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Everything posted by AFMcGill

  1. Look at the necks/chests. They're all V necks. You see their skin. That would be on the chest block.
  2. I can't see Skin or Synch being made. They've both been dead for early 20 years and have virtually no footprint in any form. Maybe one of them as a BAF (Synch i guess as Skin would be too interesting and deserve extra parts for powers). Chamber, Husk and M - them I can see - and Jubilee i guess - but all of them being packed with someone who can pull their weight. Like a Phalanx Covenant or Operation Zero Tolerance wave so they could be thrown in with, say, 90s Savage Bandana Wolverine or purple costume Storm or something more people would actually buy the set for. And sadly, no, Emma does not count. And most of the Generation X lot have individual tweaks to the uniform making swapping parts impossible... and unfeasible... Of the males - all 3 of them do not have match skin tones for starters. Synch is the only male wearing a full uniform, Chamber usually doesn't wear the uniform and when he does he has his trench coat over it (and Chamber should probably come with the alt look of his face scarfed and the costume most people recognize rather than dumping him in the uniform and jacket look just so you can give parts to make someone else) and then Skin has sleeves, shorts and a v-cut on his neck so there is not a single part of him that could be used to make someone else. Females - again, all 3 of them do not have matching skin tones and would have skin showing on the chest piece above the zip... Husk would be much better off coming with parts to reflect her powers rather than shoving in a chest block and a face just to make M or Jubilee, and Jubilee wore a jacket over her uniform a lot too. The one way i can see us getting the whole lot would be... I think a 4-pack could be a way to balance it out, a Con exclusive 4-pack and still even bolster that with the not entirely necessary variants of Emma or Banshee and Jubilee. Say a 4-pack of Emma, Banshee, Jubilee and Skin - that way the combined pull of the first 3 together almost makes it sales viable and Skin gets the help of the other 3. Then put Chamber, Husk and M in an actual wave, each packaged with someone that could actually sell (or Husk and M as variants with an army builder), with Synch as a BAF. And if you think we'd ever get Gaea or Mondo, you're being really bonkers. I'd be surprised if we got an Emplate but I wouldn't say it's impossible, just very unlikely (I mean, can you imagine a a kid-friendly looking toy with the write-up "Emplate sucks out children's marrows for food").
  3. Amora looks like the perfect body for a Sersi...
  4. Has anyone made a Chamber? I've got an idea for a recipe, but would love to see how other people handle the flame... is there a fire head piece out there that is perfect for that? My first thought was Jack o Lantern's flame but turned around but that's no good.
  5. No need to repaint it...
  6. That's a good recipe! I'm going to steal that idea...
  7. I want any and all of the new mutants/x-force lot Even Magik, Magma and Rusty in those Liefeld costumes they never wore.
  8. Gozer from Ghostbusters. It's still not quite "big enough" but it's sort of the closest we've gotten. And it's a Pyro head - which is honestly perfect for him and is just being WASTED hidden underneath Pyro's head piece!
  9. Just got some of the new mates in the mail and since the Logan came with a spare chest piece, it dawned on me it could work well enough for a non-X-uniformed version of the first kitbash I ever made... I'm in no hurry to make a better version, a passable one is fine - as i think it's looking more and more likely we might end up with an official Legion. This was a one I worked on for ages, avoiding the obvious solution of just printing a chest, and am giving up on (part of the problem was matching skin tones - there's several chest pieces with chest symbols, some that are passable enough as a pentagram, I got intending to use and then finding the skin tone did not match the head (and i needed a head with red eyes) Two minor kitbashes, has anyone found a decent skirt piece that works for Radioactive Man? I was so hoping Titanium Man's skirt would work but it's very much the wrong colour (and too big)
  10. As long as we're doing vehicles we'll never get, I want Hawkeye's skycycle.
  11. No, just the one character was to indulge his writer.
  12. Ooooh, that's a very good one... I'm guessing the only way we could get that done is as a head / hair piece. Considering how many Psylocke's we've had (5 I think?), I'm really surprised we haven't gotten it. Marvel Legends are getting a pretty cool looking one for their upcoming Psylocke and that's only like their second or third Psylocke!
  13. Ahhh, there would be my answer. Guess I gotta buy a Puppet Master of him now.
  14. Why didn't my Mr. Fantastic have one?? :'(
  15. What it says on the tin. What iconic objects are we long overdue that aren't tigers or a bike for Ghost Rider? Ultimate Nullifier! Serpent Crown! The Darkhold!
  16. when has purple ever once been done... We've got plenty of black suit Spider minimates. why would you waste time giving us one that is entirely specific to your own idea.
  17. AFMcGill

    WAVE 76

    You can always sneak Generation X characters into a Phalanx Covenant or Operation Zero Tolerance themed wave (both of which have plenty of potential for the other characters featured to be major)
  18. Got mine coming to me in the mail. Loose Beetle, Jack o Lantern and 2 Chameleons. I'm just bragging now.
  19. Oh and Pantheon Hulk - he's one I would've gotten straight away as my default Hulk but it was obviously lacking all the cool bulked up pieces. I doubt we would ever get a redo of that one very specific Hulk (especially since the Professor Hulk kinda covers that era)
  20. Oh another one Yellowjacket!! Really don't like that Minimate... the chest piece doesn't really cover his torso or really look particularly neat and the helmet didn't really translate well - probably should've gone for a slip cover to make the antenna pop more. Also, why aren't his eyes yellow lenses? That would've been a wiser decision with the mask like that. Although, most the Hank Pym's are quite old. The old Giant Man and Goliath ones definitely feel we've got new pieces to beef him up since then but Yellowjacket is the only one I'd note as being disappointed with.
  21. AFMcGill

    WAVE 76

    Nah, package it with this guy.
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