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Everything posted by Reideen1313

  1. The prototypes are out there, but they aren't available for purchase by most collectors.
  2. Nah - I've stated my opinion and I'll shut up now. Last time a DC related line died and I tried to tell people about it, I became the villain of the forum. I'm not walking down that path again...
  3. Sorry I didn't see this earlier Don. I've got a Netgear router - it's a Wireless-N model. It cost a little less than $90 after my Best Buy coupons. It covers my entire house. Probably more coverage than I need, but it was easy to set up and it'll support my pc, the Wii, all 5 Nintendo DS's, etc. on both the upstairs and downstairs levels. Good luck with whatever you go with. LMK if you have trouble with it.
  4. Didio and Brewer are two completely different individuals with different mindsets and goals. You cannot predict the actions of one based on what the other has done historically. Brewer has always been incredibly short sighted. Just ask all the Legion fans. Or the JSA fans. Or, hell, fans of almost any team in the DCU. He's only now starting to offer some diversity because Mattel is offering legitimate competition in the DCU sandbox. I have no hopes that the DC minimate line will be revived or, if it is, that it will be on par with what we've come to expect. Just look at past JSA figures - Flash, GL, Starman, Wildcat, etc. Look at the JSA line that was recently offered - all poor sculpts, horribly out of scale with past offerings. Certainly not the way to build a team that looks like they belong together on a collector's shelf. Seriously guys, you might be better off letting this go....
  5. I've been waiting for 2 days to do this - I hoped it was work safe, but didn't want to chance it. I thought maybe a zombie head would pop up at the end or something. I got the passes right but totally missed the other bit. I'm sending to to my Father in Law - he's a motorcycle guy as well and will enjoy it.
  6. I'm paying big $$ for photos....
  7. Hey Chuck! What's going on with the Radicals newsletter? Last update I saw was back in November....
  8. For starters, I'd still like to see a translucent Capt. Marvel, a translucent Ion Wonderman, a translucent Dr Strange (in astral form), and of course the translucent Spidey we saw all those years ago...
  9. Then DST is accused of putting out another boring 'mate with nothing going for it but paint apps. They're damned if they do, damned if they don't.
  10. Yeah, but how else are they going to show her 'phasing' power? (Yes, I'm in favor of the translucent 'mates. )
  11. Really dig the Phantom and Flash Gordon mates!! Now we need to see Buck Rogers....
  12. That wouldn't exactly be a new license now, would it? Please, think before you post.
  13. You forgot Cosmic Spiderman. Your fired. Captain Universe Spidey is Cosmic Spidey. You're fired. SSP is fired? Again?!?!
  14. No. Why? What have you heard? I'd suggest - mind you, it may just be more absent minded ramblings, but a suggestion none the less - Dr Who is possibly more popular in some parts of the world than Superman or Batman. But, Minimates aren't for sale in those countries anymore....
  15. Fixed that for you. Maybe not doing variants hurt DCD's line in in the long (short) run? I'd say the Marvel Minimate business model was the better of the two. After all, we're still getting Marvel 'mates.... Hell, we're still getting BSG 'mates for that matter. You can't tell me they sell anywhere near the volume DCD's 'mates did.
  16. Since I'm currently watching one of the greatest movies ever, I'd really love to see Lethal Weapon minimates. A two pack of Riggs and Murtaugh would be great. If this was expanded to a 4 piece boxed set, a Mr Joshua and General McAllister would round out the 1st movie nicely.
  17. Logan's Run minimates you say? I can dream, can't I??
  18. Glad you found one that'll work for you Don. Did you end up with AT& T then?
  19. What are you talking about? Ghost Rider & Iron Man made sense to me. Ghost Rider totally kicked Tony's metal @ss in this one. (However I cannot think of a connection between Silver Surfer and Spidey 2099, so point taken.)
  20. Due to his edits to his own posts, the only thing we have to go on is the quotes from other members. Tenime was complaining about Spymaster and Gamora - his 'opinion' is that Deadpool and Gambit would be better choices. I did mis-speak when I said it's an IM wave - I was thinking War Machine. I apologize. However, my point remains - when's the last time Nova or War Machine crossed over with either Deadpool or Gambit? Never. The characters are packed together based on their history. Nova is currently paired with Gamora in the books = logical minimate team up. War Machine and Spymaster have a history together = logical pairing in the two pack. Logic vs opinion.
  21. Look into the Hoff...look into the Hofff.... :biggrin:
  22. Hmm...let's look I will say though, I'm with you. I personally think Deapool and Gambit are perfect choices for the IM wave. Afterall - who can forget the time Deadpool teamed up with Iron Man? And that Iron Man/Gambit mini-series is still a classic. What? Those books never happened? The hell you say! These are great characters who go together like peanut butter and pickled eggs! Those crossovers must've been HUGE sellers!! No? Outside a major 'event' like Onslaught or some such, the characters don't interact with Iron Man. Ever. And that, Tenime, is the reason Deadpool and Gambit AREN'T in the Iron Man wave. Its an Iron Man based wave. Not an Xmen wave. So yes, your opinion is wrong. Opinions can be wrong - it's up to the person who holds them to decide what they want to do with their opinion after it has been proven to them.... Then again, looking at some of your other, more recent dust ups around the net, it appears over-reacting is your forte'. Go with what you're good at I guess....
  23. William Hurt as Thunderbolt Ross
  24. Yes. It was a Hunt mate with a NY Toy Fair logo on the back.
  25. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news then. The Judas Contract DVD has been put on indefinite hold. There's concern the current Titans fanbase won't 'get it' and it won't sell. This has been confirmed by Marv Wolfman.
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