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A round up of the recent board changes.

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As you know I spent a lot of last week upgrading the software here, now there are a LOT of new features and not everyone will have noticed them all. So heres a little overview:


User profiles are now almost like a little personal portal, or an about me page, much more than they used to be, for an example go take a look at mine


The new post and reply windows are totally different, complete with new smilies and quick options for formatting text and inserting spoilers and stuff


Any member of the forum can have their own blog like these the blogs are fully customisable and you can post whatever you want, no editorial constraints or anything, you even get a reasonably memorable URL, such as if you have a blog somewhere else you can just set up a redirect to is, much as I've done with the "Adycarters 360 Blog" entry, towards the bottom of the blog list.


We now have a working, intergrated chat room that should work on any PC without any nasty firewall issues, it also has some decent security features that our previous (and buggy) chat was missing. It also lets you know whos in there (when people are in chat there is an indicator below the "active users list" on the board index.


The Wiki is now back and working, the only way it'll grow is if you add to it!


The board skin has been completely rewritten, it should be faster and a little prettier.

Thats pretty much it really, just thought I should take the time to point these things out.

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