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Zak Katz

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Everything posted by Zak Katz

  1. So far, it's a pretty good deal.
  2. Bleh, at least Goku can beat Superman now.
  3. The SDCC set is amazing, there's so much stuff in it!
  4. I ordered mine off Amazon two days ago and they haven't shipped yet. I was planning to review them all, but unfortunately that's not happening for at least a few more days. Ten posted a pic in the SDCC exclusive thread if you want to see a pic in scale.
  5. Piccolo is an instrument, his brothers/ offspring were named Tambourine and Symbol to name a few. Also Babidi's dad was Bibidi, who's monster was Buu. Bibidi, Babadi, Buu. A little laziness by Funimation. Like Garlic, Mustard, Spice...yeah you get it.
  6. Lunatic Fringe is an amazing song. I had those red wrestling shoes, awesome.
  7. I really like Frost Demons!
  8. Who's Chilled? And is there a name for Frieza's Race?
  9. I liked the movie with Vegeta's brother. It had bad guys who weren't stronger then Goku or Vegeta, the Z Fighters drew radishes? and then fought. It was fun, there was good fighting, and it was not frustrating. So that makes me optimistic of the future of DB. I agree with what you said about it being annoying that they have to constantly accend to the next level of Saiyan. I liked it how SS was impossible, just an idea, a myth. Then Trunks and Goten did it as kids shocking their witnesses. SS2 was for the ultimate Saiyan Warrior, most couldn't touch it, Gohan as a teen but couldn't get it back as an adult, Goku and Vegeta. And SS3 only Goku, Gotenks, Gogeta, and Vegetto can achieve this level when they please. I just think, at least for me, they don't have to keep adding more levels, it waters it down. GT: SS4 wasn't canon, but I didn't hate it. Liked Pan, liked Baby, liked more Uub, and the Dragons were cool. It just didn't have the magic for me. They killed Piccolo (my fav) just saying. Bardock > Turles Variant?
  10. That's...too much. I get a new 52 vibe from all of that. I didn't watch GT for similar reasons. I'll check it out though, because it's Akira, but I'm skeptical to say the least.
  11. They were calling it franchise four for baseball, so I changed it to core four. It also is a Mt. Rushmore. The four best of anything is a Mt. Rushmore.
  12. My first impression of the new stuff is, why blue hair?
  13. Baseball had a vote for the best four players in each teams history, and it culminated yesterday at the All-Star Game. I thought it'd be fun to put a spin on it and do four packs from anything movie or TV related. For example. Marvel: Spider-Man, Hulk, Wolverine, Captain America Harry Potter: Harry, Hermione, Ron, Voldemort D.C.: Batman, Superman, Wonderwoman, Darkseid Star Wars: Vader, Luke, Solo, Fett Game of Thrones: Jon Snow, Jaime Lannister, Tyrion Lannister, Daenerys Targaryen DBZ: Goku, Vegeta, Freiza, Cell You can be more specific and make it just villains or just female characters. There are a bunch of possibilities, so have fun with this. And don't bash other people's lists. Just make your own!!
  14. I think who ever made DD product would make a lot of money
  15. Oh I didn't forget Josh, you just may have an extra Piccolo cape if you buy two of the first set. Also Trunks gets his jacket look since you can just reuse Vegetas body, same with Goku if you want. Krillin and Teen Gohan have the kid legs. And I picture final form Frieza but not the max power. Two more Raditz Nappa with battle damaged torso and head Saiyan Vegeta with Saibamen First Apperance Goku with no shoes and a Snarf like Kid Gohan - your scouters! Android 17 Android 18 Imperfect Cell with parts to make Semi (alternate head and torso cover) Android 16 The last one was a stretch to give the Androids some love. I think if T-Cats had success, these surly would.
  16. Yes haha Hulk: Planet Hulk, Abomination, Leader, A-Bomb with Parts for Rick.
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