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The Best & The Worst Minimates....EVER

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Ok, i was wondering what the least and most popular minimates (so far) were, so i thought i'd post this topic.

The Worst : Racer X / Martian Manhunter (Tied)

Because : Sloppy paint apps on both , MM should've been done like the box artwork and Racer X just feels cheap

The Best : DCD Batman / DCD Robin (Tied)

Because : I love the characters and the way they've been executed, from the paint apps to the components, for me they're spot on.

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the worst: target nightcrawler

cause: many reports of brakeing

the best: symbiote spidey

cause: very rare and simple but good

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Best: I am really liking DCD Batman right now. Nice detail to outfit and the mask is well done with a great fit. Besides a few issues with the quality of the plastic, I am very happy with the DCD line so far.

Worst: TIE - Spidey 2099 & Doc Ock. Both are poorly done and should be revisited.

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This thread seems to be as much about implementation as which characters you prefer so..

Worst: Speed racer

Cause: Lower body is like a pure white blank ( changing the shoes out make him s o much better), sloppy paint and is relatively expensive because of the crappy plastic car.

Best: Chase invisible woman.

Cause: she's invisible whats not to like ;) The use of blue plastic to for her boots and gloves gives here depth that has been missed elsewhere in marvel lines.

Overall though I'd say that in terms of design quality things are starting to look bright again across all of the lines. (esp DC & BSG) :)


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Best: Toyfair Starbuck - The thing is flawless the joints are all perfect the paint app is more detailed than the two pack versions cause the tampos go all around the leg... and theres just more detail on the pants. I've seen my fair share of these and everyone holds up to those comments.

Worst: Shanester.... No I can't think of one so Ill have to think about it and get back to the list.

This thread seems to be as much about implementation as which characters you prefer so..

Actually im trying NOT to do that, as I dont watch BSG, Ive only seen the first season. Mine are unbiased choices.

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Best: Toyfair Starbuck - The thing is flawless the joints are all perfect the paint app is more detailed than the two pack versions cause the tampos go all around the leg... and theres just more detail on the pants. I've seen my fair share of these and everyone holds up to those comments.

I've seen a few of these with mismatched/backwards arms... otherwise she would have been my pick too.


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Worst: Luke Cage.

He has paint on his head for his beanie. I would have liked that to be a hairpiece accessory.

Best: DCD Robin for me.

I have always liked Robin in those little green tights. :robin: To me it is more iconic than the newer Robin costumes.

I must agree though that the BSG and DCD stuff is really good.

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Worst: Peter Parker/Spiderman & Raft Spidey (tie)

Because: PP/SM is just the worst looking, most ridicules concept ever and Raft Spidey has the most terrible paint aps with those yellow triangles

Best: so hard to decide, but I'm gonna go with Target Iceman

Because: Just the best representation IMO and I love transparent mates :biggrin:

If we do this again at the end of the year, my pick for best will probably be Zombie Cap if he looks as good as the proto.


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This thread seems to be as much about implementation as which characters you prefer so..

I try not to, thing is everyone has their own definition of what's best/worst. I try to evaluate the minimate based on the criteria of: Character Representation/Excecution, Detail as Designed, Paint Application, Extras.

Overall though I'd say that in terms of design quality things are starting to look bright again across all of the lines. (esp DC & BSG) :)

I think so as well, can't wait for Marvel 16/17/18/Target

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Worst Minimate: Riot Attack Spider-Man - It was tough picking for this category, as I don't really hate any of the characters we've seen, I just disagree with some of the choices on some of them (Luke Cage's hat, DoFP Wolvie's coat, etc). But, the one that stood out most to me was RA Spidey. We've had a lot of Spider variants, and this one seemed like the weakest of them all. This one was a poorly done battle-damaged Spider-Man, featuring a costume we haven't seen before. Add to the fact that a large majority of the ones I've seen have featured the wrong hand mold for the broken arm and that some difficulty with the paint resulted in yellow skin, yellow eyes, and a purple costume, and it just seems to have failed from layout to production.

Best Minimate: Blue Beetle - Granted, I know nothing about this guy from a comic book collector standpoint, but I was blown away by his look and design. The detail work was superb, and his accessories were actually adjusted to match the source work, rather than rehashing old concepts like Bullseye's mask and Assault Punisher's pistol. The fact that he isn't what I'd consider an A-list hero just adds to his appeal, as it shows that DC is willing to dip a little lower into the barrel than Marvel has so far.

Honorable mention: Peter Parker/Spider-Man - Yeah, he's not the most popular character, and his usage is practically nil, but you still have to admire the little guy. He's the first (and, until Cyborg Superman, only) minimate to feature half a hair piece, which was implemented before the now standard hole in head was around. He captures the webbing and Spider-Man look as good as the regular Spider-Man and shows off the Peter Parker mate as well. He may not be the best we've seen as far as character choice and design, but I wouldn't say he's the worst either.

And, branching out a bit....

Worst Wave: (tie) Marvel wave 12 & 13 - The sad part is that these waves really aren't all that bad from an idea standpoint. You get updates of Cap, Cyclops, Emma, Wolverine, Luke Cage, and Colossus, plus new characters in Nick Fury, Ronin, Sentry, Beast, and Kitty Pride. What makes these the worst waves is that they hit in a transition period for AA/DST. Moving production to a new factory, adjusting to the new machinery, plus launching several new lines resulted in two heavily delayed part reuse waves. When they finally hit shelves, most of us were left going, "That's it?". Had they been better timed, or had the delay time had been used to tweak the designs, these would have been two stellar waves. Instead, we got two waves that would have been better suited to play catch-up to some of the summer exclusives, etc.

Best Wave: (tie) BSG wave 1 & DCD wave 2 - What makes thes the best is that you have a high attention to detail, a wide variety of characters, and just about everyone comes with character specific accessories. Your BSG pilots have helmets, holsters and guns. Your BSG ship crew have clipboards and books. DC characters have their respective weapons. The paint apps are crisp, and the character design is done in such a way that you can figure out who you're supposed to be looking at. The pool of characters used to assemble these waves was vast and you don't get the biggest names all at once. Overall, the variety, accessories, and attention to detail make these the most wanted figures to date.

Honorable mention: Marvel wave 16 - The only reason this loses out is because it isn't available yet. With this wave you get classic characters long sought out by the collectors, with no repeats, no repaints, and plenty of accessories. Plus, you get as many as four villains, depending on your perspective (Loki, Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver, Clor)

Worst Marketing ploy: Ultimate Avengers 2 - Now, this seemed like a good idea to garner interest in Minimates from non-collectors, while at the same time attracting interest to the movie for toy collectors, but the choice of movies was the first mistake. For starters, the original Ultimate Avengers wasn't well received, souring the taste for any future sequels to some people. Second, for someone just jumping on board, a sequel is a bad place to start. Third, a more highly anticipated movie would have been better to attract a wider audience. But, ignoring the movie, the Minimates chosen were a missed opportunity. While it would be impossible to tool entirely new characters for this type of promotion, the opportunity could have been used to update the characters selected. All three were released in the days before C3, and could have benefited from the updated feet and torso design. Adding physical changes to the detail changes chosen would have warranted the cost for minimate collectors to get all three. Instead, we got three figures we've all had for years, only with a couple new lines on Iron Man's legs and an awkward face on Cap.

Best Marketing ploy: DCD John Stewart - In the past, giveaways at most convention events resulted in a blank Minimate often with the logo of the event plastered on the front. Not a bad keepsake to remember your visit, nor a bad way to spread Minimate goodness to the less informed, but DCD's giveaway raised the bar to a new level. Never before had an actual character been given away free to whoever wanted one. The level of detail on the character only added to coolness factor, and overall, the move really raised hype for the new DC Minimates.

Honorable mention: Darktide - A Minimate movie available to the public is an accomplishment in and of itself, but to bundle it with characters from the movie is marketing genius. Granted, it would have been nice to get alternate costumes, or characters we hadn't seen before, but again, that wasn't feasible for this type of marketing. But what we got was still good. We got updated body molds for the characters, using the C3 feet. Plus, we got noticeable differences in the faces, giving you essentially a new character. Still, a New X-Men Storm, Angel, or Beast would have really sweetened the deal.

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Yay, I love this kinds of threads.

Worst Mini: Classic Green Goblin (Series 2)

-Honestly, getting Green Goblin without a glider is like getting Rosie O'Donnald without a donut or Donald Trump without just doesn't happen. I know, "it was in the contract, blah, blah, blah". It doesn't matter, bottom line is that the glider is as much a part of Goblin as the board is a part of Surfer.....and we got a board didn't we? Then, to top it off he gets 1 pumpkin bomb that attached to his hand. Here is hoping AA/DST redeem themselves with the Target exclusive.

Best Mini: Spider-Man (Series 2)

-Close your eyes, think back to before you knew much about a small piece of plastic from Art Asylm. Now, gently say the word "Minimate" and what comes to mind? For me, it's Spider-Man. It was just perfect. I can still remember reading Toyfare and seeing the Spidey Mate for the first time and I was lost. I'm here, 4 years later thanks to Spider-Man. Sure, it wasn't the most flashy release and it isn't currently even one of my top 5 favorite mates, but it was the 1st for a lot of us. There is something about that. I remember when I got home with Series 1 and 2. I opened them all and set them on the table, my wife walked by and out of 14 figures she picked up the Spider-Man figure and said, "this is neat." By far, the best Mini for so many reasons, Spider-Man!

Those are my choices, but I can happily say there truly is no "Bad" Minimate, some are "weaker" but they all RULE - Buy Them :D ! neo

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Best: DCD Robin for me.

I have always liked Robin in those little green tights. :robin: To me it is more iconic than the newer Robin costumes. .

Plus he just looks so happy!

I also agree with Neo Lego. The simplicity of minimates is what made them so awesome for us who have been there since wave 3 or earlier. I thought the simplicity of Spidey and Daredevil and even Bullseye is what made them so special. The were complete, good paint apps and it was what it was. Thanks for taking me back neo, Ah..that first time I laid eyes on a minimate.....

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After studying the entire collection

I'll start with the worst in my eyes...

Two Spideys I'm afraid...

Ultimate Spider-man. Just a change in the spider emblem and no webbing. The eyes should have been bigger from standard Spider-man and the webbing slightly more restrained, rather than left out.

Spidey 2099. Very poor quality plastic and reeked of little effort. Was worse at release time as he replaced Thanos IIRC.

I also have a complete dislike of New X-Men Cyclops. The jacket is cool enough but that hair and visor piece... eurgh. Ruins that figure.

The best in show?

Surprise, surprise but...

I wish I could say an amalgam of the two Caps but picking one I'd have to go with the most recent redo. Yeah, he's missing a line on his boots and the sides aren't tampoed but I love his detailed mask and the mail work on the suit. That wins out over the first Cap, even though his plastic is also slightly better - just! If you had to convince a comic fan who was unaware of minimates that the line was worth purchasing, then either Captain America would be placed in their hand to see their reaction.


Blue Beetle. The paint on his goggles can be inconsistent but he's a winner in my eyes. I prefer this mask type to the new DCD Batman style.

2nd, 3rd and 4th Reserves

Red and Yellow Classic Ironman. Just a perfect rendition. Dark Phoenix. Similar in style to Iron Man's detailing but pristinely done on my example and I really like the shading and the look captured on her face. Ben Reilly Spider-man needs a mention, flawless!

Great thread!

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Ultimate Spider-man. Just a change in the spider emblem and no webbing. The eyes should have been bigger from standard Spider-man and the webbing slightly more restrained, rather than left out.

I would just like to take a moment to defend my Ultimate Hero. Anyone who knows me knows how much I love the Ultimate Line and why we still don't have an Ultimate Thor or Ultimate Iron Man is beyond me........but that's for another thread :). Anyway, if you read the comics you would know that when Peter joins the underground wrestling circuit he dons a familar suit with NO WEBBS. Later, when he because our Friendly Hero he adds the webbs. The mate was a nod to the Pre-Spider-Man Wrestling costume found in the 1st arc of Ultimate Spider-Man. In that vein I think it was pretty cool. Best, not by a long shot, but I still don't think it should be classifed as worse. Again, this is a humble opinion from an Ultimate fan ;). Please resume discussion. neo

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Ultimate Spider-man. Just a change in the spider emblem and no webbing. The eyes should have been bigger from standard Spider-man and the webbing slightly more restrained, rather than left out.

I would just like to take a moment to defend my Ultimate Hero. Anyone who knows me knows how much I love the Ultimate Line and why we still don't have an Ultimate Thor or Ultimate Iron Man is beyond me........but that's for another thread :). Anyway, if you read the comics you would know that when Peter joins the underground wrestling circuit he dons a familar suit with NO WEBBS. Later, when he because our Friendly Hero he adds the webbs. The mate was a nod to the Pre-Spider-Man Wrestling costume found in the 1st arc of Ultimate Spider-Man. In that vein I think it was pretty cool. Best, not by a long shot, but I still don't think it should be classifed as worse. Again, this is a humble opinion from an Ultimate fan ;). Please resume discussion. neo

A spirited defence!

Aware he joined the wrestling circuit, hence the appearance in the movie, but the mate was called Ultimate Spider-man. He should have been in his regular suit!

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Best Mini: Spider-Man (Series 2)

-Close your eyes, think back to before you knew much about a small piece of plastic from Art Asylm. Now, gently say the word "Minimate" and what comes to mind? For me, it's Spider-Man. It was just perfect. I can still remember reading Toyfare and seeing the Spidey Mate for the first time and I was lost. I'm here, 4 years later thanks to Spider-Man. Sure, it wasn't the most flashy release and it isn't currently even one of my top 5 favorite mates, but it was the 1st for a lot of us. There is something about that. I remember when I got home with Series 1 and 2. I opened them all and set them on the table, my wife walked by and out of 14 figures she picked up the Spider-Man figure and said, "this is neat." By far, the best Mini for so many reasons, Spider-Man!

You are so right. This is the mate I looked forward to the longest and was my favorite for the longest time, (until I got batman and still ranks up there) if this made had not been made I don't think I would have gotten into minimates. And even with him being re-done time and time again the original still rock. Although I should add the new Spiderman 3 minimate does rock my socks off. But when I think of minimates I do think of that spiderman.

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Worst for me: DCD Robin - he just freaks me out with that creepy grin. Seriously, I don't even have the figure yet and it's giving me nightmares.

Best: C3 Nightwing. He's perfect.

Honourable mentions:

Rhino - means I can play Deadpool and have him on a keyring

Kitty Pryde - Nice and cute, and the phasing makes it a little better than just a parts re-use

Iron Fist - the most-often posed minimate I have (so many leaping and punching poses)

Harley Quinn - I just can't not love her.

There's a lot more I like, but that'll have to do for now.


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Worst: This is a tough one, as some kinda suck, hard... (Luke Cage anyone?) my vote, however, has to go to that damn Riot Attack Spider-Man. We already have a battle damaged Spidey. That has yellow triangles. And yellow eyes. Actually I like the face, just not for Peter. Anyway, a sucky cast, and really no play value in the stupid thing make it the worst, IMHO.

Best: Oooo... Toughy. It's really hard to say, but I want to go with the OMAC. That guy is just loaded with fun. The hands are sweet, and the design is just amazing. Plus, you get Batman with him. That, folks, is a win-win situation.

Second worst: Luke Cage. Had to get him in somewhere.

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The Best: Classic/Tiger Stripe Wolverine! IMO, the best 'Mate ever made! He just looks exactly like the comic version.

The Worst: Mariko. Honestly, WTF? She was an absolutly pointless character in the comics, and she ended up with a figure before Thor did! The paints apps (in the words of Danny) look like they were slapped on with a wet towel, and everytime you pick her up, she falls apart! I have sticky-tac put in every socket, and she still falls apart!

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Worst: Has to be "maskless" Daredevil. Come on, it's just a Daredevil body and head with a repainted Peter Parker hair and glasses. Never has Matt Murdock ever had a crew cut and nerdy glasses. They should have used the Bruce Banner hair and glasses.

Best: Tough call.... I'll go with Harley Quinn for now till Green Arrow comes out next week. Love her mask, the inclusion of a hair piece (even though it belongs to Cassandra Cain) (I'd of liked a pigtails hairpiece for Harle's), that cool giant mallet, cute original cuffs and those adorable elf boots.

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Well, I can't really speak about "ever" so I'll just do this based on the few (40+) that I have so far.

Worst: Racer X. The way they did the head just makes him look tiny. Plus, the mouth area on the one I have is about a quarter inch off center. Very sloppy.

Best: Blue Beetle! Ted Kord has been one of my two favorite comic book characters, along with Dick Grayson (oh, how I wish I had a C3 Nightwing!), since I started reading comic books. The only way this figure would have been better is if it came with hair. I'm still trying to find a hairpiece that I think looks good on him. A couple are close (Riot Attack Spider-Man's hair for example) but out of all the ones I've tried so far, none seem to fit quite right.

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