as oppose to a 'normal case,' why can't my LCS get a case like that. This would allow them to sell sets and not be saddled with extras of sets like President Adama and Romo. I would think offering this type of case to others would help improve sales. But maybe this too, is wishful thinking.
  22. Slightly off topic, but the headquarters is back and they have the updated shipping dates! Check it OUT!!!!
  23. I had a similar problem with my MkII and MkIII armors. I found that if I just put the helmet on, the face plate would pop off. However, if I held the face plate with my thumb while putting the helmet on, the face plate is stuck almost permanently. I don't know if this would be the case with your 'custom' helmet, but it is worth a try to not have to keep retooling the helmet. Six
  24. I was thinking this exact same thing. I would have no problem getting all of the hulks mentioned in the first post of this thread, so long as Hulk was bigger. Hulk should not be smaller than Iron Man! When I saw the movie Iron Man Minimates and especially Iron Monger, I thought exactly the same thing as Dr. B: I do not know what DST's budget was for these two waves, but giving Hulk some bulk should have gone into the Hulk movie wave. Other than hair pieces, we hardly got any new parts. Hint Hint DST. Bulk up the Hulk ala Iron Monger!
  25. I was thinking that the Galactica crew also had the Grey-Green outfits for more formal occasions. Here is Tigh in that out fit (also courtesy of Battlestar wiki): I cannot find a better, more green image. But it seems we have seen Hot Dog's uniform.
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