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Everything posted by you_will_forget

  1. Ordered from Winkerbean's comic shop. They were nice and efficient, and I'll hopefully have them by Saturday (monday at the latest). Thank you very much. Jo
  2. Hasbrotoyshop don't ship to the UK. It's a longstanding annoyance. Plus I'm mostly buying Japanese for now - I'm not interested in Titaniums or the movie toys, so was hoping to save some money this year. Until they announced the new minimates, that is. Jo
  3. ^Cutting avatars and sig pictures might help for now. As long as we know it's just until the new host. Jo
  4. Hi, I'm Jo. I've been collecting the C3 minimates since I heard about the DC mates last Summer and remembered seeing a Flash figure in Nightviper's sig (on the Allspark). I collect Transformers as well as comics, particularly Wildstorm, of which I have everything, and recent DC trades, as well as a fewbits of image, Marvel and a lot of Vertigo trades. I'm also a roleplayer and GW wargamer and have been playing for about 15 years. Despite all of this, I have a loving girlfriend of three years so far. I work in Derby, where I act as a mediator for other disabled people who wish to access community care services. I used to be the secretary for Leicester's Equality and Diversity Partnership, so it'll likely be me who pulls you up on any offensive dialogue. I usually can't be bothered though :tongue: Plus it should be said, I've not noticed any here yet. One essay, one month late. Hi all, Jo
  5. Or you could ban all members who haven't been here long... Shoulda thought that through. Damn. Jo
  6. Checked with Forbidden Planet, but they still have no idea when or if they'll get them, even though they have had several requests. And not just from me putting on funny voices either. Sent you a PM Winkerbean if you can get any more. I'm trustworthy, honest Jo
  7. Thanks for letting us know - should hopefully get these on my friday run then. Or today, if my visit is anywhere near the centre of town. Jo
  8. See, I just have Batman Monopoly. Everyone fights to be the Batmobile. Jo
  9. Hi, We saw pictures of BSG Kalee from Toy Fair, but her name hasn't appeared in the assortments so far - is this an oversight or is she planned for a later wave or exclusive? Also, President Roslyn and Zarek - it was hinted that they may be exclusives. Any news? When's the Deadpool mini coming? Thanks a lot, Jo
  10. Ah well, I'd planned the break in and all. Could be worse I suppose - I completely gave up buying Transformers in the UK due to the cost and the delay in them coming here. It's cheaper and quicker to buy them straight from Japan or America. Kinda screwy, really. Jo EDIT - sorry Graham, missed your post. I've got to travel to Nottingham for a Travelling Man, and, although it's closer to home, I don't drive. If anyone can post once they see them, we can start the mass mobbing of UK comic shops.
  11. *instructs other children to point and laugh* TBT is in the same boat as me (in fact, it's causing us to row in circles, and we're getting dizzy) So, anyone else overly sinister? Jo
  12. I'm talking from shops as opposed to online. Been bugging my local Forbidden Planet all week so far (they have an order down and will be saving them) but they haven't arrived yet. Is this the standard situation for the rest of you or are they holding out on me? Do I need to break in at night and liberate the minimates from their overcharging repressors? Thanks, Jo
  13. *chooses not to laugh, and - grim-faced - silently points buttheadsmate to the corner to think about what he's done* Jo Thanks Shanester, PM sent
  14. Title says it all really. Anyone out there got two left arms? I've got one of each hand, so it's just the shoulder to forearm section. Otherwise, another skin coloured arm would do, like Civilian Logan (assuming the colour is the same). Please PM me or just leave a reply here. I'm not fussed. Jo
  15. Worth noting - TRU and other toy shops in the UK don't sell minimates. You'll be looking online or in comic shops to find them. Try the Flea Market forum as well Also, if you're buying from shops or UK websites, expect to pay about double the cost the Americans pay. My advice? Get what you like - I find minimates easier to pick and choose from than most toy lines. Jo
  16. Not arrived at mine yet - went down their all excited on friday and all. Hopefully sometime this week. You'd think that with the markup we'd get a more reliable service. Grrr. Jo
  17. That's photoshop? I thought it was just a normal night at one of your parties... Jo
  18. You could have an Iron Man mini going to the toilet. That'd satisfy most of those. Jo (and to clarify, no, I'm not making any remarks about the console itself, just the name)
  19. If you have Sky or Freeview it's on the Sci-fi channel. Started monday, but they're repeating throughout the week. If you don't, well, sorry Jo
  20. *sigh* I wish distributers would call up my boss and get my wages shifted a week earlier as well when they do something like this. Means I have to save money through the month instead of spending it all when it reaches my account. Jo
  21. Hmmm. I've been living CIvil War vicariously through friends ands reviews (I'm not much of a Marvel fan, but like to keep aware of stuff that's happeneing) and the whole thing has seemed like a farce. There didn't seem to be any connecting voice through the titles. (in my best vague platitudes) It seems that some titles treated the Civil War as a genuine battle of ideals, with no clear answer, then other titles just going "registration is teh new EvIl!!!" At least with the DC stuff, there seems to be a strong guiding voice between titles that are supposed to interact. It'll be interesting to see where the characters all are in two year's time. Jo
  22. World's Smalest Transformer Ravage. I've lost that little bugger so many times it's not funny. I have kind of stubby fingers, so not designed to transform (or even hold) something that's only 6mm long. Grrr. Jo
  23. True enough. My apologies, I tend to ignore all the many buttons around posts apart from "reply" and "quote". I didn't think to look for a "report" button. I'll go hide in a corner Jo
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