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Everything posted by Padrino

  1. I agree with this. Loved this model. No idea of the economics but it certainly made me motivated to buy extras to build the army I want. I gave away the one or two extra figures that I had no interest in. I don't mind whole-team waves, like we have been getting. That said, I would have bought a ton of Doctor Doom 2-packs for that cape alone! I am no fan of blind packs. If that is the model then I will buy purely through the secondary market. I want to know what my money is getting me.
  2. One fan's opinion, have no issue losing Bullseye or Kingpin. There are already multiples of them and I personally won't miss them. The others are waaaay to good to lose.
  3. You made it further into Picard season 2 than I did. I kind of liked season 1 for the nostalgia bits but S2 was just bad. Season 3 looks promising I watch Discovery in drips and drabs. The story doesn't make much sense anyway so I don't really lose anything. (The replicator conversation almost made me vomit). Both of these series has me leery of SNW but I may give it a chance. Lower Decks is excellent!
  4. some more QC's Updated Red-Yellow Daredevil (She-Hulk) Ghost Maker (I know, he's not Marvel)
  5. I'm so sorry for your loss. you don't have to be alone to feel lonely. your friend may never have told you his feelings, even if you were able to connect. unfortunately, too many people think that they have to deal with these feelings on their own. that's why we try to normalize asking for and accepting help. here is a link to a list of helplines around the world: always reach out if you or anyone you know is in crisis. someone is available to help.
  6. Heartbreaking. Check on your loved ones, people. Reaching out never hurts. If anyone is having a mental health crisis, do not hesitate to dial 988 (in NYC), in the US send a message to 741741, or call National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (1-800-273-8255). You will be connected to a trained crisis counselor who can help. Not sure of international resources, but I will print them when I track them down.
  7. that site has been an incalculable resource as a amateur modifier. i look up pieces for almost every custom on that site.
  8. Thanks! It looks like a mini version of the Legends figure
  9. They’re probably in the box, but we just can’t see them
  10. I know this is a big ask but does Sheila come with any “invisibility” accessories?
  11. These are a thing of beauty! Is the Villain set available too?
  12. ...and DST just cancelled my Power Rangers set for the same issue. It gave me "Free Shipping" when it was supposed to charge me $12.99. @DSTZach- my patience grows very thin with this and customer service keeps laying the onus on customers for their website errors.
  13. So when they said i had “free shipping” (their exact words), that meant they forgot to charge me shipping. I am waiting for my Power Ranger set to be cancelled as well for the same reason. If its a mistake, be honest. I can be flexible. Don't blame me for your web error.
  14. Anyone else getting cancellation notices for DST? I was told that I cancelled my Ninja Force order but I never did. @DSTZach
  15. Hi Zach, These look amazing!!!! One question, are Venger’s wings removable or are they sculpted onto the chest piece?
  17. It said $12.99 until checkout. Then, it gave me the price plus sales tax and said “Free shipping” 2 sets of the GI Joe mates was about $68 total (2 plus tax and shipping automatically shifted to free)
  18. i ordered them separately. went through without an issue. shipping was free, so the separate orders didnt cause an outrageously additional cost. just the product and local sales tax.
  19. I mean, Fixer is basically Corsair and the mechanical attachments already exist from a bunch of other characters (i.e. Bionic Commando, Iron Man). I can't imagine he would be a challenge to make. And we are in dire need (at least I am) of Meteorite with the Karla Sofen appearing in The Marvels.
  20. add the original Guardians to this and I totally second it!
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