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Everything posted by reddmann

  1. ive been sitting on the idea of how cool it would be for dst to release a 2 pack of the movie green goblin and doc ock.... and that got me thinken what other movie mates id like to see.... then the thought struck me.... "what would the multiverse say??" im just curious what movie mates you guys would like to see.... for me... id like to see (obviously) green goblin and doc ock... hmm i always wanted a movie magneto too... and nightcrawler (not much pose-ability but he would look rad... especially if he had the scars underneath his coat )
  2. how am i the only one that voted for thundercats?!?! i remember waaay back in the day when that lion-o custom showed up in toyfair (or whatever magazine it was) i almost pee'd myself.... thundercats is my favourite tv show of all time.... having mates of them would be the ultimate geekgasm for me HOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
  3. cool idea for a thread punisher.. and a good way to waste time at work on to my dream variants wave 1: "courtroom" matt murdock would be great wave 2: LOVE black spidey... no need to change that one wave 3: this is a weird one... i woulda paired wolvie with colossus (they are an excellent team in the comic) storm and beast (they DID date)... and toss iceman as the variant and BAM! you have the full ultimate xmen starting lineup and i soil myself with excitement..... besides, civilian wolvie and ultimate sabertooth arent that great anyways wave 4: broken neck gwen .... oooh im only kidding.... im gonna go with black bullseye wave 5: ww2 cap sounds kinda neat wave 6: a tony stark figure woulda been nice... wave 7: i agree the JJ head shoulda been an accesory instead of chase.... but for a chase, a different costume for chameleon would be cool wave 8: transparent invisible woman was awesome... on a side note i still dont see why they included 2 things... could they not think of any different F4 characters wave9: diamond emma was great wave 10: i liked the alternate spider woman wave 11: either classic rogue (with coat).... or a more classic bishop (with the hair) wave 12: before i go off on the cahse figure.... riot attack spidey and ronin should NOT be in this wave.... spidey got beat up in the first arc... ronin didnt show up till what? the 3rd?! woulda been way better to have the other new avenger characters..... for the chase... JERVIS! wave 13: first drop the transparent bits on kitty (that was dumb)and give wolvie his mask!!... for the chase, i wanna say diamond emma, but its been done... so im gonna go with classic blue costume shadowcat wave 14: i like the phoenix variant wave 15: demonic blackheart wave 16: its a toss up between ionic wonderman and F4 she hulk wave 17: transforming eddie is cool wave 18: i agree with drgnbrn.... the girls should be ragular figs.... the chase shoulda been transforming peter wave 19: i like the current chase ... blue angel i think it was wave 20: if they never did a ronin figure (see wave 12 ) then ronin woulda been a cool chase figure for hawkeye phew.... and thats my 2 cents
  4. As much as id like a furry Beast to add to the X-Mate line up... I went with Sabertooth... he was always one of my favourite xmen villains... and i think hed like look excellent with his huge fur collar.... i wouldnt even mind if they left out the powerhouse chest on him..... man.... love that costume
  5. haha... totally didnt notice that... good eye gillbob
  6. pleasepleaseplease give me more ultimate minimates DST!!!
  7. wow.. as much as i love these figures thats some ass-tastic packaging.... personally i loved the box format.... but as i get more and more serious a collector i think id prefer the bubble package.... and i realized this when buying the new DC mates.... i wanna check the paint apps on the mates.... not that im really picky or what not.. i just dont like getting a mate where they REALLY messed up something.... y'know? to reiderate... boo-urns on the new packaging
  8. i will never give up hope on these guys... my dream of a dan minimate will someday come true!!!
  9. hmmm im gonna disagree with yah guys...when they first released the pictures for the new DC waves way back.. i was sceptical.... and then when i first looked at the new batman in my hands.. my concerns were confirmed..... i really love the look of the old cowls.. it looks more like a mask and less like a toy with 2 seperate faces..... i fully agree to give certain characters the full face cowl (a la harley quinn)... but id like to see the newer batman figs and everyone else for that matter with the old cowls..... im down with the old school
  10. hmm interesting topic... heres my input.... marvel: Frosted Iceman, Peter Parker, Mary Jane, X3 Phoenix, J Jonah Jameson, Spiderman 3 preview mates, and the Maximates DC: havent gotten around to buying wave 3 or 4 yet... BSG: no dice... not fan of the show, so i aint buyen the mates Indy: got all 4 of them.... twice *woopy* Street Fighter: not missen any of 'em.... wish they come out with wave 2 already... i NEED my favourite SF character in minimate form...... DAN HIBIKI!!! LOTR: Sauron, twilight frodo and the weathertop aragorn im catching up something fierce
  11. so... im seeing im not the only one to have a melee symbiote spiderman with lackluster skin aps... this really bugged me... and because of it i really wasnt enjoying the mate.... i decided to take matters in my own hands... i grabbed a brush and went to work... it seems the games workshop/citadel miniatures paint called "elf flesh" is spot on with most minimate skin.... i painted him up and he looks at least 12 times better... i highly recommend doing this..... totally worth it! ... also i added a bit of white to his eye as it suffered the same fate as his skin
  12. it just hit me what marvel character i CANT wait to see in mate form.... omega red.... as long as they made the tentacles movable and not doc ock-esque... that would be awesome
  13. rad! more lanterns!!... the green lanterns are my favourite part of DC..... the more lanterns the better, i could care less who they are.... we'll obviously get a rayner eventually, good thing im a patient collector.... ive got all my lanterns hanging over my minimate collection using fish line around their waist/necks (the GLs protect my mates from harm lol)... so the more lanterns that come out the cooler itll look having them all flying above with hal at the front id really like them to do a Natu mate for 2 reasons.... a)shes my favourite B-lister lantern and we'd finally have a girl lantern mate.....! i wonder if theyll do any sinistro-corps mates.... i really prefer sinistro in his yellow corps costume... a boy can dream, hes still cool tho! so weird... i read red son for the first time the day before these were announced... the story was great and the mates look great.. cant wait for them! dont really care much for the other 4.... ill still get em of course.... completism (if thats a word*shrug*) its my gift, its my curse.... but im preaching to the choir here arent i? here are some pics of natu for anyone who doesnt know who she is
  14. on the topic of great finds.... i was at my local comic shop and the owner told me he picked up some old minimates from a collector.... seeing as how i have all the older minimates i wasnt too excited to see the first 3 waves... plus the 4 packs... and some of the first exclusives.... no biggy.. then i saw it... black spiderman and venom.... wait for it.... for 10 bucks!!! *gasp* i snatched that up something fierce.... now i got one loose(which i probably over paid for a few months back) and one packaged... hes probably the only minimate ill ever keep in the package i always keep my eyes peeled for mates when i go to toy stores or comic shops.... you never know what you might find
  15. hey.. first off, nice job on the sentinels!! they look great battling the xmen (i love the wolverine "dis-arming" that one on the ground .... my question tho: are those the 2.5" mates?! as already stated by the punisher the idea from the marvel vs capcom game would be best.... not little yet not too big... and i was wondering, has anyone tried to make these style sentinels with the sauron sized body? (unless those ARE the sauron sized body then my statement is void ) ive seen on ebay numorous times batches of 4 - 10 saurons for reasonable prices... i plan on tryen this out sooner or later (hopefully sooner) ..... yer customs are inspiring me to go scour ebay for those saurons as we speak
  16. hands down agree.... being a minimate fiend i knew i had to have the X3 mates... but i wasnt too excited about them... but when i grabbed them (still looking for varient phoenix ) i was uber surprised.... that wolverine is now one of my favourite wolvies! (the claw redesign was brilliant)..... SO now with the GR mates on the way... again im not to stoked, yet the fiend in me has already decided to pick up the whole wave... so im hoping i will be pleseantly surprised.... i can already see this whole scenario happening again when the spiderman3 mates come out (they look ok, but im sure ill be blown away)..... and duh the avengers wave will be good, theres no questioning that set
  17. what about a wave with 3 heroes and 3 villains.... each pack being a villain/hero 2 pack.... theres always hope
  18. Im totally stoked to get these mates... I agree TM2Dinobot.... Venoms face is VERY questionable....he looks chubby hah!.... Even tho Im not a big Hydroman fan.... his mate looks pretty cool and I cant wait to have a new villain in my collection.... My main question is for you Leoric *points* yer picture there of Spidey fighting Sandman.. youve got Sandmans transparent head goen on there and hes got a hairpiece...... checking back on the other Spidey Box set thread the pic of Sandman without the beefy head has no hairpiece... SO! does he come with that hairpeice or is that from the older (and in my oppinion better) Sandman?! Nope that was DarkTide. amen..!
  19. i realize that this boxset is 99.9999% going to be Defenders.... but wouldn't it be cool if they did a "aluminati vs hulk" set.... dr.strange, namor, black bolt, MAYBE updated iron man and a PLanet Hulk with beefy chest and full gladiator equipment.... thatd be a pretty epic set!
  20. oh snap!!! my comic guy just gave me the good news and i headed for my compy to share my excitement (and happy dancing) with you guys.... and low and behold the buzz is already in full effect woot for new marvel mates i just got my wave 2 black spiderman... now im even more excited for that melee black spidey!!
  21. oh snap! my local comic book store hasn't even gotten wave 3 in yet
  22. IronSpiderMan (the civil war one) damn I love that costume
  23. looks awesome Luke!! I would definitly play it once its done... heck, Id be willing to help out with game testing if yah ever need it..... also.. Ive got some acting experience as well... once you start giving everyone else in yer game voices, I could lend a hand
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