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Everything posted by Turtle

  1. News (possibly old) for anyone that collects the Wolverine comic line. Last night at Target, I saw the Series 3 maskless tigerstripe Wolverine. So Series 3 is out. I guess. FYI. Could be old news. I don't collect this line. Although on the back of the package there was an Astonishing Cyclops. If I see that in person, I'll probably pick it up.
  2. Did you see the after the credits scene of X3? Watch it... It will make you feel a bit better after the movie. And X4 I so want to be Apocalypse. That could be done SO well. And they have Angel now so... It didn't make me feel better. It just pissed me off more. I rarely push this kind of thing, but if there is an X4, I hope it starts by establishing that X3 was all just a bad dream. Seriously. Show the 30 second version X3 (which is about as long as the movie should have been) and then have Scott wake up in a sweat saying, "Jean?" Do whatever story you want, but include in it Scott's strange feeling that Jean is alive and calling out to him. Reboot/retcon.
  3. No, no. It was not nearly as bad as X3. Not even close. I would love a boxset with Wraith, Gambit, Stryker, and, because he's got to be in there somehow, Weapon X Wolverine. A Cyclops/Emma con exclusive would be cool too.
  4. I really don't care if Spiderman is in this set. It's an interesting new take on a pivotal moment in the character's history and is fairly nifty looking mate. If he's in the set, I'll be fine. If he is not in the set, I hope we see him in a wave down the road. So with the absence of an "I don't care" vote option, I'm just not voting.
  5. So I got to see all of the episodes back to back at a premiere showing on Thursday night. It was actually better than I thought it would be. I also watched the first episode last night with some friends. Pretty fun. Anyway, everyone check it out. And if you like the music, the soundtrack is available on rhapsody and itunes. There is a lot of good stuff. Thanks to anyone that has checked it out!
  6. It's not. DC has a license from Eisner Studios (owner) to publish Spirit comics. I think DC is generally missing the boat on a lot of toy licensing opportunities. Marvel is definitely milking their cows for everything they are worth.
  7. The other Sabertooth is the specialty shop variant. When I was at TRU the other day, there were 1 Deadpool, 1 Blob, and 2 Sabertooth sets. There were also plenty of Heroes/Villains on the shelves. Hopefully I will be able to find the Agent Zero set in a few days.
  8. Way to go, guys. Way to go. I hope you're all happy with yourselves.
  9. The spikes are indeed on the inside. Apparently Speedball can only access his power when he feels pain now, and also he's just so awfully torn up inside. I always thought Speedball was kind of lame. Penance, though, is just stupidly lame. IMO Radioactive Man and Gargan Venom look cool. Osborne's head looks cool. I'll probably try to get this set.
  10. Thanks. I play keyboard mostly and some bass. Two Way Radio is the band name. We are a piano-heavy pop type thing.
  11. You know, Raider, i'm not sure about that Spidey mask theory. If you look closely at the stats, you can see paint colors for Hair AND eyes, not to mention skin tone. I think it's an alternate head. I gotta say, i really didn't wanna like this Spidey. He's as pointless as Trans-Spidey from the Movie wave...but looks damn cool! Never want him voted in, but would still be a nice companion to Back in Black and Heroes Spidey. And after seeing Julia's braid, she is officially in my list. I don't know. It pretty clearly looks to me like a removable mask with a spidey-mask underneath. There might be colors, but there aren't pieces. Either way, who is voting for this one? Seriously? WHO? STOP!!!!! Ben Grimm is kind of ugly, imo. Doom looks even cooler after seeing the control art. Removable chest piece with art underneath? Awesome. Beyonder and Molecule Man should be in this set. But I can't decide if I would rather have that sweet Storm or that magnificent Capt. Marvel. But more importantly: Where is the Wrecking Crew?
  12. So a band I'm in is one of several bands featured in MTV's upcoming show "$5 Cover." It's a fake reality show about the behind-the-scenes drama of Memphis music directed by Craig Brewer (Hustle and Flow, Black Snake Moan). The show premieres Friday, May 1. For anyone in the Memphis area, there is a premiere showing on April 30 at the Malco Paradiso. So, you know, set your DVRs. But don't expect to see a whole lot of me in it. A lot of filming was happening in the weeks leading up to the bar exam.
  13. I couldn't resist picking Dr. Doom, mostly becasue I loved the Mattel toy back in the day.
  14. Yep. That would have been a great pack. So great. Maybe one day. And great list. I would add Cyborg Superman to the Green Lantern list given his role in the Sinestro Corps stuff.
  15. Hmm. 2 races of robots, created by man, bent on destroying mankind completely. Wouldn't they be more likely to team up on a mission to kill all humans? What would they fight about? CYLON: We are going to kill all of the humans. TERMINATOR: No we're going to kill all of the humans. CYLON: But we were here first. TERMINATOR: You were but now we were here 5 minutes before that. We have time travel technology. You can never be here first. CYLON: Douche! TERMINATOR: You are soo dead! Exactly. That's what they would fight about. Bragging rights. And things like whether knife hands or gun hands are better. Of course, they would eventually settle their disputes and make a faster-than-light-back-in-time-resurrection drive (FTLBITR Drive). But when they got there, there being Kobol a few thousand years ago, they would (1) have been resurrected as a bunch of hot chicks and Dirk Benedict and (2) have to face off against Marty McFly, giant elven archers, and Vito Corleone who, of course, would make them an offer they couldn't refuse: peace with the minimate race in exchange for the release of the final BSG 'mates. You couldn't well release the first Terminator set without an Endoskeleton, though. When you put it like that...
  16. Nice set, but the endoskeleton is a bit out of place. I guess I'll have plenty of terminators to battle my cylons.
  17. It was a stung checking email this morning even though I knew these two waves were cancelled. I also got word that the T2 wave was reduced from 8 to 6.
  18. I just got an email from BBTS saying that the wave is now 6 figures instead of 8. Hmm. Anyone else get this news? No Kyle?
  19. I just sent an email to AFX with the line-up as selected by the polls. I hope AFX takes these suggestions seriously. I would hate to see all of Bob's hard work wasted. Thanks again for setting this up, Bob.
  20. Or mutant or metamorph. Wait... is she a mutant or something else?
  21. I really don't like seeing Mezco follow someone else's lead. They are normally a pretty creative company, but these are pure knockoffs. I guess it would be cool to have Mugg Vader facing off against Jason Mugghees. Mezco at least has some pretty nifty properties. The original Mez-Itz, though fairly Kubricky, felt more inspired than these. Hmm. I guess Hasbro, with Star Wars, Joes, Marvel, Indiana Jones, and Transformers, is really at the forefront of the market. It's almost like everything else HAS to be compatible with those lines. And while there is a lot to be said for compatibility, there is also a lot to be said for diversity.
  22. Mezco's new Mez-itz now have a very Muggish appearance. They are supposed to be available in 6 inch and 2 inch sizes. I had no idea that Mighty Muggs were so popular
  23. Not that hard if you see this as a last-chance effort to get a Captain Britain (the Minimate that DST doesn't want you to have! Will you stand for their censorship against Europe, or will you acknowledge the world beyond America's borders?) I'm confused. What do you mean by beyond America's borders? There isn't anything but the void, is there? This was a tough poll. In the end, I had to go with the Inhumans.
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