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Everything posted by NerdyTrev

  1. Zach, any chance you can share the rest of the control art?
  2. It's a whopper! Definitely in the minority, but killing Optimus Prime and moving the story forward is the best, smartest thing the Transformers writers could have done.
  3. So psyched to get Hot Rod and Ultra Magnus to stand with Arcee! Hopefully this means Skywarp is next, maybe with Cyclonus, Scourge, and Kup?
  4. Fingers crossed for more The Transformers: The Movie characters!!
  5. I'd imagine that "X-Force" could be recognizable enough name to move some figures. I think Reignfire would be a very striking minimate.
  6. In terms of completing the Capullo lineup, I like the idea of putting Sunspot, Warpath, and Feral with Exodus, but would elect to give the final slot to Reignfire. Stryfe would perhaps be the more desired choice, but Stryfe would be more at home in a Liefeld-based assortment.
  7. Dig the indicia at the bottom of the images. Marvel just announced projects to reprint the ROM comics and Micronauts comics suggesting a lapse in the licensure nightmare.
  8. I was having the exact same thought this week!!
  9. How about, say, a red dune buggy covered in cobwebs? Or maybe a flying bathtub for a family of four?
  10. Zach, is the Last Ronin assortment the 4th set you alluded to here?
  11. I was just wondering about that today! Thanks for reading my mind, Zach.
  12. Throg seems likely due to the abundance of Kermit pieces... But isn't Throg just Thor? So is it a new character?
  13. Agent Jimmy Woo? Tracksuit Mafia army builder? Khonshu?
  14. Cosmo's only a she in the movie. Cosmo's a he in the comics. Luke said this is a comics minimate. I think it's Cosmo because it uses unconventional parts. And Lucky the pizza dog is the perfect base.
  15. Starfox? Gilgamesh? Starhawk? Eternity? Zeus? Cosmo?
  16. Shuma-Gorath is likely the best bet, then! Could be Pip the Troll, as well.
  17. Yeah, Shang-Chi is a solid guess. The other one I would throw out there is Attuma. Or maybe Sersi with an Avengers bomber jacket?
  18. These look terrific! That new Oroku is more than enough of a solid argument for SIlverhawks minimates
  19. Luke, per your latest hint: Hasn't had any minimate? or hasn't had a classic comics minimate. Thanks! Having a lot of fun with Blue Marvel Great work, can't wait for Doc Ock!
  20. Not sure how easily acquirable this guy is, but I can't think of a better option. hail ivan
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