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Everything posted by suicidewatch

  1. i kinda dig Falcon's new suit. he looks like a member of G-Force.
  2. Daniel Bruhl confirmed that he's playing Baron Zemo in Civil War. i have zero faith they are gonna have him wear his pink mask in that film.
  3. He's done the barefoot look plenty of times. Mainly in solo appearances. I like the idea that Blob only puts on his boots if he's going to be teaming up with someone. they can't deal with his funky ass foot smell. "Dude, put on some shoes! I can't kill X-Men if I am gagging in the car on the ride to Westchester."
  4. Oh man, that looks so great. I love those cheesy 60s romance comics. Secret Wars is gonna be lots of fun.
  5. Secret Wars > Spiderverse just for variety. As much as I want a Spider-Ham figure, I don't need 10 more versions of Spiderman.
  6. so I guess Marvel needs to make a cartoon starring Moon Knight, Man-Thing, Machine Man, and Misty Knight called the Marvelous Marvels so we can get some goddamned toys of them.
  7. Spider-Gwen, modern Captain Marvel, DIsco Dazzler, Howard The Duck?!?! if that Hulk had been Man-Thing it would be the greatest wave humanly possible. this is also the first Iron Man we've gotten in a while I actually would want. i haven't read Rage Of Ultron yet, but is that his new look?
  8. savage minty hulk might be a good body for Abomination. I dig Klaw's beard, that's a good face for some other customs too.
  9. yeah, there was no second tray underneath or anything. just completely missing.
  10. We're getting Siryn?!?! Damn, now I NEED to buy a custom case and an extra Foes set. The question now is: where to get the money? if you have plasma to sell, there's always a way.
  11. so i just bought the Iron Fist/Luke Cast "best of" set off Amazon and when i opened them I noticed that neither character came with the extra set of arms for shirtless Iron Fist or Leather Jacket Luke Cage. i didn't go back through all the comments, but was this a common problem for everyone that bought this pack? there didn't seem to even be tray spots for these extra limbs even though I have seen pictures of the figures with these alternate looks. sorry if this is "some old shit, that's been covered"
  12. Can you confirm what the dino is ? in the comic book or the one I used? it's definitely Devil Dinosaur in the comic. this toy dino is some crap from Target. whatever the heck the plastic toy animals they sell in those bins. that's a good idea, it would look better than my current Devil at least.
  13. so I don't know about the rest of you folks, but I am actually pretty pumped for Secret Wars. not so much for whatever the hell disaster of continuity comes afterwards but for the actual event itself. a comic book about a bunch of Thors, an X-Men comic based on the 1992 cartoon, a new Runaways title starring Valeria Richards....but the one I am most stoked for is the new Planet Hulk where Captain America teams up with Devil Dinosaur!!! and has to fight to survive in a land full of evil Hulks. I mean, that concept is just begging to be a 1980s Saturday Morning Cartoon. hopefully we get some really great waves outta this event, but until then I went ahead and made myself a Captain America The Barbarian. and here he is riding his noble friend. if ever there was an excuse to give us a Build A Figure, it's gotta be Devil Dinosaur.
  14. there are just way too many variations of X-Men characters in classic outfits (Giant Size Banshee & Sunfire, Disco Dazzler, Grey Beast, Kitty Pryde training suit, Brotherhood Rogue, Asgardian Storm, Madripoor Wolverine), current looks (Cyclops, Emma, Magik, Magneto), and a 90s X-Factor team set, that I am just not really begging for any NEW X-Men that haven't had a figure made yet. i have almost zero love for any X-Men character from the mid to late 90s. BUT what we are in desperate need of are some damn X-Men villains. top 10 why the hell don't these x-villains exist yet? Mimic Toad Mastermind Sebastian Shaw (that Kevin Bacon one doesn't count) Silver Samurai Spiral Mojo Arcade Shadow King Stryfe (for all the 90s X-Force love that's been given, how is there not a Stryfe figure???) not to mention all the other X-Villains who are less likely to be made, but I would buy them all: Exodus, Ahab, Legion, Proteus, Black Tom, Caliban, Callisto, Bastion
  15. that's the 616 spelling too of his real last name. he changed the spelling to Klaw because of his father's Nazi warcrimes.
  16. Stilt Man's legs and the Bullseye playing cards on the sniper bag were my favorites. i kinda expected we would get a shot of Avengers Tower in the New York skyline, but I never caught it.
  17. i agree it was a weird/bad look.
  18. he wasn't in a costume. he was just dressed like a 70s teenager. i am sure if he is in X-Men Apocalypse that he'll get a black rubber jump suit just like all the rest of the uninspired Singer X-Men costumes.
  19. i am confident that one of these secret figures is Klaw. the other one I am guessing that it is gonna be either Grey Hulk or Falcon in a new costume or possibly Black Panther if he shows up in the stinger. sadly it's not gonna be Captain Marvel, as Kevin Fiege confirmed that she was cut from the movie.
  20. Whedon says no after credits scene for Ultron. there's still gonna be a stinger just like every single Marvel movie....just no after credits scene. also with Civil War just getting underway, the Russos could still shoot something that could be attached to the May 1st release that's not going to be on the premiere.
  21. supposedly he only has a cameo.
  22. my guess would be Klaw and Black Panther (assuming he shows up in the stinger)
  23. i could see them doing something akin to the Secret Avengers with a black ops team of SHIELD Agents using Deathlok, Mockingbird, and Quake (Skye) as the central characters and then adding some other c list Marvel characters to fill out the team. either that or they are gonna spinoff the Inhumans characters they've introduced.
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