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Everything posted by DSTZach

  1. Yes. And I don't want to hear anyone complain about the cape limiting arm movement.
  2. If I still had that Cap sample (or fingernails) I'd scratch him for you. Sorry the paint came off. I thought all you guys wore white gloves when handling your Minimates? ...that is my new goal in life. To get that made or to make my own. Might use Wolfsbane's hair, drybrushed, and minus the braid. Anyone got a spare? 'Great custom, man.
  3. Is that duck waiting for something? I'll try to snap a new one, the one I showed at C2E2 was fine for a slideshow, but won't hold up to any real scrutiny.
  4. Pretty sure boxed set 4 is coming out any week now. [begin rant] I gotta say, overall, I'm really sad how this line was handled. I was ecstatic when it was announced, but only have a warthog and about 4 or so figs in my collection. Halo has such a huge universe and has more to it than Spartan armor variants which is all I see in this line besides the occasional alien. I would have been able to bear the variants if they would have been packed with unique guns but there's only been 8 weapons made and repacked so far. I really wish they would have made another vehicle rather than 6 warthogs as well. Ghost, wraith, banshee, mongoose, scorpion all would have been amazing. [End of rant] Sorry we had to scrap the Scorpion. We had big plans for the end of this year, but they were not to be. Do you count all of the new guns in the Noble Team vehicle sets in your tally? Pretty sure that's the only place you can get the sniper rifle and shotgun (so far).
  5. If it makes anyone feel any better, I have no gators. I got one shortly after I came on board last year, and gave it away to a contest winner. I'm not sad about it, because I know the regular line will give me more Beasts than I know what to do with. (And I'm an old school Beasts fan.) That said, as former press I have certainly gotten my share of Toy Fair exclusives over the years. And while it was a nice perk for me, I can see the value of giving a retailer something special. Many of them are fans themselves -- the ultimate fans, because they buy all of these toys to sell them to other fans. I have never met a specialty toy retailer who didn't like toys. If not for them liking and buying our products, we would have far fewer avenues to bring these items to you guys. So consider the retailer promo a necessary rarity.
  6. Prince among men or uncanny marketing genius? Just doing my job, although doing it in my spare time. And that's my favorite Widow look! With or without the jacket. I dig the short hair. Anybody come with a grey bodysuit?
  7. Let me post some pictures of the blister trays, see if I can get you guys excited.
  8. You know, one of the biggest pops at the C2E2 panel was when I showed the trays for The Expendables. Granted, that was because the Expendables trays look like Charlton Heston's rec room exploded, but I'll have to do more of them.
  9. I know Chuck likes to announce closer to the event, so probably not for another month or so. But I'll see if he'd like to mix it up this year. We have a bunch, and they're all pretty cool. Not all of them are ready yet, though. Maybe he'll let me stagger them out, announce a new one every week. We'll see. I know people like to know what they need to track down.
  10. Before you break the bank, fatcow, or sell your soul to minijeff, keep in mind that there will likely be another Gator made made at some point, one that fits in a little better with the current look of the line. I'm not saying he'll be in Wave 1, but I've seen the comic design, and it's pretty dope. And there will be multiple painted Vorins. And screamfleet, I have to say I read your first comment and had to double-check what board I was on. I feel like I have never met a casual collector here.
  11. There was no second tray in the Kang set, so I'm assuming no basic stand, just the teleportation stand. But Tony needs no hair:
  12. I think mine was just warped. Hopefully it's not widespread, as mine was a packaged sample. Did I never post packaging pics? Dang.
  13. Those are some great designs, Chas! Hope you find some way to get these guys.
  14. I know! I know! I know! No. BUT his hand is a scythe. And his mask comes off, although he's one of the only guys who doesn't get a hair piece. Thank you! I posted the unadulterated non-darkened silho shot over in the General Minimates pictures thread, and I think I like that one even better.
  15. Let's see... Sony Cyber-Shot Super SteadyShot DSC-H5? The company had it in a drawer in the NY office when I came on board. I pretty much carry it on me at all times now.
  16. Posted pics of the new Marvel box set characters over in that thread, but here they are here, at Geo's request: Shot Grim Reaper on the train platform near my house in NY. The place is in bad shape. This one used a flash, the silho was in the same place, with no flash, and I added a mask in addition to darkening it. Hawkeye I put on a DC Direct Batman display base, and lifted up to the sky. The sun came out for this one, the silho pic was just really overcast. Shot within minutes of each other, though. Shot Kang on the train platform at Secaucus Junction. Shot his silho picture the same day, 90 degrees in the other direction.
  17. Here you go. These were early samples, so they may not be exact -- I didn't compare them to the more recent packaged sample. Will share box and tray shots later today, perhaps.
  18. If it helps you guys, think of it like this: we didn't give Disney Kang to make you all buy more Avengers, we gave Disney the Avengers so they would carry Minimates. Disney carrying Minimates is good for everybody. But Disney won't sell 2-packs, they prefer a higher price point. Once they picked the characters they wanted, we had room in the box sets to work in new figures. ENTER KANG.
  19. We showed both Ant-Man helmets (and all three sets of shoes) at NY Toy Fair two and a half months ago, assumed everyone saw that then. Sorry, Dave. Plenty in stock, and I remember the solicitation well. It definitely ran in Previews, with an ad and everything. Tell them to get on that.
  20. Gotta mail some stuff out from the NYC office today, but I'll try to post some tonight or tomorrow. I think you boys have had enough excitement for one day.
  21. That was a Kang-incidence. Whoever posted it is in-Kang-siderate, and un-Kang-ected with DST. There was no Kang-spiracy. ...That said, if we could have put Kang in box set with seven Wolverines, we would have found some way to do it.
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