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Okay its open again. enjoys.

The company that were providing it got taken over yesterday. As such it looks a little different and is much crappier.

I also have no control over the rooms availability so its now constantly open, which inst great.

If anyone has any suggestions of decent embeddable Java chat clients please let me know, preferably ones that don't want money.


Maybe if it's open 24/7 then we should specify 'party times' that are recommended so that we actualyl get people in there at the same time?



to be honest everytime I looked in last weekend the place was empty.

That's why I suggested certain times... or it's just going to be a ghost room.



Yeah. Even last weekend when Ady was still controlling when it was open, I went in like 6 different times and 4 of those times there was nobody else in the room.

An established party time would be great, imo :D

SOmeone want to try and think of a good time?
Saturday Night! "And it's Saturday Night Live: MINIMATE STYLE!!!"

Right 'tis up. Less pretty, more functional and I now have some decent control over it.

Plus anyone with an IRC client can connect that way should they prefer.

The link in the board header to Chat will take you there

U cudnt have? I've been there for the last two hours?



trust me, I logged in. I dont know why I didnt see anyone. I probably did something wrong... but I stayed in there for like 15 minutes just to make sure. I saw no one and there was no chatting going on.


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