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toy showdown

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Everything posted by toy showdown

  1. I'm at least supporting what I say with evidence. I'd think Godzilla not actually being specialty-exclusive would be a great thing for the line's future. But to keep playing, I responded with: "Could I have a corporate buyer or managing supervisor who works directly with Diamond Select Toys product confirm that the information I have received is correct?"
  2. Not according to Walmart customer service. If that typo really bugs you, I can ask her to have a supervisor confirm what she said.
  3. I'm not sure I'd say that Godzilla is specialty-only when I can site-to-store the first set from for $15.99 plus tax. Really can't beat that, although TRU and Kmerp also have it for sale on their websites. We just have to wait for them to sell themselves. Which may take awhile because Godzilla minimates are shy and afraid of commitment. Also, non-kaiju have cooties.
  4. I bought one of each 2-pack with the Paizo winter promo code, so I figure by the time another code rolls around, I'll have a list of how many extras of each set I want. A mash-up with TWD's Guts Zombie gave me my current default, who definitely matches Ostog's enthusiasm for battle.
  5. The problem is that the show is on Fox, not HBO or Netflix where you could have fully-characterized villains doing very villainous things. So the designs and visuals are great for a network show, but the story and direction are going to feel constrained because it's a network show. The cool thing about the Minimates is that you can help the characters rise above the story direction. They're a chance to tell a better story. Also, the cool thing about the Minimates is that they aren't from, like, Mulaney or something else that's legitimately awful.
  6. On paper it's a great idea. Popular source material with new twists. Netflix paying $1.75 million per episode to stream. Second season. It's just that... of all the fans of the show that I know, none of them are collectibles buyers. Minimates are safe because parts are parts. It's the $20-25 action figures I don't see connecting with the core audience.
  7. Don't worry guys. All DST product sells itself.
  8. I'm guessing that the tail is attached to the entire shell piece, so I'd think a black and white set is more likely seeing as it couldn't be reused for the 90's Turtles. (unless the tail's glued on, in that case, up in the air again) I like the base figure, but I'd swap heads between Mikey and Raph, and Leo and Don. That would mimic the NECA Turtles.
  9. Luke has a few each of Konkrud and Dogslicer in stock (and Munchkin, who was already there). edit: sold out
  10. DC anything would be great. The original 'Mates are so good they feel like they could have been released yesterday. My first guess would be Supernatural, which is both a popular television series and a former DC comic series. The Winchester brothers would be promptly teamed up with Michonne to fight walkers. Orange is the New Black would be another interesting Walking Dead mash-up. All those orange prison suits. There are lots of interesting license ideas out there. House of Cards. The Blacklist. Gotham. Constantine. Even stuff like Bones. I'd also say Parks & Rec just for Aubrey Plaza, Nick Offerman, and Rob Lowe 'Mates. I think the only two things I wouldn't be exited for at all would be American Horror Story and Two and a Half Men. But still putting my imaginary bet on Supernatural.
  11. Sears has in-store search computers, but it presents another problem. You'll find "Diamond Select Toys Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2" Minimates Mystery Pack" which is a listing. Not only is it the specialty assortment, it's $6.99... plus $8.25 shipping. On just one bag. I told the sales associate it was the right item, but not the Sears/Kmart exclusive assortment. She also couldn't request based on the Sears/Kmart bag UPC. Sears does have this tiny little toy section that's about the size of two endcaps back-to-back. Getting TMNT 'Mates onto those would be incredibly helpful.
  12. Rupert Murdoch probably already bought the Daily Bugle and restructured it into a news notification app. Because, realism. I don't know why they can't keep Garfield and explain the last two films as an alternate reality created by Mysterio to keep Spidey away from SHIELD and the Avengers. Just 20 seconds of dialogue in Civil War to both validate the Amazing films for what they are but write them off as out-of-continuity for the MCU.
  13. The Playmates Ninja Turtles line regularly shows off new figures on the cardbacks and inserts. It gives you a few months to speculate which paint apps aren't going to make it onto the final product (hint: most of them). It works against the toy company, because I wind up liking the prototype and the final product doesn't feel worth the purchase anymore. What does the back of the X-O set look like? On a single 2-pack I'd definitely prefer pictures of the figures in both of their looks over a preview of figures that are subject to change. And from a marketing standpoint, even though you're not selling four figures, people are subconsciously associating the set with four figures, which increases the perceived value.
  14. They'd just save her for Wasp Through the Ages, a 750-pack of figures highlighting everything Janet Van Dyne has worn at any time ever.
  15. The movie Avengers aren't really portrayed as a good team. The stand-alone movies ignore the team dynamic, and Ultron seems to continue the tradition of team members fighting team members for one reason or another. By contrast, the comic book alliance between Thor, Hulk, Iron Man, Wasp, and Ant-Man was a fairly simple story about teamwork. It didn't last long, and was pretty much foreshadowing present-day Marvel (Call the Fantastic Four? Nope!), but it was fun. That's what bothers me about Secret Wars 2015. There's so much going on that it's exhausting. It's also hard to explain what Marvel's doing without including the reasons why. It's the story of a guy, who's really mad at Fox, who is smashing his worlds together while yelling, "Mine! Back off!" I don't envy the licensees who have to research and predict what's going to be popular from all this a year from now. Mattel tried to do some Flashpoint-themed Action League figures a few years ago, and while they were good, they were so unsuccessful they pretty much killed that line. Events like this are a huge merchandising gamble, so I wouldn't fault DST for going more classic-style for wider releases and saving the new and experimental stuff for exclusives.
  16. After seeing Funko's work on Evolve, they'd make for interesting Minimates. Waves of three 2-packs would be ideal. Two Hunter 2-packs and one Monster with Hunter variant. Or blind bags, which aren't expensive at all compared to TriForce's 35-pound, $750 statue of a Goliath.
  17. In series 2, Bradford or the Norman are good Kmart fodder. Bradford was a cool human character when he debuted, but he's been mutated twice since. Norman's a bit off - no stripes on the tie, no pinstripes on the jacket, - so I'd probably stop at one. The Kraang mind-control or impersonate a lot of people, though, so he can just be random undercover corporate dude. Kmart should have gotten the Footbot as their exclusive. He looks good with the extra pieces but a lot of them are going to get dressed down into a regular Foot Soldier anyway. He'd be worth the hunt, but for the pieces. The basic Playmates Kraang is terrible. The Half Shell Heroes Kraang is terrible. The Lego one is just okay. This is the first Kraang toy that is actually worth buying multiples of. It's not just Kraang. It's good Kraang. Also, it's a little disturbing to see a marketing supervisor who doesn't seem to understand what the fundamentals of marketing are. DST is paying you to make people want things they don't need.
  18. Matt's smart and honest. It's a winning combination. Sears Holding has a cash flow of negative $1 billion dollars. Real estate is its only major strength, giving it the ability to close stores cheaply ( Cheaply = little advance notice that the store is closing. I don't see how you can have financial support from a retailer that has not seen a dollar of profit. And with retailers responsible for promoting and distributing their own exclusives, DST can't force Kmart to stock anything even if they have it. I'm allowed to have a bit of Kmart hate in my blood, too. 20+ years of stories from my father being a manager. He worked hard and tried his best until the day my parents' house sold, and the next day he quit without ever feeling like he owed them anything. So yeah, I'm happy for TMNT Minimates, but I'd put Kmart exclusive minimates on the same level of enthusiasm as a root canal.
  19. There was a girl at customer service, a girl at a register, and a girl at electronics. No manager on-site. Matt Doughty said in his Toy Break interview that his Kmart in Acton, MA was where he bought his first GI Joe in the 80's but it never has new stuff now. He knows the time is coming when it's going to be gone. There was a lot of cool stuff on sinking ships back in the day. It's sitting on the ocean floor now. You're sending us to a retailer that will never be better off tomorrow than it was today and no amount of marketing cheerleading will change that fact. So have your little Kmart party. Not driving 30 minutes to hunt for one figure at a store that makes Goodwill look like Neiman Marcus.
  20. I went hunting today, and I don't want to do that anymore. Kmart is a store where you can find mid-aisle bowls of MLP, Spongebob, and Call of Duty blind bag figures. With some Lego Simpsons thrown in. But not the toy aisle, the paper goods aisle. After an hour of hunting around, I asked customer service if they had any idea where I'd find bagged Ninja Turtle figure keychains on a hanging strip display. "We don't really carry stuff like that." Fair enough. Done with Kmart.
  21. Bradford's getting a boost from his boots, so he's taller. Karai, Casey, and Suit Kraang should wind up being average height. Splinter should be noticeably taller than the Turtles, but most of the toys haven't reflected that so it's not a deal-breaker for me.
  22. I know they've mentioned trying to get Mad Max in the past, but if they could even just get Fury Road approved, that would be awesome. Even without vehicles, the character designs should more than boost what is looking to be a solid action film.
  23. It's been on for a few days. Just search Minimates, or more specifically Diamond Select Toys Marvel Minimates Classic X-Force Box Set. You should be able to pick in up in-store somewhere between Jan. 19 and 20.
  24. Casey gets the best paint and likely most articulation he'll ever receive as a mass-market figure, and somebody will still call him ugly. People are funny sometimes. Probably the best Karai we'll ever get. Can't wait to pose her in all sorts of acrobatic poses. Bradford begs for a Chrome Dome variant. Meanwhile, I'll beg for a Tiger Claw and Newtralizer.
  25. I ordered a Dogslicer and Konkrud yesterday. I'll be happy if I at least get Dogslicer. I'm really happy with the box set. It's just disappointing that this series is so piece-here, piece-there. Did Paizo watch Bridge mangle the Hobbit toy line and say, hey, we should try that with our license.
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