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Everything posted by thereasonsy

  1. I still have this gem and I still have no clue who he was even though I was a die-hard X-man fan.
  2. I kind of wish the Enchantress didn't have that triangle thing on her stomach. She'd be such an easy swap out for a Sersi whom I never thin we are going to see.
  3. That speed demon costume makes me want a revised Firestar so badly.
  4. If anything a swamp out of Thor Reborn would make an easy swap.
  5. Does the yellow on Banshee match the yellow on Strike Force Banshee?
  6. Been waiting to do this! She looks great!
  7. They look great together!
  8. Agreed. The only people missing from that era are 60's Jean, Mimic, Changeling, Erik the Red,60's Beast and 60's Angel. Beast and Angel have had better looks and I personally would prefer a John Byrne/ George Perez Beast redo and an Archangel red costume Angel with Backstreet Boys hair from the early 00's than those two costumes. I'd think we could get away with a 60's Jean in a Shiar wave since she wore that costume during the Dark Phoenix Saga. Also, Erik the red was a Shiar operative (maybe with an alternate Scott head). Then maybe a Shiar Warrior, Polaris, Gladiator, Lilandra/Deathbird. Beast: Marvel Girl Erik the Red: Polaris:
  9. This cover is EVERYTHING! I am using it as my phone screen!
  10. I was thinking more of the turn the face around (kind of like the skrulls would be the correct way to go but whatever.
  11. I made mine years ago. Took the boots from Outback Piotr. The chest, arms and hair from Namor, the crotch of Giantsized X-Men Piotr same with the vest and the face of a random. The legs were from a spare Cap. The cuffs are from a AVX Wanda
  12. My jealousy is endless.
  13. Hey Guys: Do we know if this Banshee's collar piece matches the yellow of strike force Banshee?
  14. It'd be interesting to see but I think it would limit accessories. After all Nova came with multiple heads.
  15. SInce we are beating a dead horse... I do miss those X-Men Evolution New Mutant costumes...
  16. Can't wait to see them!
  17. Crap.. the week of Global Citizens. It was nice having a wallet.
  18. So far I got the idea but not the mechanics. Storm Arms from the 90's since I doubt we will get a tunic with a white chest piece, a White Queen AVX cape, and Zen Pool Loin Cloth. and then boots.
  19. LOL that's every wave Mate! But relaly in this instance it will be worse and without an Army Builder. I'd happily order the case if it was say SHIELD Female/Male Agent mixes.
  20. Is there a list of where they are going to be? I'm pretty thirsty for this. The worst part is I just want a Gwen hair showing hood so I am one step closer to my Magik Graduation costume (even if it is the white version and I prefer red)
  21. Two quick questions... does Storm come with a blue eyed version and do Banshee's second wings connect in the back? I want to use the floating stand on him but not sure about it. Thanks Zach!
  22. Agreed. This sounds like that horrible miniseries where they were Reality TV Stars.
  23. AGREED! It's one of the most interesting books on the market. I'll be sad to see the creative team go.
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