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Everything posted by thereasonsy

  1. Correct! His final form is red when he has the transmode virus.
  2. This is one of the most cohesive sets they have put together. Starting with Magik in her mid DarkChilde form. This one is most debatable as it has a few interpretations. She goes fully red when possessed. Similar to the demon that pushed her over the edge: N’astirh who infected himself with the Transmode Virus and seduced Maddie to evil becoming… The Goblin Queen in appropriate for retail attire. All she had to do to bring hell to earth was sacrifice… Baby Christopher aka Nathan Summers aka Cable. Fun fact, Cyclops hated the name Nathan and refused to call the baby that as it was the name of his bully in the orphanage ran by… Mr. Sinister leveraging the unreleased XTAS body and cape. Who had been orchestrating this whole thing. After Illyana rejected the soul sword and sent Limbo back to hell, all of the X-men still had the impact of the dark magic on them. Including… Wolverine’s Dad with demon face from Uncanny X-Men 242. And that’s what you missed on Glee.
  3. We all just going to pretend like this didn’t happen?
  4. Can’t we just add the flesh colored Bisceps from a blob to one? I did that with Hyperion and called it a day years ago.
  5. Do we know when this set will be announced? Will it be at SDCC or in NYCC?
  6. The only Thor looks I can think of that aren’t done are the Crossing Thor and the Herald Thor. To me, the Thor is just there. I just want the Wrecker, Bulldozer, Piledriver and Thunderball. Sell them with My Little Pony Thor for all I care.
  7. I think it’s because we have been banging on for Thor V The Wrecking Crew for a few years now.
  8. I wish we had gotten the first 13 but grateful we got what we got. I have to say though if you aren’t reading the Energon Universe you are missing out!
  9. I’ll forever be bummed we didn’t get villains but hey worse things have happened.
  10. Would be great if they did a reissue now that people know who the characters are.
  11. I just assumed people bought multiples because of the extra heads. 🤷
  12. I personally have had heart for a slipper foot Logan. Yes, everyone in Minimated land is 2inches for the most part but the heart wants what it wants.
  13. I’m loving the new series and books. The looks are different but I don’t think they are different enough that I would overlook my 4th Scarlett, 3rd Coco, 2nd Destro/Duke. But we could mix and match and do a Duke, Hawk, Flint and Lady Jaye and I’d stomach the repeats…
  14. We can dig into this till the cows come home. DST doesn’t want to hear it. At the end of the day 16 figures were released across 4 sets and 11 figures were the same figure. They don’t want to hear it.
  15. I will be buying the hell out of this set. I don’t care what it is.
  16. As someone who didn’t get the cats lair or tank i support lego doing this.
  17. This is what should have been done to begin with. I just hope the ambition of the footlockers didn’t kill the line.
  18. It would be like me too, but no I don’t know what happened next.
  19. Had a dream we convinced an online retailer to do a 4 pack army builder. 3000 sets made. It was beautiful.
  20. Don’t want to spoil it but there’s a reason it was the first book in the new era. Go get it!
  21. Seriously the Engeron Universe being created is outstanding.
  22. SAME! A Hanna B license spree would be incredible. Herculoids, Johnny Quest, Space Ghost and more! I also think the Silver Hawks, Jem, MASK, and Visionaries would kill it.
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