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Displaying question, not meant to be taken too seriously.

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I have a displaying question for all of you minimate collectors out there. First, a bit of background. I've noticed lately, that every time I open up a new pack of my little buddies and I start putting their accessories on them that if they only have one weapon, I always ALWAYS put that one weapon in their right hand. The same goes for all of my action figures. I think I'm either left-hand prejudiced, or I just favor the right due to being right-handed. I hope the latter.

So, does anyone else favor either hand? Take a look at your collection. You may favor one hand over the other too, and not even know it.

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I'm much the same way, though I wouldn't really think of it as being right-hand-prejudiced but rather mild realism at work. They do say that the right-handed population outnumbers the left-handed one a bit, and I imagine the same might apply to superheroes as well :P

Of course that might still require some actual research to back up. Why is it that websites can tell you about a fictional character's height and eye color and stuff but not whether they were left- or right-handed? :confused:

(To me the real question here is which superheroes are ambidextrous.)

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With minimates, I put them in whatever hand has a tighter grip.

Same here. But i often find myself putting them on the same side as the holster is, if one is included. If not then i usually go for the tighter grip, or get nored and switch it up.

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i will put a weapon in whatever hand the character themselves would... s'not hard to do a little googling for those i'm not aware of.

its true... the vast majority of people are right handed. When it comes to army builders, etc. I'll make sure 1-2 of them are indeed, left handed

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As I'm ambidextrious (with most things, there are certain things that I can't do like throw a football with my right hand or write very well with my right hand) I put the weapon in the left hand.

I try to do that with the 1/6th scale figures that I make, but since most of the companies make their figures having the "rifle grip" on the right hand, that isn't always easy.

There is a lot of left handed prejudiced people in the world. I hope you all rot in hell.

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I'm almost ashamed to say that I have more kubricks on display than Minimates & I find it almost impossible to get any of the dopey f*ckers to hold onto any rifle with both hands & look right......the lack of elbows negates this.

I'm extremely right-handed....... so much so I have the steering wheel fitted on the right-hand side of my car.

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Same hand as the holster if there is one. Otherwise, right. Army builders should include a few lefties. If I know a character's handedness, I will try to match it if possible. For example, Classic BSC have basically reversible holsters and I think Apollo was a leftie if I have it right.

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Definitely time for the lefties to weigh in (of which I am one). If there is obvious precedence, like Cap's shield always on the left arm or a holster, I'll go with that. After that, I will bow to the injustice of the world and make many of the 'Mates right-handed by default.

My favorite 'Mates, however, are always left-handed. I would argue that all superheroes can wield their weapons ambidextrously -- these people are super human and their lives depend on every advantage they can get.

That and here's a very non-scientific observation I once made: Roughly 15% of the population is left-handed (oddly enough, the same is true in other mammals), but in the Air Force squadron I spent some time in, of the personnel rated to fly, some 40% of them were left-handed. Huh. I've always wondered what that means.

One should note that all, all of my logo and blank 'Mates are left-handed. Now what are the odds of that?

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That and here's a very non-scientific observation I once made: Roughly 15% of the population is left-handed (oddly enough, the same is true in other mammals), but in the Air Force squadron I spent some time in, of the personnel rated to fly, some 40% of them were left-handed. Huh. I've always wondered what that means.

Huh - so Maybe Hal Jodan's a lefty?

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I like symmetry, so it'd make things lopsided if everyone was a righty on my shelves. I mix it up.

As for the Lanterns, I see it less as what hand they use, and more of a uniform type thing. Like police badges are always left-breast.

Green, Blue, Indigo, Sapphire wear their rings on their right hands.

Red, Orange, Yellow wear theirs on the left.

I'm sure there's some discrepancies in the comics to "prove me wrong", but this is my preference.

(Not to say that lefties are evil, lol...)

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I'm sure there's some discrepancies in the comics to "prove me wrong", but this is my preference.

(Not to say that lefties are evil, lol...)

Maybe you're not, but some one in the DC editorial staff is. *mutter, grumble, frkle...*


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