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Everything posted by DSTZach

  1. It's that time again! Happy Birthday, Luke! Thank you for the support you give the Minimates line.
  2. Trying to make the figures happen in some format, but probably not as a boxed, carded Series 3 and4.
  3. I was hoping we could get something greenlit for SDCC, but no dice. We managed to pull together TF and TMNT sets, but Joe proved to be a little more difficult. I'll keep fighting. And I am still pushing for a crossover set, but I haven't heard anything about that in a while.
  4. Perfect! Now you need one of those little vending machine bubble capsules.
  5. Should be sooner, the figures are done, packaging is probably done as well.
  6. Not sure. I suggested one, but we went a different direction for SDCC. I'll keep pitching!
  7. We definitely look at who has not been made, and who has been made semi-recently. Series 86 is based on a 1990s storyline, and has two new characters, plus one who has only been done animated. Series 87 is an 80s storyline, and has I believe two new characters again, plus one in a new outfit that is very different from the one we have. Hopefully people continue to find that ratio worth purchasing.
  8. I can't help you sleep, but three out of four of those are correct.
  9. I'm sorry, I meant the AEW wrestling ring. Set 3 we need to solicit still, prototypes are painted. So that will be summer/fall.
  10. Love the design, CC! I would hope that if TMNT Minimates vehicles ever became feasible (large retailer, big order, etc.), that we would start with the van. Although I've seen pics of the Jada Toys van with Minimates inside it, and that one seems to work perfectly.
  11. For those who were curious, we just turned in the AEW wrestling ring packaging for approval -- it should be approved fairly quickly, but that means it's still a couple of months away from being in stores. Just FYI.
  12. I THOUGHT you were serious, but I wasn't 100% sure. Wouldn't an all-plastic blimp be a LOT of tooling, though? That's a big steel mold to create. I'm sure that's why Playmates' blimp was inflatable back in the day.
  13. He wasn't on MY short list, but he's moved up a bit. We're gonna fold the two-pack into Series 3. So they're still next.
  14. We did not keep Bullseye because he was an army builder. We didn't really expect anyone to buy four sets. Echo got cut because she would have been the most expensive to produce. Extensive tampo, new parts, and a costume-change feature. We'll release her at some point. Perhaps this would have been the most appropriate time to release her, but I am not sure that the show would have generated more sales.
  15. Working on a con exclusive set. Four turtles, but a cool set. Not sure what new characters are planned. Movie characters are not available to us, I believe.
  16. Oh, and Series 3 has been designed, so that looks like it is going forward.
  17. In the warehouse now, should ship 1/24
  18. Happy holidays! Thank you all for being part of a great community that supports Minimates.
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