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Everything posted by Kostisfire

  1. Spider-Woman with extra "Skrull Queen" head. She's due for an update as well.
  2. ....I'm just sitting here, waiting for the Black Panther, Silver Surfer and Moon Knight books to be properly announced, but Marvel it seems has other priorities. Honestly, Red Wolf? Hellcat? Herc? Black Knight? But no Punisher? Strange times indeed...
  3. Joe Mad started promoting it a while ago. I wouldn't mind them, but I guess they'd just go the way of Pathfinder. Cool designs, a devoted fanbase, but not enough to warrant a full blown release plan.
  4. Another "problem" is that she changes costumes almost constantly, being a fashion designer and all. Maybe companies just can't settle on one, considering that she's not a major character. Personally, I'm hoping for the black & gold "bodysuit" with the yellow-ish wings and pixie haircut. That was brilliant!
  5. Don't get your hopes up man, it'll probably be an Image set. I'm just curious to see what the property will be. East of West? Black Science? Saga (probably not though)? Something from the new titles such as Axcend?
  6. The main "problem" I have with such kind of games is that it's not so much a game as it is a ploy to get you to buy those little statues. If they were fully articulated figs, maybe I'd "forgive" them, but as it stands, Infinity and Skylanders just don't peak my interest. The Toy Story 3 game had a feature called the Toybox, and it was exactly like those games. An open world with a few different areas (haunted mansion, space station, western, etc), which also gave you the chance to create your own "adventures"/scenarios/scenery. Needles to say, it got pretty old, pretty fast. Now, Lego Dimensions mixes tons of properties, plus, the figures are actually "playable" so I could see myself giving this one a go if I was financially able to. But, as it stands, I'll have to keep away from it. You can get "addicted" pretty fast, and I can't have that. Not with Lego Doctor Who possibly becoming a full blown license later down the line.
  7. How long ago was this, Additup? We've changed CS reps since then, so resend. Not sure what ME parts we have, but I may have something.Sorry for the thread derail, but this right here. My ME parts were mailed (that's what I was told) about a month ago and I still haven't received them.I'll see if anything came back to us, but I don't think so. Send CS a follow-up. Not Kelsey.Will do! Thanks.
  8. Personally I'm outside the U.S., but still, almost 2 months seems like a long time.
  9. Well, I had already gotten another offer a while before. I'm not faulting anyone though, I'm grateful for any kind of help, shit happens either way. I have tons of mates (from Luke, Ebay, other stores) that eventually presented problems. Especially the ones I really like...
  10. Nice! I remember seeing that Fantasticar. Plus MYTE's mod for SFTMB.
  11. Well, I had a 2 or 3 week "conversation" and then on 27/7 I was informed that they had been sent a while ago. I still haven't received anything. Me, I needed: A new arm and hand for Ashley (the peg broke inside), a new Shepard head (misprinted) and a new Liara chestblock (parts of the design were missing).
  12. The creators said that they're against merchandise though.
  13. Well, it is hard seeing a character you created get so big, while you get nothing out of it, but a contract's a contract. It's tough, but hey, that's life.
  14. I always enjoy seeing your Monster Creations. No matter the season they remind me of Halloween. I've never celebrated it, but Goddamn, I love that holiday. Anyway, grea job on those builds!
  15. How long ago was this, Additup? We've changed CS reps since then, so resend. Not sure what ME parts we have, but I may have something. Sorry for the thread derail, but this right here. My ME parts were mailed (that's what I was told) about a month ago and I still haven't received them.
  16. Speculation time! Uh, Spawn! Nononono, uh, Bioshock! Oohoohooh I got it, DC! It's DC, right?! . . . . . . . . . Anyway, I'm going to guess it's going to be a video game license. A few Ask DSTs ago Chuck mentioned that they were looking at a few VG licenses (it was, surprise, surprise, a mail from and I had listed a lof them in there, so, yeah...). Just for the hell of it, I'll say...Metal Gear Solid. Popular game, lots of merchandise, usually goes for the "weird" types. There haven't been any "standard" action figures, so I could see them trying something like the block format again (after the Kubricks, which I always wanted to get, but never pulled the trigger). It's not likely, but it's the best I've got. EDIT: Scratch that, Zach mentioned that they were looking on some Image stuff a while back (it was on the Valiant thread if I'm not mistaken) so it's 100 % an Image set. He also mentioned that it's nothing related to the founders, so we should look towards the newer stuff (I posted that on the Speculation Thread but nobody responded). I'm gonna guess East of West. interesting designs, lots of characters, it's a goldmine actually.
  17. Woo! Now if those replacement parts from DST could get here already! The CC lady was super helpful, but it's been a month+ since she sent them and I still haven't received them. Anybody else had such delays with their CC packages?
  18. 1) I agree on that, Howard is, like I said, a cult Icon, though I just don't see him as A-List. For me, A-Listers are Spider-Man, Batman, Superman, etc. I wouldnt put Ghost Rider or Punisher, Blade or Daredevil in that category, just the big guns. It realy depends on your definition of A-List, which varies from person to person. 2) That is true, but I don't think a lot of folks went out of the arcade/book thinking of Dazzler. I wasn't there then though, so I can't really judge the situation, but I just think that Dazzler was to those books then what most Avengers are now. A back-ground character that most people don't really notice. Yeah, she was cool and all, she was supposed to become a bigger star, but as it stands, she's, IMHO, a "classic" character most people just remember fondly. 3) I was referring to Chuck's comments mostly, but I guess he's still "afraid"/dissapointed from 15. As for the costumes, well, sure, he was worn the same thing, but the previous figs do not hold up to today's standards. Simplistic fire pieces, no sculpted details for the most part, they're really vanillia when compared to, say, the new FalCap. By putting out a new Ghost Rider with a few spare pieces, you essentially create both the classic and modern Ketch and Blaze versions. Oh well, I guess I've got to wait for the inevitable Supernatural wave after Doctor Strange. It's going to happen, right?! Right?!!?! All in all, I'm not complaining. I want a Howard and Dazzler, while I don't like her, doesn't affect me. I certainly don't think that Moon Knight, or Ghost Rider are characters you can just throw in an assortment and be certain that they'll sell. It's just that I think that by putting out a Howard/Dazzler 2-pack, you have to raise the chances of a new Ghost Rider/Moon Knight to 30 or 40 % somewhere down the line. Either way, 64 is a great wave and 65's sounding pretty bloody awesome. 1. No, Howard the Duck is not Batman. But if you want to name the Marvel superheroes that are Batman level, you'd have to stop at two, which is probably Spider-Man and Hulk. MAYBE Iron Man now. But the number of superheroes a non-comic-reader can name is probably under 20. Maybe under 10. And only half of those are Marvel. So if you define the A-List that way, EVERYBODY is B-List. 2. I know there are plenty of MM collectors here your age or younger, but age is certainly a factor here, given that this is Dazzler's 1970s outfit, and that her key X-Men run was in the late 1980s/early 1990s. That said, I don't know how you can continue to say she's "just a classic character" when she recently had an important run in Uncanny X-Men, as an Agent of SHIELD and a central plot element. Plus, she wore this as a lead in A-Force, although her costume will change in the All-New, All-Different book. (All of this also applies somewhat to Howard the Duck.) And I don't know how popular the X-Men game was in Greece in its day, or even later on, but I'm sure Dazzler made a fairly small impact on the population. The Howard the Duck movie may have been banned there, for all I know. So it's entirely possible this set will do poorly in Greece, but 90% of our Marvel sets are sold in the U.S. and Canada, not counting BHM's mass exports, just due to licensing restrictions. So that is the audience we need to think about. 3. Chuck is not scared of Series 15. That was a lifetime ago. And Ghost Rider has been embroiled in a lawsuit on and off since then -- it may have even played a factor in 15, I have no idea. So he was off the table for a while. Not sure another supernatural set is in the works, but we'll see. 4-packs cost more to produce than 2-packs, comparative to pricing. The price will be going up a little to compensate. I think Moon Knight and Ghost Rider could absolutely sell in a wave -- at specialty or TRU -- we just need to find the right wave or set. We've been trying to theme our waves, because it's something retailers can look at and know what it is. They know what "Axis," and "Secret Wars" and "X-Men" are, but finding the right assortment for a bunch of independent operatives is a little trickier. I do not believe either played a big part in Secret Wars. Or Series 65's theme. (It has a theme.) 1)It might be a bit unfair, but yeah, that's how I classify them. Spider-Man, Iron Man, Batman, etc are A-List. Deadpool, Daredevil, Punisher, Ghost Rider, etc are B-list. Howard, Elektra, etc are C-List. Moon Knight is somewhere between C- and D list. As I said, it's a bit unfair to categorize them as such, but that's how I see them, 2)I've been doing a lot of back reading so I am familiar with the importance of Disco Dazzler. She's a classic character, I'm not debating that. She's iconic and does deserve a mate, this costume especially. But I just don't think that she's a "Big Name" is all. Somewhere between B is where I'd put her, due to the plans Marvel had to turn her into a real-life pop-star. She's kinda like an urban legend if you will. As for her current role, I was pulling Bendis' UXM and it was minimal. She appeared only for a few panels every 3 issues or so. Her going "dark" was advertised as a big change, but all we got was a comment from Beast in the whole issue. If I'm being honest, I doubt there were any such arcades here. Heck, I doubt you could find comics in shops. The first (and one of the only three) comic shop opened about 6 or 7 years ago. I've met, maybe 2 or 3 people that read comics and that's online. Most folks don't know Daredevil or Punisher, but they do know Ghost Rider, Deadpool and, I'm not joking, Spawn. But the biggest "stars" here are Obelix & Asterix, Lucky Luke, Arkas (a series of satirical, crude and filled with black humor comics-they're worth a shot, they're usually pretty damn good). So yeah, "A-List" varies from place to place, so that's why I'm so "strict" with my categorization. 3)Yeah, those few years of legal battles were pretty tough. No product was allowed at all if I'm not mistaken. Still, I'm not faulting anyone, DST is out to make money, not give stuff away. It's just that when you have a few "favorites" you want them, and you want them now, dammit! To hell with waiting and all that! As for another SPN set, I was under the impression that Strange Tales did pretty good. I think that with Doc Strange coming up next year, an accompanying comic themed wave r box-set would be pretty neat. The SPN corner has really not been touched at all, the main reason being that most SPN characters are a bit less than popular. But Strange is advertised as the beggining of a new era, so we'll see. Moon Knight has had only a handful of brief appearances during SW, so that's nothing to write about. Ghost Rider got a mini though, titled Ghost Racers and it featured all GRs taking part in Arcade's spoff of Death Race. It's just that the MK book was so critically aclaimed that I thought that it was the only "chance" we had to see him, in an accompanying All-New Marvel wave. Neither he nor Ghost Rider had any place in 64, I'm just saying that, in case an ANAD wave happens, I'd like to see both of them in there. And Black Knight. And Man-Baun Hercules. And Black Panther. And Hyperion. And... Interesting about 65. It has a theme but it's a mix of different events. I'd say ANAD based on the new costumes, but that'd be too early. They were shown about 2 months ago. Still, it sounds as if it's going to be fantastic so I literall cain't wait! Here's hoping we see Jack O'Lantern and Enchantress like others speculated. GR's creator demanded that he gets full ownership of the character. Marvel won in the end, but they were a bad few years for GR. I think it was settled right when Wave 50 was released with Zadkiel-Powered Danny.
  19. Personally, I'd love more AoA stuff, but I'm guessing we'll see people from the "core cast". Maximus, God Doom, T'Challa, Sherif Strange, people like that.
  20. If we got a Jack O'Lantern, I'd have my "Best Mate of 2016" already...
  21. Well, that was pretty tame considering that other times discussion moved towards Wallgreens' Mini Mates... WOO! Double Woo! It's been a while since we got an "army-builder". Well, you just made my day! Secret Invasion I have no clue, but I'm betting we'll see someone from Magneto's team from AXIS, and maybe some Illuminati folks. Hmm, could Black Swan be the "army builder"? There are countless of them and with a few hairpieces or faces you can build a decent army of Doom worshippers. Maybe God Doom is included, so with a second pair of hands you can get both the FF version. This wave sure has potential. On that I'll have to (mostly) disagree. Howard's a cult icon, I'll give you that. His movie is one of the worst ever made (Fant4stic still managed to be worse though) so that made him something of an internet legend. And yes, after his cameo he did see a major surge in popularity. But he is in no way "A-List". C, B- maybe. But what I consider "A-List" are characters my mum and dad know. Spider-Man, Batman, Superman, Captain America, Iron Man, Wolverine, etc, etc... As for Dazzler, meh. The comic and arcade game were hits, but I don't think anyone said "oh boy, Dazzler's in this title!". Most people just bought the "X-Men featuring Wolverine" book. I don't want to sound like a broken record, but Ghost Rider had 2 movies, who did pretty good at the BO, his own video game and has appeared in: Spider-Man/Venom: Separation Anxiety, MUA, UMVC3, Little Big Planet as a costume, all phone apps, , Marvel Super Hero Squad, Lego Marvel and is playable in Marvel's current hit MMORPG, Marvel Heroes. Not counting his comics, toys, statues and his standing as a pop culture icon. Yet we always hear how he isn't "A-List enough" to be remade. Sure, he's no Spider-Man, but the "phrase" "Ghost Rider isn't A-List but Dazzler is" just doesn't sound right to me. 1. I said Howard and Dazzler were "close enough to A-List." Mainly I said Howard was not obscure, and I mean it. He was in a movie many people are aware of; he was the focus of multiple lawsuits and creator controversies that many comic fans know; he was recently on the cover of every marvel comic one month; he has had a solo title for like 40 years; and he had a highly discussed cameo in GOTG. 2. I also never said that people read X-Men or played X-Men in the arcade specifically because of Dazzler. BUT the people who read X-Men were regularly treated to Dazzler stories and even Dazzler covers, and she was on a poster or two, and if you don't think Marc Silvestri drew a great Dazzler, I have to disagree. AND if you played X-Men with more than 3 or 5 people, someone had to play Dazzler. 3. If I ever said Ghost Rider was NOT A-List, I misspoke, but I don't know that I did. Of course he's A-list. Two movies, solo title for 40 years, appropriation by skater/biker culture, more creator controversies... oh, and we've made FIVE of him. We've never made Howard. And Dazzler has two distinctively different costumes, while Ghost Rider has looked more or less the same in all of his major incarnations. Your comparison is confusing. Are you saying that we have always said that we need to pack two A-listers together, and this contradicts that? We have NEVER said that we needed two A-list characters in every package (although those have the most potential sales). Further, we've never even said that a set needed ONE A-List character, although it certainly helps sell-through. (Boomer/Rictor and Magma/Mirage were short-packs, other minor characters have come with army-builders.) If a Hulk ever came with an Iron Man, it may be because they were teammates, or because they fight sometimes. Or we wanted that set to do well at Toys "R" Us. But it wasn't some kind of inviolate rule I just counteracted. The only reason I defended Howard/Dazzler was because people were saying they were too obscure to make sense, and that they came out of nowhere. But I think they're far more iconic than guys like Boomer and Rictor, and far more important, both now and in the grand history of the Marvel U., than, say, Ghost Rider or Moon Knight. (In my opinion.) And they're well-known enough to stand alongside many A-list characters. Next time, I'll just say, "Yeah, they're totally minor characters. What were we thinking?" 1) I agree on that, Howard is, like I said, a cult Icon, though I just don't see him as A-List. For me, A-Listers are Spider-Man, Batman, Superman, etc. I wouldnt put Ghost Rider or Punisher, Blade or Daredevil in that category, just the big guns. It realy depends on your definition of A-List, which varies from person to person. 2) That is true, but I don't think a lot of folks went out of the arcade/book thinking of Dazzler. I wasn't there then though, so I can't really judge the situation, but I just think that Dazzler was to those books then what most Avengers are now. A back-ground character that most people don't really notice. Yeah, she was cool and all, she was supposed to become a bigger star, but as it stands, she's, IMHO, a "classic" character most people just remember fondly. 3) I was referring to Chuck's comments mostly, but I guess he's still "afraid"/dissapointed from 15. As for the costumes, well, sure, he was worn the same thing, but the previous figs do not hold up to today's standards. Simplistic fire pieces, no sculpted details for the most part, they're really vanillia when compared to, say, the new FalCap. By putting out a new Ghost Rider with a few spare pieces, you essentially create both the classic and modern Ketch and Blaze versions. Oh well, I guess I've got to wait for the inevitable Supernatural wave after Doctor Strange. It's going to happen, right?! Right?!!?! All in all, I'm not complaining. I want a Howard and Dazzler, while I don't like her, doesn't affect me. I certainly don't think that Moon Knight, or Ghost Rider are characters you can just throw in an assortment and be certain that they'll sell. It's just that I think that by putting out a Howard/Dazzler 2-pack, you have to raise the chances of a new Ghost Rider/Moon Knight to 30 or 40 % somewhere down the line. Either way, 64 is a great wave and 65's sounding pretty bloody awesome.
  22. Let's see. First up, the clues: 1)Looks form Secret Wars, AXIS, Secret Invasion and 1 other Crossover. 2)Three new characters out of 7. 3)A few fan-requested characters. 4)No real army builder, but a few characters have Alt. looks. Major Players from those story-lines: 1) Secret Wars: The Illuminati (Namor, Panther, Strange), God Doom, Black Swan(s), The Cabal (Maker, Maximus, Black Order), Molecule Man 2) AXIS: Enchantress, Jack O'Lantern, Magneto, Loki, Deadpool, Doctor Voodoo 3) Secret Invasion: Spider-Woman, Hank Pym (maybe give us his post SI Wasp costume?) 4) The next one, maybe Original Sin? The Watcher perhaps? Guesses: Honestly, I don't know. I'm thinking Enchantress, could be one of the 3 new characters, but who knows? We'll see in a little while it seems. Really? Well, even broken clocks are right twice a day...Or something, I mean, there a lot of things that can be broken and still work. Phone Screens for example... All joking aside, my point still stands. I might be irritating, "weird", annoying and "confusing", but I think I can separate an A-lister from a C one. If I was a lunatic (trust me, I've been close to some, and they mostly prefer to stab things than ramble), I'd have used Moon Knight to make my point, but that'd have been too far fetched, even for me.
  23. Well, that was pretty tame considering that other times discussion moved towards Wallgreens' Mini Mates... WOO! Double Woo! It's been a while since we got an "army-builder". Well, you just made my day! Secret Invasion I have no clue, but I'm betting we'll see someone from Magneto's team from AXIS, and maybe some Illuminati folks. Hmm, could Black Swan be the "army builder"? There are countless of them and with a few hairpieces or faces you can build a decent army of Doom worshippers. Maybe God Doom is included, so with a second pair of hands you can get both the FF version. This wave sure has potential. On that I'll have to (mostly) disagree. Howard's a cult icon, I'll give you that. His movie is one of the worst ever made (Fant4stic still managed to be worse though) so that made him something of an internet legend. And yes, after his cameo he did see a major surge in popularity. But he is in no way "A-List". C, B- maybe. But what I consider "A-List" are characters my mum and dad know. Spider-Man, Batman, Superman, Captain America, Iron Man, Wolverine, etc, etc... As for Dazzler, meh. The comic and arcade game were hits, but I don't think anyone said "oh boy, Dazzler's in this title!". Most people just bought the "X-Men featuring Wolverine" book. I don't want to sound like a broken record, but Ghost Rider had 2 movies, who did pretty good at the BO, his own video game and has appeared in: Spider-Man/Venom: Separation Anxiety, MUA, UMVC3, Little Big Planet as a costume, all phone apps, , Marvel Super Hero Squad, Lego Marvel and is playable in Marvel's current hit MMORPG, Marvel Heroes. Not counting his comics, toys, statues and his standing as a pop culture icon. Yet we always hear how he isn't "A-List enough" to be remade. Sure, he's no Spider-Man, but the "phrase" "Ghost Rider isn't A-List but Dazzler is" just doesn't sound right to me.
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