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Everything posted by Shogi

  1. I too think the Power Loader is going to be a vehicle. I have a fear the Queen may not be as big as she should be, but it's always possible like you said, slap on a zik sized (hopefully sculpted or with sculpted "jacket" part) torso, large slipover "mask" extra long "gloves" and "boots" with a long tail attachment and the 2" body might be close to scale with the additional pieces
  2. I'm just taking guesses here, but I'm going to say the problem is that with the round head piece if it's a singular face, it can go anywhere around that head piece but if there's two faces, they have to be exactly opposite of each other and the shape of the head piece could lead tampos being offset and the possibility of a side-face
  3. Here's a couple of pics of that aliens playset with some Halo Minimates Even the eggs and aliens seem to be in scale
  4. Isn't that Andrea? I also thought that UM were conspicuous by their absence. Also, no Munsters Minimates; Kinda thought we'd see a box set. It was mentioned in the Walking Dead thread that that was Carol (which makes a lot of sense considering it looks like she comes with the zombie tied to the pole)
  5. From what I've been told, there's nothing til tomorrow (Monday) I didn't even realize that Toy Fair actually ends on Wednesday
  6. I forgot I have that playset. I'll be digging that out of the closet today! I have to do the same thing now too!
  7. I did the same thing with Alien way back in the day, I thought it was slow and boring. I went back and rewatched it as a teenager and was surprised at the amount of suspense the movie had. At that time I felt Aliens was an ok movie, I dug the Aliens and that was about it. I recently watched both movies again.....Alien has the 70's slowly building up pace that I don't think any child or teenager now would be able to sit through, but I thought it was better than even my Teenager self thought about it & Aliens....well yeah, there was a lot I missed when I saw it in the 90's apparently, It's great, I'm going to have to watch it again tomorrow
  8. Yeah, I'm gonna be broke once the Aliens line hits (and I'm gonna have to stop collecting a few other toylines)
  9. So is it actually confirmed that we'll be getting more Ghostbuster Minimates? or just new Ghostbuster stuff? I'm optimistic with Zach's earlier post of "make more room" but that's not really a confirmation (it could just be a new bank that might work with Minimates)
  10. There are two specific items that need to be in the Aliens line: Facehugger slip-over mask/hairpiece Chestburtser chest piece After that everything else will be bonus I do hope the Aliens themselves are as sculpted as the Battle Beasts or at least Brood figures were
  11. I've seen some people express displeasure about getting the beat up Tyreese, but I'm glad it's coming out, he goes along with prison suit Rick from the Amazon pack perfectly. Like any other wave of the Walking dead, I want every one of these figures
  12. Huzzah! Resurrected Trek mates AND a multiverse! I wasn't collecting Minimates when the last Trek ones came out so I'm pretty excited about most of these new sets. The Kirk and Picard sets are definite buys for me. I'm hoping there's an alternate look to Kirk without the jacket, I'd really like the "relaxing" look he wore through most of part 4
  13. Man, I'm not even really a fan of the Fantastic Four but that Thing figure is awesome! and I'm so glad it comes with the Silver Surfer figure. Everything Surfer comes with just makes it that much more awesome This is a definite must buy set for me
  14. Ooo, I didn't even look at the wrists and ankles Looking back at the pictures I see that the mold lines match up perfectly on the hands and lower arms and feet and lower legs, yeah I'd say there's no wrist or ankle articulation
  15. Perhaps it's the perspective, but I swear the two pics of Wily Kat shows his right elbow at a 90 degree angle (2nd pic) and a slightly wider angle (1st pic) Also Wily Kit's two pics look like her left knee is at a 90 degree angle (2nd pic) and almost straight (1st pic) also the right knee seems in a slightly different position in both pics. I think the problem may be that they didn't change the poses too much between the two pictures but I'm pretty sure they have all movable joints
  16. The facebook pics show movable joints on the shortened arms and legs
  17. I think I figured the line out, we've seen a rise in sculpted animal pieces with the Battle Beasts, Thundercats and SF X Tekken sets, now we have shortened limbs..........You're making a Shirt Tails Vs Monchichi line arent you!? Don't wait for the translation, answer now!
  18. The Hope Poncho will need some dremmel work to fit properly (The coat is too big so the head can't be attached and when you remove the coat, the poncho collar is too big so the hair sits even further up from it's already high pirch upon Michonne's head ) But it is a good base part for some customization
  19. I'll just say, I grew up with Battle Beasts, I've been a fan for many, many years and while BB Mates may not have the robotic armor aspect of the original that I loved so much, I still can't wait to get the BB Mates. They may not be the Battle Beasts I'm used to, but they look awesome to me!
  20. Very Nifty! I like the pulled back poncho the best
  21. One of the stores near me looks like it just got a new case of this wave. I don't remember seeing these in such abundance before x-mas
  22. So based on everythig we know so far, Prison goodness and customizers will be happy (this could just mean we'll have prison jumpsuits to make anyone, or there will be Riot Gear with the shared exclusive, or it might be more cool zombie bits) LCS: Character/Zombie Character/Zombie Character/Zombie Variant Character/Duplicate Zombie TRU: Character/Zombie (Shared w/LCS) Character/Zombie (Shared w/LCS) Character/Zombie (TRU Exclusive) Character/Zombie (TRU Exclusive) Honestly, I kinda miss the dual Zombie pack already, but I'm still excited to see who will fill out the line up
  23. Probably mostly rehashes of what others have said, but here's my list: Price - For less than the price of a single figure from most other toylines, I get TWO minimates! Universal Compatability - I can have Spidey team up with Master Chief and Marty Mcfly! Customization - Using mostly parts from the 24 and BSG lines I was able to create a small Doctor Who toyline (I only painted two hair pieces) What other toyline has that kinda custom potential? Team Building - It's not a matter of will they make this character, it's a matter of which version of this character do I want to use for my team? Size/Detail/Articulation - I can fit more figures everywhere when they're only around 2" tall. The amount of printed and sculpted detail along with 14 points of articulation on a 2" Minimate is more than some toy makers put on 5" figures Accessories/alternate looks - While not all Minimates have this, those that do are done well enough to basically give you two different figures in one toy.
  24. I tend to agree with Tenime about spoilers. This is a toy thread and sure speculation about said thread could be a problem, but we can also curb ourselves a bit too. Now that out of the way, I can't wait to see what wave 3 and 4 brings. I think a prison group of minimates is going to be awesome
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