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Heroic Slacker

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Everything posted by Heroic Slacker

  1. I am really hoping its an Alpha Flight set, but I'm thinking they might save it for NYCC
  2. After reading today's issue I think those characters would be awesome as Minimate exclusives.
  3. I voted for Mojo and Zemo, but would love to see Onslaught as well, and if Mojo is made Spiral has to be made as well.
  4. As much as I love Alpha Flight I would rather see them done in two box sets at NYCC and the other SDCC exclusive set be the Brotherhood, or 90s X-Factor.
  5. While I won't argue that Songbird is obscure, I'll point out that I got to the 8th Google page before I gave up finding Rouge from the X-Men (Even the Rouge character from Sonic the Hedgehog showed up before the mutant did) You do realize her name is spelt Rogue and not Rouge right?
  6. Didn't see anything in Portland today, hoping these will make it online by the end of the week.
  7. Excited about the updated Emma Frost and Cyclops, still hoping for another Marvel box set from AFX.
  8. Awesome looking wave, cannot wait until Boomer and Rictor are in my collection.
  9. A seller on ebay has her set and the Magma New Mutants sets in a lot, but those are the only sets I've seen out yet.
  10. So is he going to adopt Obsidian and Jade now? Obsidian was a well written gay character, why get rid of him?
  11. Been playing a lot of Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 lately, finally downloaded Shuma Gorath and Jill Valentine so my character roster is finally complete. I wish I was better at stringing together combos as Strider Hiryu, I love fighting games I just am nowhere near tournament level.
  12. Consider me jealous, they didn't have any spare legs for my Kang, so I had to super glue him.
  13. So happy to see Songbird and Banshee in this, I would love to see Gladiator, Black Knight and Winter Soldier as well.
  14. My Holy Grails of collecting are Perona World Collectable Figure from Banpresto, Gleek from DC Universe Classics, and just because of price Warpath from the Toys R Us wave 4. Grails that I've obtained are Giganta from DC Universe Classics, as for Minimates I have three grails, Scarlet Spider, Moonstone and Hulk Buster Iron Man.
  15. I just bought the Ant Man variant from Luke's Toy Store and I love the figure, Scott Lang is one of my favorite characters and DST nailed the likeness so well. The helmet is one of my favorite pieces, and the Kree Sentry is awesome as well. I don't really like this wave's Ant-Man very much, so I borrowed the head and helmet from the Avenger's four pack and made a decent looking Silver Age Hank Pym.
  16. Mostly, but you will need the Havok from wave 20 if you don't have him already, and the upcoming Storm from TRU wave 14. I could have sworn we were getting a new Havok at some point. He will be packaged with Storm in wave 14
  17. What is the rumored Marvel Universe exclusive?
  18. Mostly, but you will need the Havok from wave 20 if you don't have him already, and the upcoming Storm from TRU wave 14.
  19. Emma Frost and Sebastian Shaw are in my Hellfire Club with Selene, and Black Widow (Avengers) is with my 616 Avengers.
  20. I would love a Donald Pierce and Sebastian Shaw set or Cameron Hodge, or an updated Lady Deathstrike. As many X-Villains as possible.
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