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DST Q & A #9


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4. Let me start by saying I know you guys weren't responsible for the Speed Racer Minimates (I think), but I loved them. I was wondering if, with the movie coming out, you guys have any interest in picking up that line and making more minis and even better, more racers?

Wow, somebody else likes the Speed Racer mates as much as I do. They happen to be my second fav line after modern BSG. But I am sad to inform you that I asked this question back in Q&A #7 and here is the answer:

With the guaranteed success of the upcoming Speed Racer movie, I am wondering, does DST (after the purchase of AA) have the license to do Speed Racer toys still? With Mattel and LEGO doing movie stuff and JADA doing classic die cast, can DST make any merchandise for Speed Racer these days?

DSTChuck: DST has NO rights to any Speed Racer product.

***edit** On second look your question is a little different but will more then likely get the same answer.

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Rumor is that the Rocky 3 boxed set is in danger of not seeing release. To me, it is by far the most exciting of the three sets because of both Mr. T and Hulk Hogan. If the set it not released as is, do you think it would be likely that a Hogan & Mr T two pack could be released? I think it would be a good seller as people who don't even care about Rocky would probably still pick it up.

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Hi Chuck, thanks for taking the time to answear the questions of us mini addicts.

01) Roughly, how many waves of Marvel minimates does DST try to distribute each year?

02) Any chance DST'll go back to just making the classic "Big Chest" piece for larger minimate characters instead the newer one (which also includes the crotch slip-over and wedge feet.)? Don't you find that it make their arms look puny and awkward?

03) How many exclusives will be available at SDCC 2008? We've already seen the IM boxed set from AFX, so what are you guys (DST) gonna offer?

04) What did you think of the Iron Man movie?

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1) Any chance of seeing a non "Battle Damaged" Civil War Captain America?

2) Whats the reason for the constant reuse of the New X-Men Phoenix Hairpiece? Currently sporting the same haircut are: New X-Men Jean Grey, Black Cat, Silver Sable, Spider-Woman I, Spider-woman II, Miss Marvel AND the upcoming Dagger.

3) Is there good odds for a minimate based on the new "Anti-Venom? He looks amazing!

4) Not a question at all but just wanted to say thanks for going the extra mile with the recent Marvel Boxsets. All the extra parts you guys included to create various looks of a character is a great idea and very much appreciated. Hope it continues!

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I know the skrulls are big now in the MU but I would rather have other new characters like gambit, deadpool, red skull, and the list can go on. I think one skrull soldier is perfectly fine. No blackbolt sckrull until we get a reg. black bolt sort of like the zombie ant man and black panther mins.

I'm sorry, I'll need that in the form of a question.


I'm sorry

What is ..............................? :blush:

I think what Lobsterman is trying to say is that you've made a statement. Not asked a question. This thread is here to collect questions that will be collated and sent to DSTchuck. Have a think about what you've written and rewrite it as a question.

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Sorry to chime in again, but I'll ask on behalf of the majority of forum members.... What were you guys thinking with those Hulk moviemates? They are just awful!

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So what is happening with the Back to the Future line? There is still alot of potential for characters needing to be made to fill out the cast from each fact there are several key characters missing altogether. Are there plans for more? I sure hope so!! Thanks for your time as always :)

Jeff of the Miniacs

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What happened to the boot feet in the BTTF 3 pack? They make the figures look so much better.

All other BTTF sets have had great accessories, so it seems odd to me that this wave couldn't be made to the same standard.

Also as Minijeff says I hope this is not the last line of BTTF. Theres so much more to do.

Thanks for your time.

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What was the key turning point in releasing more great Marvel boxsets (Defenders/Classic Avengers/Civil War etc) I'm sure I remember boxsets being a low priority after the X-men boxset.

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Thanks again for indulging our neurotic addiction to Minimates and putting out some really cool characters. The Back to the Future, Battlestar Galactica, Star Trek and the Westerns have been great likenesses.

1. Most of the Comic Book stores I go to will only order sets from the comic book licenses and the FYE/SUncoast stores seem to carry a sporadic assortment of comic and non-comic product. Are you having issues hitting a good retail channel that is interested in non-comic product and what are your challenges getting Back to the Future, Battlestar Galactica, Star Trek & the Clint Eastwood sets and the other, non-comic licenses into the market?

2. I've been waiting on the Good, Bad & Ugly set. Are those still planned? (You told us we needed to get those to keep you from lookin' bad.... I'm doing my part)

3. You've got some great movie tie-in product (Iron Man, Hulk, Spiderman 3). It would seem that releasing them closer to the movies' release dates would leverage the movie hype to your benefit (better retail interest and sales overall). What are your challenges (if any) coordinating product release with the movie release?

4. (Non-minimate question) What's the deal with the ST: Series 5 action figure set? At last check, the release date has been pushed back almost a year?

Thanks again

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